170 – 1001th face – 1


“Dear sage, it seems there is a big secret.”

Seeing the sage leading the others training to fight the foreign god Cronus, Cecil spoke softly.

At that, Veronica closed her eyes tightly.

What was the secret Cecil had mentioned?

In fact, it was something she had expected.

That would be the case because she was the one who investigated the wise man for the longest time.

Hyeonu called himself a wise man and said he knew everything.

Even things that I did not understand at first, eventually became understandable, and there were many cases that were recorded somewhere through librarians, oral traditions, and relics.

Things like raiding ruins and dungeons, hunting rare monsters, and crafting items.

But no matter how much research I did, there were things I couldn’t figure out.

Back in the day, it was time to fight devil worshipers.

When Veronica and the Inquisitors fought the devil after successfully summoning the devil, the sage alone rushed to the place where the devil worshipers were, subdued them, and returned with the kidnapped ones.

At that time, I was surprised and praised him, and he just smiled coolly and said that he had imitated Goryeo sword master Cheok Joon-gyeong.

From then on, I felt doubts, and as I researched, doubts turned into doubts, and doubts turned into convictions.

When I met Baltin before, he asked himself.

I heard about a person named Moses, the king of authority who parted the Red Sea with a sage. Does the church have any information about him?

However, even using the records and information power of the church, no place came out about the sea called the Red Sea, and no monks knew the king Moses who parted the sea.


King Moses who parted the Red Sea.

And Cheok Joon-gyeong, a sword master from Goryeo who saved the abductees alone.

And that’s not all.

Even the words in the songs he sometimes hums often contain things you won’t find anywhere else in the world.


he’s a sage

Because he is a sage who knows everything, he only knows what we don’t know.

So it won’t be

It will never be.

But her cold reason was crying out that her wish was wrong.

There will be no one who doesn’t know about the great sword master who saved the kidnapped people alone from many enemies.

If it was a monk who parted the sea with a dangsu, there would be no one who doesn’t know.

At least the Munpa who made them the progenitors.

It wouldn’t be strange if at least a small legend was created.

However, not a single piece of information came out.

Besides that.

Besides that.

Information that cannot be known ‘anywhere’ in this world.

Hyeonu used to jokingly mention things that even Gwalteirak, the apostle of Cosmo, the foreign press of space, could not know.

There he said he wanted to go back.

to where you were originally.

to home.

The fact that he could do anything he wanted so much but couldn’t do it.

Talking about place names and great people that no one knows about.

Guessing that he might be a person from this world, no. It gave me a lot of confidence.


Nevertheless, Veronica had no choice but to deny the truth.

if you accept it

Because of the great anxiety that I might have to break up with him.

“There must be a… secret. But it won’t. No, no.”

As if she had promised herself, she denied it several times, and Cecil and Lucille looked at her in puzzlement.




Recalling the memories of fighting Kronos in the past, Veronica smiled bitterly.

Hyeonu is a person from another world, a person who wants to go back.

That’s why it seemed that Veronica could understand, at least a little, the expression Hyeonu had earlier.

what he’s worried about

what he is sad about

What he suffers from.

The reason.

What if it’s because it’s time to go back?

What if it could no longer be denied?


I squeezed the hand that was placed on my thigh.

Earlier, when Hyeonu seriously mentioned our future at the church, joy and great fear rushed in at the same time.

What if Hyeonu says he has to go back?

What if he chose to return in the middle of his proposal and return?


to the point of tears.

But even so, Veronica couldn’t turn away.

However, I couldn’t help but do nothing.

The reason why he is so worried, maybe it’s because of himself.

Perhaps the reason he is so afraid is that he does not want to part with himself.

So what can be done?

subdue him with power?

Buy him with money?

He already knew that he couldn’t have Hyeonu because of things like that.

If he has even the slightest affection for himself, he has no choice but to train himself.

Therefore, take a bath with purified holy water to completely remove even the smallest of dirt from your body.

I went to Olwen and asked her to do makeup that I wouldn’t normally have looked at.

Is that all?

In order to scent the body, they even sprayed perfume that seduced the opposite sex.

And, to be prepared in case of an emergency, she wore the white and pious priestly uniform, and even the absurdly erotic underwear provided by Olwen and the Thirteenth Sisters.

If Hyeon-woo says he’s leaving even though he’s done everything he can.

Even with the determination to beg to take him somehow.


Veronica kept her composure as much as possible towards the sage.

He was smiling, but his sincerity through the eyes of truth was only embarrassment.

I liked it. that sage It’s nice to see him, who has always been calm, agitated like that.

It was so sad.

I thought I was done with him now.

“…How many times do you think I’ve seen you?”

Perhaps some, such as Cecil, who spoke up, and Lucille, who watched him, guessed as he did.

but what about that

The only person Hyeonu is thinking about is me.

That’s why Veronica clenched her fist even harder.

It will be fine.

It will be fine.

It will be fine.

Relentlessly self-hypnotizing, Veronica gulped.

“…then tell me.”

Leaving the hand still clenched with tension, Veronica stretched out her other hand.

Shockingly, the sage’s hand that touched Veronica’s hand hardened.

what is his expression?


why are you afraid

“…Veronica. I am.”

When I heard the explanation of how I knew it, I smiled.

However, after uttering a word, he hesitates and cannot open his lips.

Veronica and the Sage.

On the rooftop with only the two of them, he finally let out a heavy sigh.

“…I’m from another world, just like you said.”

The sage explained himself.

Ever since I lost my parents, I’ve been living for revenge.

And, since he ended his revenge, he has been living for others.

Then I came to this world, and now it’s time to go back to the original world.

“….I see.”

Veronica closed her eyes tightly. The fear settled in her heart.

The fear of being abandoned by him seemed to gradually materialize.

The time has come for the return he so longed for.

now he’s gone

Hyeonu, my everything.

want to disappear

Holding back the feeling that tears were about to well up at any moment, Veronica barely smiled.


There was no answer.

Veronica, who barely cried, couldn’t say anything, and the wise man hesitated for a while before finally opening his mouth.

“In my original world, I’m not a sage or anything who knows everything in the world. I’m just an ordinary guy you can find anywhere.”


“I’m just one of those people trying to save people and make their lives stable.”

“…I see.”

Even in your original world.

You were an altruistic person even in that world of nothing.

I was glad that he was a good person by nature.

It was sad because he was a person who tried to keep his promise based on goodness.

“Still. Veronica.”

The sage raised his head.

Behind his calm expression, his true heart was stained with fear that he had never seen before.

You have something to be afraid of too.

There was something I was so afraid of.

Veronica couldn’t hold back her tears.

“Come with me. Even though it’s the life of an ordinary man. I’ll give you all of this. So, Veronica, give me you.”


Veronica let down tears and bowed her head without blinking.

My vision is blurry because of the tears.

But what you can still see is a small box.

One ring inside it.

Veronica couldn’t have known what that meant.

“Will you marry me? And. Will you join me?”

your fear

Even in front of the demon king, he was not afraid.

You, who was able to relax even in front of foreign media.

You, who was called a wise man here and was squeamish even though everyone praised you.

Even though you were not a wise man in the original world, you with a noble soul who lived for others even there.

why are you so afraid

Was it because you might be rejected by me?

like that

were you thinking of me

Sorrow became joy, and joy soon became affection.

Veronica couldn’t stand the overflowing love for him any longer.



How are you really like this?

“Huh… Huh… hhhh!!”

In the end, Veronica couldn’t stand the bursting tension and shed tears.

However, there was no fear in those tears.

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Just one.

It contains only joy.

The wise man sat next to Veronica, who had barely calmed down.

He was trying to calm down, but he was nervous and afraid because he had not yet received an answer.

Of course, a thousand faces made a sage a perfect sage, but Veronica could see.

Thousand and one face.

his real face.

I didn’t like the fear that still lingered.

I feel a little heartache.

Did you not trust me that much?

So, can you tease me a little bit?

Veronica looked at the wise man with a sullen expression.

The sage didn’t change even with the change in his expression, but seeing his real face turn sullen, joy and nostalgia surged at the same time.

Ahh. how are you so lovely

I want to give you more trouble. now i have to be patient

And, I like that sullen face.

‘As expected, you…’

Laughing suits you better


Veronica gently squeezed the sage’s hand.

He flinched, feeling his hand harden.

So Veronica even more calmly weaved her own fingers into his.

Slowly, the sage’s head was lifted.

Facing his face, Veronica smiled softly.

The tears shed earlier had washed off her makeup, and her eyes were slightly swollen.

It didn’t matter though.

“You said it before.”


“I am.”

Slightly, pull the hand you held.

Veronica embraced Hyeonu, who had been pulled weakly, into her heart.

“I’ll do what you want.”

It feels like petting a big dog.

looking only at yourself

Veronica couldn’t contain her joy at the feeling of snuggling a big, strong, cute puppy that only had affection for its owner.

That’s why I held the sage’s cheek tightly and made him look at himself.


The first was just a simple kiss.

A very short kiss, as if lips were touching each other.

But if this is it, will it erase his insecurities?

Veronica smiled kindly at the sage who stared blankly at her.

“…whatever it is.”

to that answer.

Hyeonu’s expression brightens.

A thousand faces light up.

A thousand faces light up.

“…This is my answer. Great sage who knows everything.”

gulp. After swallowing, Veronica stroked the sage’s lips with her finger and blinked one eye.

“Then what should I do now?”

There was no answer.

It’s just a kiss that follows.

But a little longer than the first.

It was much hotter.

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