Things from Another World

Chapter 1265: Above space

Chapter 1267

After hearing Down's decision, Aurelia and Fiona were stunned.

"You are simply whimsical ..."

Aurelia couldn't help but say, "You're exaggerated enough to go to heaven. You actually plan to broadcast live in space ... You're not making a fool!"

Tang En smiled and said, "Because they have never seen the outside scene, they have to broadcast live for them."

Not far beside Tang En was a spaceship that looked very beautiful-thanks to the crashed spaceship, Eli Li didn't make the spacecraft look strange.

Eggwin was also ready, and she was very curious about what was going to happen. Even Fiona could see that Eggwin, who had always been very indifferent, was stunned.

Neither Tang En nor Aigwin wore space suits, or the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute did not prepare space suits for them at all. In fact, common substances have rarely been able to help the legendary powerhouses. Although extremely rare special materials are useful, they are too expensive to make space suits, so they simply gave up this plan.

And further afield, many people in Ellington gathered around the outside of the site, one by one staring curiously at the central ship, and heard that their Majesty would be on such an important day Here, flying to the sky to kick off the celebration, they were also very curious about what was going on.

"It's almost time."

Klotto glanced at the sky, and then said, "Get on the ship and set off."

After speaking, he complained again: "After this thing is over, it is necessary to make a finer watch. It is too much trouble to accurately time it now."

Tang En smiled, and then walked under the spaceship with Aegwynn.

The overall lines of this spacecraft are very tough-not because Tang En likes this style in particular, but simply because the processing process of making hard lines is simpler and less prone to failure-the volume of the spacecraft and the civilian version of the spaceship The boat is about the same size, and most of them are modified power modules. Although the space for cargo is not very large, but from the perspective of volume and load ratio, it can already crush the launch vehicle on the earth.

And the most important thing in this spaceship is the artificial satellite in the cargo hold.

It is a product of the integration of prehistoric civilization and the current magic modification technology. The above technology is very complicated and difficult to describe. The core of this satellite is a custom-made artificial soul quantum computer that controls the satellites. All functions, including attitude adjustment, orbit, high-altitude shooting, first signal, etc ...

Because there are too many unknown materials, most of the existing reference materials are all extracted from the crashed spacecraft, so can this satellite enter the orbit smoothly, will it work smoothly after entering the orbit, will it be smooth after work? To achieve the goal, Donn and Croto knew nothing about them.

Science and technology only progress through constant attempts, don't they?

After Dunn opened the door, he waved with Aegwynn at the people outside, then went into the cabin.

The structure of the cabin also refers to the structure of the crashed spacecraft. However, unlike the spacecraft, the current technology of the Prandall civilization is different, which saves a lot of space. Therefore, the space inside the cabin is very large and can accommodate a lot of materials or It's a passenger.

Although the silver-white cabin is full of technological texture, the overall design style is still with a strong Elf art style. Apart from that, even the magic channel on the wall is safe and stable, Designed by them into a very beautiful pattern ...

After sitting in the driver's seat, Tang En turned to look at Aigwin on the co-pilot, covered her hand, and asked softly, "Are you nervous?"

"No, not nervous."

Tang En smiled. "I didn't expect you to be nervous even if you were so calm."

Aegwin's face was reddish, and he let go of his face with a grumpy expression, and broke his hand: "So I'm not nervous!"

Seeing her reaction, Tang En was not shocked, but Aegwin, who was usually so indifferent, would finally show the expression of grumpy and grumpy beside her, which is a good thing.

Strictly speaking, the relationship between Down and Eggwin has been quite subtle since the last time the two of them conducted a direct communication with the soul because of Gang Jie and successfully kissed them.

Even in the elves, kissing is only an act of love between couples, that is to say, in fact, Aegwynn was taking the initiative to kiss him. When kissing Tang En, he basically accepted the fact that he was his own couple. .

But accepting and accepting, whether you can perceive your inner thoughts is another matter.

Aegwynn is a legendary hero who is very focused on improving her strength and then working to eliminate chaos. She bets almost everything on fighting chaos, which has led her to be very ignorant about other things ... even if it is Having accepted Tang's presence in her heart, she still didn't know it, and soon turned her attention to other places.

And Tang En, after getting a kiss, fell into ecstasy. He never thought about continuing to hit the iron while he was hot. He was afraid that he would chase too fast, but he would make her farther and farther from herself ...

Under the circumstances, the relationship between these two people has clearly made progress, but they are still in place, hesitating not to continue to approach each other, which is really anecdotal.

Tang En glanced out of the window-thanks to prehistoric civilization data, Ellington is now finally capable of producing high-strength synthetic glass-and found that the signal had been sent from Croto, Tang En launched the spacecraft.

The silver spaceship is equipped with a large number of floating stone crystals to reduce the volume-to-weight ratio-which is equivalent to a substantial reduction in density-while using a dwarf gravity well to serve as the initial buoyancy, it works very quietly, so the entire spaceship It floated slowly without sound.

After hearing the cheers from outside, Tang En waved his hands towards the outside, and then he adjusted the attitude of the spacecraft directly and rushed into the sky with a straight line of nearly 90 degrees!

This approach to cheating, which is almost cheating, is only possible here.

"I envy her ..."

Upon hearing Fiona's muttering to herself, Aurelia pouted a smile and said playfully, "Why don't you go up if you envy her?"

"I just don't want to trouble him."

"Trouble? No, if you bother to go, aren't they more troublesome ..."

"Yeah, the environment in outer space is terrible, so we don't--"

Speaking of this, Fiona suddenly froze and looked at Aurelia abruptly: "--Wait! They !? What do you mean? Can't I say--"

Aurelia was also wrong-faced: "I saw Ilia and Winette getting on board before you came, but because no one told me, I thought it was you ..."

Elijah and Winnet! ?

Fiona and Aurelia looked at each other, their eyes widened, and they were lying in bed. The two girls were awful!

In fact, the situation of Elijah and Winnet is indeed not so good ...

After knowing that Tang En was going to take the spacecraft to the sky, Elijah quietly ran to the assembly workshop and observed several times, and finally found a very satisfactory hiding place. Then she did as she wished, and sneaked up with Winnett.



In the narrow container, Elijah covered her head and looked at Winnet with tears in her eyes: "Why suddenly I think this place is awful ... why is the movement outside so big ..."

"Hahh ... Hahh ... Mum doesn't hurt ..."

Winette helped Yilia rub her head while blowing her breath, and her face was full of distress—feeding you two of you who are mothers and daughters!

"My daughter is so good! Come on, my mother brought you snacks ... Let's go out later, or our elder brother might find us and drive us off."

Elijah quietly took out a bunch of snacks from the space equipment, and then began to eat with two eyes of Venetian who had blistered. Before long, they suddenly found that the snacks beside them turned out to be floating. Woke up……

"How is this going--"

As soon as Elijah exclaimed, some information suddenly appeared in her mind. She was calm and calmed down immediately. Thanks to the memory unlocked in her body, she immediately knew that this was the phenomenon of weightlessness.

Then she began to appease the panicked Winnett.

At the same time, in the cockpit, Tang En calmed Aigwin.

Compared with Winnett, Aigwin's situation is not much better. Although she can also fly in Prendall, she can still feel the effect of gravity. But now, her body has completely lost weight and is completely out of control. If it hadn't been for the safety belt that tied her to a chair, she would have floated out now.

"So don't be nervous, it's just because we are out of Gramdal's gravitational environment and enter a state of weightlessness ..."

Tang En unfastened his seat belt, let himself float in the air, and then said with a smile, "It feels amazing."

He had never been an astronaut on Earth, but he knew how to control his body in a state of weightlessness.

The most important thing now is to calm down Aegwynn, otherwise she might break the window with a punch ...

Thinking of this, Tang En turned around and adjusted the direction of the spaceship, then he smiled and pulled Aegwynn, pointed at the huge blue planet outside the window and said, "Look, this is the world we live in , The planet named Prandall. "

The huge, azure planet completely filled the entire field of vision, the white clouds covered the earth and the ocean, the towering mountains and low-lying valleys were clearly visible ...

Suddenly seeing such a shocking picture, Aegwin almost subconsciously held his breath and stretched out his hand. Touching the window as if touching the planet. Touching the planet ...

Tang En smiled slightly, turned her body slightly, and then kissed her head down.

Outside the window, the azure planet is the perfect background.

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