The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 246: Counterattack by the Natives of Lannabo Plane

The frontier base on the island is still under construction, and it has been half a month since Colin and his team entered the Blue Nabo plane. In the past half month, except for the fierce resistance on the first day, the natives of the Blue Nabo plane have not shown up again.

Those slave creatures who were crazy about killing and chasing into the sea did not come back. The area where Colin was responsible for patrolling was located in the northern waters of the base. He was assigned to patrol with a knight from the Wave Knights. Because of the characteristics of the knight's breathing method, the Black Mamba Warlock Family specially invited the forces of the Wave Knights.

In addition to the abilities that knights should have, the knight skills of the knights of the Wave Knights are more reflected in their water-based fighting spirit, and each patrol is generally equipped with wizards who are proficient in water-based witchcraft, or knights of the Wave Knights.

Colin's partner is called Chegus. It took him longer to be promoted to the first level than Colin. He is also a knight who has experienced many plane wars. The two have spent half a month safely since they became partners.

Just when Colin and the other two thought that they could spend the day safely, several water arrows suddenly shot out from the sea and attacked them.

Colin and Chegus were both experienced professionals, so they naturally cast protective spells and stimulated fighting spirit at the first time.

The power of the water arrows was not great, and both of them easily received them, but the water arrows that continued to shoot from the sea made them both understand at the same time that the sea creatures were unwilling to give up and were preparing to attack again.

Colin and the other two couldn't help but raise their bodies and calmly stare at the sea surface below. Soon, a large number of sea creatures appeared from under the water.

Colin and the other two looked at each other, "Retreat!" The two had the same idea and flew towards the base at the same time.

It's not that they can't kill these sea creatures below, but they must go back to report the situation first, and these sea creatures seem to be only the first batch. If they get into a battle, it will be difficult to get out later. Naturally, the two will not take risks easily.

While Colin and his companions were retreating to the base, the same thing happened in other seas around the base. The natives of the Blue Nabo plane seemed to have started a counterattack.

Siband in the sea fully mobilized the marine creatures of various tribes. With the supervision of his tribesmen, no tribe had violated his will so far. They were all attacking the alien base with all their strength.

But Siband did not surface to attack. He still remembered the attack of the giant celestial body half a month ago. The intensity of that attack was no less than his full-strength attack, and even more than that. Who knows how many times he can launch such an attack? Moreover, he can only passively take the beating when he does not want to rush to the sky to fight with it. He is not stupid.

The counterattack of the plane natives began. When Colin and Chegus retreated to the base, a large number of slave creatures had been released near the base again. Just near the base island, the scene of invading the Lannabo plane was reproduced. However, the difference from the first day was that although the base had not been fully built, two towering wizard towers had been built. With the cooperation of the wizards, the wizard towers fired a series of chain lightning.

The good conductivity of seawater directly led to the efficient killing of enemies by chain lightning. The stronger natives of the Lannabo plane could resist the power of electric shock, while the weaker ones were directly electrocuted to death.

Seeing the power of the wizard tower, Colin was also sympathetic, but he had no time to study lightning magic, and the fire magic was somewhat weakened in the environment at this time, so he could only release the Dimension Slash.

Some wizards in the base who were not responsible for controlling the wizard tower also worked hard to release witchcraft. Colin had already seen his three wives. Connie, needless to say, was also a wizard, but she released more physical attacks, one deadly arrow after another, and in a short period of time, she had shot and killed a large number of plane natives.

Edith and Helen's attacks were much more beautiful than Colin's. The humid ocean environment and rich water elements made the attacks of the two women more powerful. With their cooperation, the killing effect was far greater than Colin's, which made Colin sigh that human power was sometimes limited, and he could not be omniscient and omnipotent and good at all skills.

In addition to paying attention to his wives, Colin also observed the battlefield around him. Similar to the knights of the Knights, the Black Mamba Warlock did not retreat, but activated his bloodline ability, transformed into a giant snake and rushed into the sea, fighting a desperate battle with the natives of the Blue Nabo plane.

The space fortress hanging outside the Lannabo plane did not make any big moves. At the beginning of the war, the Black Mamba Warlock Family had already investigated clearly that the Lannabo plane guardian was a demigod-level strongman, and the main gun of the space fortress, in addition to tearing the plane membrane, was mainly intended to deal with that Siband.

Siband has been hiding under the water, so the space fortress will naturally not take action easily.

There are too many plane natives around the base, and some have already come to the island. Although their casualties are greater, they are fighting on the home ground and have the mandatory order of the plane guardian, so they can only charge towards the base fearlessly.

Weaker plane natives have a large number of slave creatures to deal with, but the powerful professionals above level one must be dealt with by Colin and others.

After casually killing the natives of the plane for a while, Colin also met his opponent, the blue whale, a first-level professional who was more than 20 meters long. He ignored the attacks of many wizards and knights, and rushed to the island excitedly, devouring those slave creatures at will.

Slave creatures can eat the natives of the blue Nabo plane. As a powerful sea creature of the blue Nabo plane, the blue whale will naturally devour these slave creatures.

Under the effect of fighting spirit, the first-level knights can generally reach a body size of five to ten meters after transformation, while wizards cannot expand their body size without studying similar witchcraft.

However, the strength is not entirely determined by the size of the body. In the water, Colin dared not say that he could easily defeat this blue whale, but since he dared to rush to the island, Colin did not want to let him go. He still lacked such a specimen in his laboratory.

The direction of the blue whale's attack was exactly where Colin was. Colin naturally had no choice but to block the direction of the blue whale's advance.

The induction between first-level creatures is very strong. Naturally, the blue whale Buwell was the first to sense Colin, the alien who was blocking the way.

Buwell observed Colin floating in the air. He was short (relative to him) and was more than 30 meters away from him. Since he didn't rush over, he should also be a magic professional.

"Okay, let's start with you. It's still unclear whether a magic professional can break through his own physical defense." Buwell thought after identifying his opponent.

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