The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1665: Satisfied

Although she couldn’t see anything in the moon, she heard her shouting, but she tried her best to widen her eyes and tried to see the farther away through the bee colonies outside the shroud. situation.

This howling, when she heard it, was too familiar, and the master of this howling was the object of her day and night.

Although she once had more than one fantasies, the master of this howling suddenly appeared in front of her, but nowadays fantasy has become a reality, but she has never been able to, or can not believe.

She wondered if she was on the verge of death at the moment, so she had an illusion.

However, just like to break her doubts, the second whistle came.

Moreover, the location of this whistle is obviously closer than it was just now!

The body of the moon was unable to control and trembled. The pale face showed a complex look, and the mouth was murmured: "Really, it is really him!"

"He is coming, he is coming!"

"Is he coming to save me?"

At this moment, the moon was as strong as the fire, and the tears slowly slipped.

At that time, she lost the fire of the moon, and when she returned to the family to be severely reprimanded by her father, she did not cry. Later, when she learned that she had violated the taboos of the family and was sent to the battlefield outside the field, she did not cry; Later, I really waited to enter the extraterritorial battlefield, survived in that cruel environment, and experienced the difficulties and obstacles that she had never encountered before. She still didn’t cry; even, she was just closed. When she died, she still didn't cry!

But now, when her own hopes become reality, when the person in her heart is really coming to her side, she can no longer control her tears and cry out.

As the daughter of the Moon Spirit family, as the daughter of the patriarch, the moon is as small as ever, almost never suffered any grievances, and her character has become greatly embarrassed and unprotected.

Unfortunately, this identity has made her the first half of life much more happy than others, but in fact, outsiders do not know, the identity of the saint also brought her endless bondage.

The moon spirit family respects the fire of the moon spirit.

Among their families, there is a group of ancient spirits that have never been extinguished.

It is said that their ancestors changed their destiny because they met a group of fires of the moon, and embarked on the path of spiritual practice, which also made the strength of the entire spiritual family grow stronger.

The only way for every spiritual person in the month to embark on the path of spiritual practice is to worship the holy fire, and use the power of the holy fire to imprint the seal of the moon in his eyebrows, so that he can have the fire of the moon.

Therefore, the Moon Spirit honors this flame as a holy fire.

It is conceivable that the entire month of the spiritual community respect and worship the sacred fire.

The Holy Fire is the most important thing of the Moon Spirit and is the foundation of the existence of the Moon Spirit.

However, as time went by, this group of holy fires gradually became extinct.

In order to better protect the holy fire and let the holy fire burn forever, the Moon Spirit made a decision.

That is, among every generation, we must choose a suitable woman to use as a container to hide the moonlight in her body.

This woman is called the saint of the Moon Spirit!

When she was born in the moon, she was chosen to be a saint when she was born, and she also hid the holy fire in her body.

It is a pity that the body of the moon seems to be unable to adapt to this holy fire, which leads to her body's hidden illness, even life-threatening, endangering the holy fire.

In order to save his daughter, it is also to keep the holy fire strong, so Yuezun began to ask for medical advice with the moon.

Until the month, the monk went to the Dao domain and found Dan Daozi.

Although Dan Daozi really cured the hidden dangers of the moon, but also let the moon know the fire!

For Jiang Yun, when the moon is at the beginning, it is also not good.

In her heart, Jiang Yun is just her savior.

But she never thought that, after a long time, she was saved again by Jiang Yun!

And that time, Jiang Yun’s shots were saved, and the two of them almost got the skin of the pro, and the feeling of Jiang Yun’s feelings changed greatly, and even Jiang Yun was missed from time to time.

As a saint, before she could unload this identity and surrender the sacred fire in her body, she could not have the feelings of men and women, and could not have the joy of fish and water.

And whether in the family or outside the family, although many men have a love for her, under the protection of the family and father, these men and she are strictly bound.

Therefore, the moon does not know what it is like to feel Jiang Yun, but just think that he is just to repay Jiang Yun’s life-saving grace.

Later, when she knew the big story of asking the day and knew the true identity of Jiang Yun, then she went to ask the Taoist and searched for opportunities to repay her.

And when she saw that Jiang Yun was about to die, she felt like her own life was about to end, so she rushed to Jiang Yun with her own fire, or, It was the use of the Holy Fire of the entire month to save Jiang Yun!

This is also why, when she returns to the family, she will be so severely punished!

Giving the holy fire of the family to an outsider is a sinful crime for the entire month of the spiritual family, and it cannot be tolerated by the spiritual family throughout the month.

Even when the rituals and the old people of the Moon Spirit took out the few sacred fires in her body, they were ready to kill her and sacrifice them to the Holy Fire as sacrifices.

Later, the sacrifices reminded me of a record of the sacred fire in the tribe.

It is said that the sacred fire of the Moon Spirit is derived from the extraterritorial battlefield. Therefore, in order to make the moon redeem the sins, it is hoped that she will find more sacred fires again, so they sent them into the extraterritorial battlefield.

For the punishment that I have suffered, there is no resentment in the moon, and I have never regretted giving the torch to Jiang Yun.

Now, the whistling sound that has already sounded for the third time makes the moon know as if the fire is not wasted. Jiang Yun is sure to save himself.

Unfortunately, looking at the shields that have been covered with countless cracks, she knows that there are hundreds of horrible monsters between herself and Jiang Yun.

And myself, perhaps not waiting for the emergence of Jiang Yun.

Although even the last side may not be able to see, but know that Jiang Yun is still alive, knowing that Jiang Yun saves himself regardless of the danger, is enough to make the month feel satisfied with the fire.

The experience in this field outside the battlefield has made her think that she wants to give up and want to let her die.

But for her father, in order to be able to know the news of Jiang Yun, she always insisted on her teeth.

But now, with the sense of satisfaction rising in her heart, she knows herself and can't hold on anymore.



At this moment, the protective force of the shield finally reached the extreme under the mad attack of the bee colony, and it was impossible to continue to persist, and it was completely broken.

Without the protection of the shield, the moon, which is already on the verge of death, immediately felt the horrible gravity of the surrounding area squeezing toward her body, causing another blood to spurt out of her mouth.

Her gaze didn't look at the bee colonies that had already rushed to themselves. It was just the body gap of more than a dozen bee colonies that came from the whistling, full of eagerness to look at the front, hoping to look again before dying. That figure!


However, waiting for her to see the figure, a series of earth-shattering explosions have suddenly sounded!

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