The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6535: source of ice, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Now Jiang Yun already knew that the reincarnation of himself in the last life had to give up the road of Dao cultivation because of the broken Dao heart.

Although he eventually became the Supreme, but even without the joint killing of the three, his cultivation path has come to an end, and it is impossible to go further and break through to the Supreme.

Therefore, Jiang Yun still has to stick to his original idea, that is, he will not become the supreme, but directly surpass the supreme!

In order to do this, in fact, whether it is Jiang Yun who was reincarnated in the last life, or the current Jiang Yun, they don't know exactly how to do it.

Therefore, he can only follow the previous thoughts and try his best to comprehend the rules of all kinds of Dao to carry out the second, or even the third time, to prove the Dao!

Especially the ancient rules are more important to Jiang Yun.

Looking at the continuous building complex in front of him, Jiang Yun's consciousness swept over and found that there was a layer of restriction shrouded in it, which was the same as the rule of ice, blocking his consciousness.

Naturally, this made Jiang Yun understand that the thirteen clans living on this iceberg would make the best use of the source of ice in order to allow their disciples and clansmen to understand the rules of ice.

And this kind of restriction, if outsiders want to break through, it must take some trouble, but for Jiang Yun, who has already obtained the Frost Clan token, it has no effect at all.

Jiang Yunwei pondered, and he stepped out one step at a time, and entered the building complex unimpeded!

Although Jiang Yun speculated that the man in black already knew that he had stepped on the iceberg, he should have never imagined that he would come to their clan so quickly, and he probably hadn't had time to find help.


Jiang Yun's figure just appeared in the building complex, and there were a series of breath vibrations in all directions.

Looking around, there are more than a hundred monks rushing out of various buildings, and they are constantly shuttled at an extremely fast speed.

In just three breaths, the hundreds of cultivators sat cross-legged on the ground, forming a formation covering a hundred zhang radius, surrounding Jiang Yun.

Everyone is staring at Jiang Yun.

This allows Jiang Yun to be sure that his speculation is correct.

The man in black did know that he had stepped on the iceberg, but he had no time to find help, so he simply gathered his clansmen and arranged a formation to deal with him!

"You're so brave, you dare to come to my clan's land and throw yourself into the net!"

As hundreds of monks surrounded Jiang Yun, a cold voice sounded.

The deity of the man in black appeared outside the formation and looked at Jiang Yun sarcastically.

Jiang Yun ignored the man, and glanced at the formation formed by hundreds of monks around him, a strange look flashed on his face.

These hundreds of cultivators are naturally members of the Frost clan, but their strengths vary greatly.

The strongest among them is a true-order emperor, and the weakest even has the reincarnation realm.

For those who don't understand the formation, the formation they arranged may have a certain power, but in Jiang Yun's eyes, it can be described as "horrible".

In the formation, there are many flaws!

After seeing the formation, Jiang Yuncai turned his gaze to the man in black, and said lightly: "It seems that you should be the patriarch of this frost clan!"

This black-clothed man's clone has the strength of a true-order emperor and masters the ancient rules of ice.

The strength of his deity is even more the great emperor of ancient times. Among the entire Frost Clan, the most powerful, can only be the patriarch of the Frost Clan!

The black-clothed man smiled coldly and did not respond to Jiang Yun's words at all. He directly pointed at Jiang Yun and gave the order: "Do it!"

Among the hundreds of monks, the same mark appeared between the eyebrows of each of them, exuding an icy chill, covering their bodies with a layer of white frost.

Jiang Yun also clearly felt that the temperature here, which was already extremely low, dropped a lot at this time.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of monks raised their hands, all of them moved towards the ice surface in front of them, and slapped them gently with their palms!

Because Jiang Yun didn't care about this formation at all, he didn't rush to take action, but wanted to see what they were going to do!

It is clearly visible that the palms of hundreds of Frost clansmen spurted out a force and submerged under the ice surface!

The next moment, Jiang Yun's face showed a sudden color!

Because, under the ice surface, there was a sudden rise of white cold air, causing the temperature that had just dropped around him to plummet again, and it was extremely cold.

Jiang Yun secretly said in his heart: "Under this ice surface, there is the source of ice!"

"And the role of the formation is to mobilize the power of the source of ice."

"Above this iceberg, there are a total of thirteen clans, does that mean that the source of ice is also divided into thirteen parts, each occupied by a force."

When Jiang Yun was thinking about it, the body was naturally covered with a thick layer of frost due to the gust of cold air, just like when he fought against the man in black before.

However, this time the deity of the man in black did not act rashly.

Through the cold air, his eyes stared at Jiang Yun, letting his hundred clansmen continue to arouse the power of Bing Zezhi's source to completely turn Jiang Yun into an ice man.

He doesn't believe that Jiang Yun can also turn the power released by the source of ice into water!

However, after a few breaths passed, the man in black couldn't help frowning.

He always felt that the frost covering Jiang Yun's body seemed to be getting thinner and thinner.

But he felt that this should be his own illusion.

This is the frost produced by the source of ice, unless it is the source of fire of the same level, or the strength is extremely strong, otherwise, it is impossible to melt the frost.

But when a few breaths passed, he saw that the frost on Jiang Yun's body was about to disappear completely, which made the man finally confirm that he was not delusional.

How did he know that Jiang Yun did not turn the frost on his body into water this time, but chose to absorb it directly into his body!

The man in black suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

At the same time as he shouted, a bow appeared in his hand.

The bowstring was empty, but when the man struggled to draw the bow, the man's complexion suddenly turned pale.

On the bowstring, a **** arrow with red light appeared quickly.

This bow clearly uses the blood of men as the arrows!

The man let go of the bowstring, and the **** arrow immediately came out of the string and shot straight towards Jiang Yun.

With a whistling sound, it passed through the cold air in the sky, and came to Jiang Yun in an instant. Without the slightest pause, it passed through the center of Jiang Yun's eyebrows.

Seeing this scene, the man in black immediately smiled proudly and said, "I don't believe you are not dead this time!"

However, as soon as his voice fell, he found that Jiang Yun's body suddenly twisted like an illusion.

But then, it became solid again, and Jiang Yun's eyebrows were intact!

Before the man in black came back to his senses, Jiang Yun had already raised his foot and stomped heavily on the ice surface.


With this power, several cracks immediately appeared on the ice surface that had been frozen for many years.

Most of the cracks stopped after spreading for a distance of only a few meters, but there were three cracks, but they continued to spread as if they were conscious, until they hit the three Frost people who were sitting there cross-legged. on the body.


Three muffled sounds sounded almost simultaneously.

The bodies of the three Frost clansmen were immediately hit by the powerful force contained in the crack and flew out.

They broke away from their original positions, causing the bodies of the remaining Frost people to slump, and eventually all fell to the ground.

The formation was broken in an instant!

After breaking the formation, Jiang Yun did not take the opportunity to hunt down the Frost clansman, nor attacked the man in black, but opened his mouth and sucked hard!

Just like the gust of wind sweeping the leaves, all the white chills that permeated the surrounding area immediately turned into long white dragons, rushing towards Jiang Yun's mouth madly.

After an instant, all the coldness disappeared, and the surroundings regained clarity.

Jiang Yun stood there unharmed, looking directly at the man in black and said, "I want your source of ice!"

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