The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 245: Sibande's Thoughts

The ocean area of ​​the Blue Nabo plane accounts for more than 95% of the total area. As the Black Mamba Warlock Alliance released the slave creature army like dumplings, the color of the sea water below is no longer black and blue, but gradually changes to black purple and black red.

Blood, there are slave creatures, of course, there are also Blue Nabo plane creatures. Unlike the Blue Nabo plane creatures who resisted vigorously, the slave creatures are bloodthirsty. No matter how bad the environment is, as long as there is a bite to eat, they can burst out several times the killing power.

Although the creatures of the Blue Nabo plane are not lacking in blood, when they saw these alien races coming down from the sky, not only killing their own kind, but also eating their own kind, an inevitable collapse occurred. When someone took the lead in escaping, other marine creatures were not stupid, and they also began to swim hard to the bottom of the sea.

Colin and his first batch of wizards who flew to the ocean stopped after they began to retreat below. Now is not the time to chase these Blue Nabo natives, but to be vigilant and establish a base.

Of course, none of them cared about the slave creatures. Some of the slave creatures rushed fast and followed the natives of the Blue Nabo plane into the deep sea. As for their subsequent fate, Colin and his team naturally didn't care. They were just consumables.

Lina was the second group of people to come down. Following Lina and the others were the main force preparing to build the base. Colin's three wives were also among them.

Although there were fewer islands in the Blue Nabo plane, there were still some. The wizards started to build a frontier base on the largest island nearby.

Some of the people who built the base were skilled workers who were dedicated to this. Naturally, they knew what to do at the first time. They commanded the slaves to start moving the construction units prepared in advance and build a basic defense system.

In addition to killing and repelling the Blue Nabo natives around the base, Colin and his team also had the task of patrolling and warning. However, it was obvious that the Blue Nabo natives near the base were already scared. The dead ones were floating on the sea in a mess. Some slave creatures were still eating them there. Those who escaped seemed not to appear in the short term.

However, none of Colin's men dared to relax easily. After all, this was a plane war, not a game. If the other side organized a counterattack and they didn't find out in advance, it would be a lot of fun.

While the Black Mamba was busy building a frontier base, a war mobilization meeting was held in the depths of the sea.

"Where did these aliens come from? They came so suddenly, and they seemed to have many races and were particularly barbaric. They ate a lot of our people on the spot." The chief of the starfish tribe said in confusion.

The chief of the otter tribe looked at the chief of the starfish with contempt, thinking, "It's just food. They don't have much attack power. How dare you speak and ask questions." He knew that the plane guardian Sibande was in a bad mood, so he would rather hide and not be noticed.

"Bullshit, no matter where they come from, just like the previous wars, just beat them back. I don't believe they dare to go down to the sea to fight us." The chief of the sea lion tribe said confidently.

"Lord Guardian, I think we can mobilize the energy of the plane and launch the power of the ocean to attack them first, just like the last few times, and then our tribes will follow and kill them, it will definitely work." The patriarch of the dolphin tribe thought for a while and said.

"You are too passive, are those alien races so strong? If it weren't for the summons of Lord Guardian, our tiger shark warriors would have killed them long ago." The tiger shark tribe was stopped before they arrived at the scene because they were not in the sea area where the battle was fought.

The patriarchs of several whale tribes did not speak. With their strength, those slave creatures were not enough. Their tribesmen had the strength of level one or above as long as they were adults. If it weren't for the birth of the giant squid tribe, it would be hard to say who would be the ruler of the plane.

For the speech of the powerful tiger shark tribe leader, those weak marine creatures did not dare to defend themselves. You have not seen the horror of those alien races. Whatever you say now is right. Let your tribe take the lead when there is a chance.

Sibande listened to the speeches of the various tribes, looked at the tribes that were waiting and watching, and finally spoke, "I don't care what little thoughts you have. At the moment of the survival of the plane, no one is allowed to retreat. We must show our sincerity to resist the foreign enemies. This is not a discussion with you, this is an order."

The tribe leaders of Lannabo listened to the words of the guardian and could only agree. They said that they would immediately organize the warriors in the tribe to attack those aliens after returning.

However, unlike those powerful sea tribes, some weak sea tribes are their food. If it weren't for the large population base, they would have been exterminated many times. Moreover, when they face those aliens, several of them may not be able to kill one of the other creatures. Alas, no matter when, we, the bottom creatures, are the ones who suffer.

Siband's true form is a giant squid. Because he lived long enough, he gradually developed wisdom. After that, his "thief life" was like on the fast track, constantly improving from the high level when he awakened his wisdom to the quasi-level and the first level, until he was chosen by the will of the plane at the third level and became the only demigod-level strongman in the Lannabo plane.

His race also prospered because of him. For hundreds of years, there have been a constant emergence of first-level and second-level strongmen, and even a small number of third-level strongmen. If he had not shouldered the heavy burden of being the guardian of the plane, and the giant squid tribe was small in number and had difficulty in reproduction, Siband had reason to believe that there would only be two major types of creatures in the entire Lannabo plane, one was the giant squid tribe, and the "food" tribe like the starfish tribe. Other races with a little strength would be "eaten up".

Sometimes Siband also thought about whether he could "eat up" all creatures and try to impact the god level (level 4), even if he was the only one left in the entire plane, but he had never put it into practice because he was not absolutely sure. Now, the alien invaders are coming again, and he can only resist the foreign enemies first.

Siband's idea is very simple and direct, that is, to use a large number of low-level creatures to consume the other party's slave creatures. This is how he came through several previous plane protection wars. As long as he persists, there is nothing he can't overcome. These alien invaders will naturally retreat because of lack of successors.

However, at the beginning of the attack, warriors from his own tribe must be sent as supervisors, otherwise there are many tribes that are cunning and treacherous.

The tribe members' supervisors must be sent to the powerful sea tribes first. He does not want them to conserve their strength and have second thoughts, especially since there are many level 3 warriors among the powerful sea tribes. As for the weak sea tribes, Siband believes that they dare not go against his will.

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