169 – How to do it – 2


There is a lot to do.

First of all, renting from a proper restaurant is a priority.

I found the best restaurant in town.

“Welcome. Sage.”

The restaurant Veronica had previously reserved was the best one. I borrowed the whole restaurant with the owner’s circumstances.

The owner, who said there was no business today because it was a holiday, smiled smirkingly when I told her that I had something important to say to Veronica.

“Yeah~ It’s romantic. Yes! It should be! In fact, I also told my wife…”

A large man with a stern expression heard him say that he was still on active duty and that he loved his wife.

That’s how I made the restaurant owner and staff work overtime.

I paid for it, so that’s fine.

“But… a musician…”


Originally, the musicians in these places are people who play every day and make a living.

Since the restaurant was closed today, I was not hired today, and I couldn’t help but worry about the story that the previously hired musicians would probably work at another restaurant.

“I’ll try to find it.”

“Yes. Then I’ll prepare it. Oh. And I’ll try to contact the musicians I know.”

After leaving the restaurant, I headed to the park.

And he sighed.

“No, why aren’t there any street performers, which are usually so many?”

“Hey! Who is this?! Isn’t that the wise man?!”

“…No. You’re not. You’re not really.”

The Lizardman musician is walking towards you.

It was Lark, who was walking around in a hipster outfit.

All in all, why!

“…What is it? I’m trying to get hurt. Anyway, I got a call from the owner of Lorendi’s restaurant.

I was about to scream.

Was this really the only musician he knew?

“If you’re looking for another musician, maybe you should give up? Just accept it, wise man. Just like my new song was completed yesterday, it’s ‘fate’ that you’re going to propose today.”

no, this bastard?!

The words made me very anxious.

Like when my lieutenant, Frank, says it’s okay.

I thought about it while looking at Lark, who smiled at me and lifted the lute.

….just turn off the music?

After convincing Lark almost under duress, he was promised that he would play properly.

Still, it’s because Lark’s musical direction is strange, but his skills are certain.

Even after hiring him like that, it wasn’t like there was nothing to do.

I headed straight to Dwarven City.

“Huh? What’s going on?”

“Marax. I have a favor.”

“What are you talking about so seriously?”

“Hainsbourne’s diamond? There’s pure gold, too.”

“Huh? That? I know. Why is that? But that’s what a man uses when he proposes to a woman…”

He said it insignificantly and opened the cupboard before stopping. Then he slowly turned his head and smiled broadly.

“What! What! Are you proposing?! Yayaya!! Gather everyone!! The wise man proposes!!”

At Marax’s cry, all the dwarves around them gathered. All of them are dwarves close to me.

They gathered together and started talking like laundry women.

“Who is it? Who is it?”

“Isn’t he a hero? But I don’t think he’s a hero.”

“That disciple? Hey. Sage. A ruler, teacher, and father are one.”

“Huh? So you’re seducing the queen? Hiya… Age-killer!”

“No. No. To me, that cardinal Veronica is perfect. The wife and daughter are really serious with the wise man…”

“It’s Veronica.”


A lady dwarf who mentioned Veronica was flattered, and everyone applauded her.

“So? When are you getting married?”

“I don’t know about that… I have to propose first.”

“So the diamonds of Heinsbourne and the gold of purity…”

“Wouldn’t Rockpard’s topaz be better than that? And silver of the covenant rather than pure gold…”

“Ah. Deep sea ruby is better than topaz. Titanium for fertility as well…”

“If possible, let’s add decorations to the handwork. How about applying mithril to the rim of the ring?”

“It’s better to put Orcne on Mithril Barleba.”

“Ah~. Orc’s going to cover it…”

If anything, the dwarves, whose disease was the basic passive, were trying to make absolute rings.

Of course, if possible, I would like to make a good ring and propose to her, but I thought that if I did that, there would really be no limit.

“I’m going to propose today. So. I have to make it today.”

“Tsk. It’s not like I’m going to roast the beans over lightning… I’m going to make it a long time ago. Can’t we delay the proposal?”

“Yes. Yes. In about twenty years or so… Then, I think a legendary proposal ring will be made.”

“You man. You say you don’t know what to do with the wise man! Anyway, I’m not fooled! I’m cheated!”

The dwarf woman who hit Marax’s back so hard that it made a cracking noise.

His wife, Mr. Lockani, grinned.

“Because I’m the best at handicraft among the dwarves. I’ll take care of it myself. One day? That’s enough. If I use all my passion!!”

“I still want to make it… just help me.”

“Oh. Ah … that’s right. So what’s! What are you?


Dwarven City is busy. So, with them I made a ring.

I was able to create a beautiful proposal ring worthy of a masterpiece.

“But is this all? The proper thing is…”

“That’s later…”

“Anyway! When you get married, be sure to call me!!”

“Yes. Thank you.”

“Tsk. With something like this.”

I got a ring for a proposal, but there was no time to rest. We need colorful flowers that bring out a good mood.

For that purpose, I headed to the Elven Forest.

“Rosin’s flower? Isn’t that a flower for a proposal?”

Lorelia looked at me in wonder and smiled.

“It looks like the wise man is getting married too. Who is it? That blessed woman. Evangeline? I don’t think so…”


“Ah. That cardinal… Whoa. It was a good match. Okay. We, the Elven Forest, received a lot of help from the wise man. I will give you Rosin’s flower, which is said to bring happiness.”

Lorelia smiled and took me to the far end of town.

A beautiful white flower that blooms profusely in a large clearing.

It is also called the flower of promise, and women are very happy just to receive one flower when they propose.

Pointing to the flowers of Rosine, one of the main ingredients used in making the finest perfumes, Lorelia said calmly.

“Take as much as you want.”

“If so.”

As delicate as possible, I picked only the best flowers. Full enough to make a bouquet like that.

And as I packed the other flowers to decorate the store, Lorelia clenched her fists.

“Please success!”

“hahaha. Thank you for that.”

ruler. I also found flowers.

I raised my head and looked at the sky.

The sunset was setting.


It’s time to go meet her.

What I prepared is a small bouquet made of Rosin’s flowers and mist flowers.

My heart is pounding.

When I was leaning against the wall at the church entrance, taking a deep breath of tension.

I heard footsteps on the steps of the church.

again. again.

A silver-haired beauty was walking down the white stairs dyed red by the sunset.

to that look.

I was stunned.

Was Veronica this pretty?


My heart races.

From now on, the things I should do and say were raging in my head like a storm.

Among them, you have to choose the most correct word.


Is Veronica’s face red because of the sunset? Or is it because of expectations?

Me too, Veronica too.

They know what each other is going to say, but they haven’t done anything stupid to bring it up.

“…It’s pretty.”


Veronica was wearing the white uniform she had worn the other day. It’s similar in style to the nun’s uniform she usually wears, but a uniform that accentuates her innocence.

It must be that today’s meeting is very important.

It set my mind at ease.


“…huh? uhh… ugh…”

I handed out a single flower. Upon receiving it, Veronica stared at me with a flushed face and turquoise eyes filled with anticipation and longing.

“…This. What does it mean?”

“Perhaps it means exactly what you think it means.”


As if at a loss for words, Veronica pursed her lips. I reached out my hand to her.

“Escort. May I?”

“…Of course. Hyeonu. I mean.”

Veronica, who gently held my hand, intertwined her fingers as if it were natural now.

“I’ll smile and accept anything you ask for. That’s…”


Words are a very strange thing.

Even a single word can make a scar that will remain in a person’s heart forever.

Even a single word can inspire people’s hearts and inspire courage.

To the extent that I can ignore the scars I received after coming to this world.

Veronica’s sweet words were enough to shake my heart and make me stronger.


The restaurant, which was originally a day off, hung a sign saying “limited reservations.”


The owner dressed up in a suit and his wife greeted me and Veronica. Veronica, who opened her eyes wide as if surprised by their appearance, greeted them slightly, and we calmly moved to the rooftop.

“Wow… Huh.”

A lot of flowers and decorations on the roof were giving off a nice scent and uplifting the atmosphere.

Admiring it, Veronica stiffened when she saw the Lizardman sitting with a lute on one side.


“Ah. No! Not this time! Hey! Lark!”

Lark played the lute slowly. What comes out is soft, soft music.

It was a reputed performance among the game’s BGMs, so Veronica let out a sigh as if slightly relieved.

Then he smiled softly and poked me in the side.

“What did you get Lark for in return this time?”

“Hmm. I’ll explain that later.”

“Huh-huh. I’ll look forward to it.”

Only one seat on the 3rd floor. After taking Veronica there, I pulled out a chair and she sat down.

Songgeul, is it because of tension? Beads of sweat ran down her forehead.

“What are you going to talk about to set the mood like this? Huh? And you told me not to wear that outfit? How many people stared at me when I came earlier.”

It’s like the emperor’s clothes.

Clothes that make your charm soar just by wearing them.

However, even if she wore this outfit, she couldn’t shake Veronica.

Veronica, who flicked her tongue and smiled cutely like a joke, quickly turned her head.

“Someone else sees it.”

“How are you?”


I smiled at her, who was lovely even when she snorted.

So, the owner serves and brings the dishes.

Lark continues to perform only based on popularity, not his musicality.

The conversations we had over dinner with Veronica were just enough topics to make us laugh.

like that.

As the meal was getting closer and closer, Lark also went downstairs and avoided the seat, and I was worried.

Now we have to get to the main point.


how do i get it out?

The first thing I need to tell you is that I am not from this world.

From there, it becomes a problem.

How should I get the topic out?

worry. worry again.

Veronica gave me courage like nothing.

“What are you so worried about talking about?”

“…that is.”

“I know you’re from another world, so don’t be afraid to tell me.”

“Yes. Yes. I’m different…”


Wait a minute.

I opened my eyes wide and looked at Veronica, who took a sip of her wine and smiled at me with a ruddy face.

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