The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6536: all the ancients, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

At this moment, the black-clothed man didn't pay any attention to his clansmen at all, his eyes just stared at Jiang Yun, and his face showed an unbelievable look!

Although all the monks living on this holy mountain of ice cultivate by absorbing the cold air emanating from the source of ice, even if they have already understood the ancient rules of ice, as the ancient emperor himself, every time At most, it can only absorb a little bit of cold air.

After it is completely integrated with itself, it can continue to absorb more cold air.

However, Jiang Yun swallowed all the cold air within a radius of at least a hundred meters in one breath, and it was still like nothing!

If it was done by himself, then he must have directly turned into a real iceman now.

Every part of your body will turn into ice!

Jiang Yun naturally didn't know what the black-clothed man was thinking, and thought that the other party was thinking about some bad idea again, and just wanted to speak, but the other party suddenly clenched his fists at Jiang Yun and said, "My friend, the patriarch of the Xiashuang clan, Shuang. Clear soul."

"Before, I was reckless, and I have offended many things. I apologize to my friends here, and I hope that my friends will not remember villains!"

Speaking of which, Shuang Qingsoul turned to Jiang Yun and slammed it to the ground!

Shuang Qingpo's attitude was so arrogant, Jiang Yun couldn't react for a while due to such a sudden change, he couldn't help but froze there. He really couldn't figure out what was going on with Shuang Qingpo.

Just now, it seemed that he had an undeniable revenge with himself, and he wanted to kill himself, but now he started to apologize to himself.

Is it because he broke the formation of their family?

Jiang Yun didn't know that his act of absorbing the source of Bing Zezhi's cold energy had shocked Shuang Qingpo so much that it made him fearful, and he didn't dare to be an enemy of Jiang Yun at all.

In addition, he saw Jiang Yun come out of the forbidden area with his own eyes.

The forbidden land, for the monks in the extrajudicial land, is not only full of mystery, but also has all kinds of rumors.

One of the rumors is that there is a pioneer of an unlawful land in the forbidden land.

Thinking about it in Shuang Qingpo, even though Jiang Yun is not the pioneer of the extrajudicial land, but the relationship with the pioneer must be very deep, so that Jiang Yun hides some secrets, so he can easily absorb the source of ice. chill.

In fact, Shuang Qingpo really guessed right.

Jiang Yun is indeed a disciple of the pioneer of the land outside the law!

Jiang Yun's ability to easily absorb the cold air of Bing Zezhi's source is not only related to his powerful body, but also due to the power of the ancients.

Straightening up, Shuang Qingpo saw that Jiang Yun did not respond, and hurriedly continued: "Of course, I also know that it is impossible to ask friends to forgive me with empty words."

"In order to express my sincerity and apology, friends can speak up if they need anything, and my Frost clan will definitely satisfy them with all their strength."

Jiang Yun finally came to his senses, frowned at Shuang Qingpo and said, "Tell me the reason!"

Shuang Qingpo grinned, but he didn't hide it. He stretched out his hand and pointed under the ice surface and said, "There is the source of ice, which is the foundation of our clan's cultivation."

"There are about a thousand people in my Frost clan. All the clansmen absorb the cold air from the source of Bingze at the same time. Together, it is not as much as the cold air absorbed by friends at one time."

"On the basis of this, I know that my friend's background is not small, and I dare not be your enemy!"

After listening to Shuang Qingpo's explanation, Jiang Yun suddenly realized.

Not to mention these cold air, even if it is the source of ice, it can be swallowed by oneself!

Looking at Shuang Qingpo with a sincere face, although Jiang Yun knew that the other party might not really be willing to turn enemies into friends with him, but he didn't reach out to slap the smiling face, but he was a little bit helpless.

What's more, killing Shuang Qingsoul is nothing, but Shuang Qingsoul still has thousands of clansmen.

If he kills Shuang Qingsoul, he will have a grudge with the entire Shuang Clan.

You can't kill the entire Frost Clan by killing one person.

In addition, I don't know anything about extrajudicial places, and I need to find a place to stay for a while, waiting for Ji Kongfan's return.

This Shuang Qingsoul is not only the great emperor of ancient times, but also the leader of the clan, and turning his enemies into friends can provide him a lot of convenience.

In the future, the other party may be able to become a member of the attacking three statues.

Therefore, Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Yes!"

"But there are no more than three things. You have already killed me twice. If there is a third time, then I will definitely kill you at all costs."

"Don't worry, absolutely not!" Shuang Qingpo waved his hands again and again, and he was secretly relieved.

To be honest, he originally thought that Jiang Yun would not let him go so easily.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yun promised to be so happy.

Jiang Yun continued: "Okay, now, you find me a quiet place first, I have something to ask you!"

"Please come with me, my friend!" Shuang Qingpo naturally agreed, reaching out and pointing to a room completely made of ice not far away, and walked forward first.

Jiang Yun followed slowly.

And the hundreds of Frost clansmen who were shaken by Jiang Yun, even seriously injured, still maintained their respective postures and did not dare to move.

Looking at Jiang Yun's gradually receding back, a look of awe appeared on each of their faces.

Like Shuang Qingpo, they were all shocked by Jiang Yun's actions just absorbing the cold air, and they knew that if they continued to fight, they would definitely be killed by Jiang Yun.

It wasn't until Jiang Yun followed behind Shuang Qingpo and walked into the house that they let out a long breath, hurriedly stood up with each other's hand, and scattered away.

Jiang Yun was a little surprised when he stood in this igloo that can be said to be a real family.

Unexpectedly, as the leader of a clan, the great emperor of ancient times, the place where Shuang Qingpo lived would be so shabby and simple.

Shuang Qingpo naturally understood what Jiang Yun was thinking, rubbed his hands together, and explained with a smile on his face: "We spend all our time practising on weekdays and don't care about external things."

"Also, because the source of ice is hidden under the ice, I just sit on the ground and absorb the cold air of the source of ice."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun also sat on the ground directly, ignoring Shuang Qingpo, but released his consciousness and spread under the ice surface.

He must first feel the source of this ice rule.

As soon as his consciousness submerged into the ice, Jiang Yun felt a strong chill.

And as the consciousness spreads further down, the chill becomes stronger and stronger.

Until Jiang Yun's consciousness extended to a distance of nearly 10,000 feet under the ice surface, it was frozen.

Divine consciousness is basically intangible and intangible, and the source of ice can even freeze it, one can imagine the terrifying chill.

Shuang Qingpo naturally knew what Jiang Yun was doing, so she didn't speak, just sat and waited with a smile on her face.

Jiang Yun withdrew his consciousness.

The distance under the ice surface is the limit that his divine consciousness can achieve. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot continue to spread down.

Jiang Yun looked at Shuang Qingsoul and said, "What is the source of this ice rule?"

The source of the rules does not actually have a specific shape, but it will concretize a certain image according to the power of the corresponding rules.

The figurative objects of the source of each rule are also different.

Like Jiang Yun's understanding of the rules of thunder, the source of the rules is the huge cloud pool.

Shuang Qingpo lowered his voice and said, "The source of Gu Bingze is a huge piece of ice!"

Jiang Yun pointed to the ice surface under him again and said, "Hidden under this ice surface?"

Shuang Qingpo nodded, "Yes."

"However, my Frost clan only occupies about thirteenth of this place."

"The other part is occupied by the other twelve clans on the Ice Extreme Mountain."

This is the same as Jiang Yun's previous guess.

The source of ice, derived from this holy mountain of ice, is hidden in the mountain itself.

With the arrival of the powerhouses such as Shuang Qingshen, according to the location and area of ​​the source of ice, the corresponding areas were divided and the clan was established.

Jiang Yun then asked: "How many ancient rules are there in the land outside the law?"

Jiang Yun's question made Shuang Qingpo a little puzzled.

When he thought about it, since Jiang Yun had a close relationship with the pioneers of the extrajudicial land, he should not have asked this question at all.

However, he naturally did not ask, and replied directly: "All!"

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