The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1666: Xiang Xiaoyu

After Jiang Yun killed nearly one-third of the hundreds of bees in his body, his body has been dyed with blood, and it has become a **** person, and his eyes have become blurred.

Everything that was seen through the eyes was also covered with a thick layer of blood.

The power in his body has almost been exhausted, and he even feels that the scented pen and the whiplash that had no weight in his hand have become so heavy that he is too fast to lift.

Although Jiang Yun paid a lot of money, but with his own power, he can kill more than 30 ninth, or even ten, monsters. If you are known by others, it is absolutely amazing.

Looking at the remaining fifty or sixty bees, Jiang Yun took a deep breath and forced his palms to move in the air.

I saw that there was also a bee that appeared beside him out of thin air.

The compound eyes of these bees showed a gray color. Although the wings were suspended in the air, they did not breathe out in the air, as if they were just illusory and did not exist at all.

And those other bees, seeing their own companions around Jiang Yun, can not help but be a glimpse.

However, they are naturally incomprehensible with their minds, and they do not understand what is going on here. They just rely on instinct to prepare to bypass these companions and continue to chase Jiang Yun.

But as they move, these bees, which are clearly summoned by Jiang Yun, are flapping their wings and rushing toward them.

As early as when I saw these bees, Jiang Yun knew that unless he sacrificed all the cards, there would be no way to kill all the bees, so he tried his best to kill the bees for each one. They are all marked with nothing!

Today, he uses these more than 30 bees, which are their own, to contain and attack other bees.

And he himself stood on the side and pulled out a demon dan into the mouth.

For Jiang Yun’s current strength, the demon made by the monsters of the level of Wei Jiu can hardly help him improve his cultivation.

However, he can take the demon as a medicinal medicine and can add some strength to him.

In this way, Jiang Yun seized the time to recover his physical strength, while also firmly watching the changes in the battlefield.

If you see a bee being killed again, he will immediately rush to it without hesitation, continue to mark the other side with nothing, and then summon them.

In this way, hundreds of bees have gradually been divided into two by Jiang Yun, attacking each other.

With the help of Jiang Yun, the number of bees that he summoned was more and more, so he gradually gained the upper hand.

This also allows Jiang Yun to finally relax his breath and regain his strength.

According to Jiang Yun's thoughts, he stood here, waiting for the two bee colonies to completely die together, just to give themselves more time to restore strength.

However, after only a moment passed, the life stone in his hand came again with a continuous sound of breaking, and several cracks appeared almost at the same time, leaving only the size of the complete area.

This made Jiang Yun’s heart rush, and realized that he really couldn’t have any delay.

Therefore, looking at the remaining 60 bees in front of him, Jiang Yun finally issued a self-destructive order to the bees that were summoned by themselves!


Suddenly, these bees did not hesitate to blew themselves, and the earth-shattering explosions resounded in the darkness.

The radiance of the bees' self-explosion not only dispels the darkness around them, but the power of the horrible explosion has set off an endless wave of air and swarmed in all directions.

The power of these explosions was so powerful that even the vainness of gravity was blasted out of countless cracks.

At this moment, Jiang Yun should escape the power of these explosions and wait until the explosion is nearing the end, and then move on.

However, he was biting his teeth, running the power of looting, his body plunged into the void, risking the danger of being exploded, and rushing toward the front.

Although this kind of behavior is extremely risky, in addition to a large number of bees being killed, the remaining bees are shocked by the power of this explosion, and hurriedly flee.

Therefore, this has made Jiang Yun's progress without any hindrance. In an instant, it has crossed the area that is close to the world.

Finally, in the eyes of Jiang Yun, although he can already see the shape of the moon, he has to stop.

Because, the bee-sized bee, still staying in place.

In the face of the power of the explosion that swarmed, it simply speeded up the flapping of several wings and easily blocked these forces back.

Similarly, the more than a dozen bees that surround the moon, because of the hindrance of the queen, let them also do not need to worry about the impact of the explosion, one is still rushing toward the moon with no protection. !

"噗", a large-sized bee with its sharp mouthparts has penetrated deeply into the body of the moon!

The moon can clearly see that his life is being lost from the body, but she does not feel pain, but with a smile, she gradually closes her eyes.

Because Jiang Yun saw her, she also saw the figure of Jiang Yun!

"do not!"

The moon in this moment is like a fire, and finally there is no regret.

With the disappearance of the last vitality in the body, she smiled with a satisfied smile, her lips squirming gently, as if she was talking, but there was no slightest sound until the body slowly fell down!

Jiang Yun clearly saw the smile on the face of the moon, clearly saw the lips that squirmed like a fire, and clearly saw the fall of the moon, and it was clear that he felt the moon in his hand. Completely broken, turned into countless powder, scattered from the gap between your fingers!

Jiang Yun, stunned!

He didn't dare, and he didn't want to believe what he saw.

After more than five years of self-study, I have come to the dark cloud from the Tao domain. I have already seen the moon as a fire, and I will be able to reach the moon as soon as I can see her. The fire is in front of you, and the soul is flying away!

Moreover, just as the moon fell as the fire fell, her lips squirmed, although there was no sound, but Jiang Yun knew what she was saying -

"You are going, I still owe you a life, I don't want to owe you another life! However, you still have to give me a good life!"

Jiang Yun naturally understands that this sentence is the other two sentences that she said to herself when she was in the first place when she was at the beginning of her life.

"You saved me twice, I saved you once, so I still owe you a life."

"Before I have returned this life to you, you must give me a good life!"

"Do not!"

After a moment, Jiang Yun’s mouth suddenly burst into a screaming scream, and the eyes that had been stained with blood were also experiencing a near-desperate light!

"Responsible for the reincarnation!"

Then, Jiang Yun shouted out these four words, and recruited his own reincarnation of the third world, so that his strength rose wildly at this moment!

Before, Jiang Yun had not used his biggest card, just to wait until after seeing the moon, and then wait until she fled.

Otherwise, he would have been able to kill the hundred bees.

But now, although I used this card, but the moon is still dead!

"Since I have already arrived, even if you are dead, I will let you live again!"

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