Things from Another World

Chapter 1266: Live in space

"Are you ready?"

"Um ... no, let's forget it, the first time I do this kind of thing, I, I'm a little nervous ..."

"Don't worry, rest assured, I will guide you ... trust me."

Looking at Tang En's sincere gaze, Aigwin, who was a little nervous, relaxed a little, but still held Tang En's hand tightly ...

"Huh ... finally ... it's this moment ..."

Tang En took a deep breath, and then slowly floated to the camera, ready to start the first space broadcast of Prandall.

After turning on the camera, Tang En adjusted his expression and said to the camera, "Prandall! I am the regent of the Illus Empire, Tang En. At this moment, I am thirty above your head. At a height of more than 10,000 meters, I will speak to you with the legendary hero of the elves, Aegwynn New Leaf Silver Blade! "

Tang En's voices spread all over the river. On this special day, a large number of people crowded on the streets of Yalinks and Ellington, in the square, gathered under the screen of the huge magic energy projection receiver, watching Down and Eggwin on the screen.

At the beginning of the live broadcast, the people in Prendal stopped their work and looked at Tang En on the screen intently. At this moment, they were honored.

With the help of the magic energy projection, this time people can see Tang En's image more clearly. Thanks to the efforts of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, the magic energy projection receiver has now spread throughout the entire Prandall, west to the emerald forest, gears City, east to the broken archipelago that traded with the bright scale naga, south to the south coast and the whole territory of the Roninante kingdom, north to the Rennes and even the Einzebelen family in the permafrost ... spread in the range Wider than ever.

The name of Aegwin was only known by some powerful men or scholars who have studied the history of the Second Chaos Invasion War, but now the name is known to everyone, not only You know, the audience also saw Down and Eggwin's hands clasped together.

What this means is clear to many people-perhaps, Her Majesty Tang En, will accept an elf concubine.

This is of course a good thing for the Illus Empire, which means that they will have a loyal and powerful ally of the Elves.

"Before starting the celebration, let me say a few words."

Tang En slowly said to the camera: "We live in this world, this Prandall, we know that the world is very vast, and we also know that in addition to the land we live in, there are four elements , Even the heavens where the gods live, even the mysterious astral world ... "

"In the elemental world of water, water is everywhere, not lakes, not oceans, but the entire world is made of water ..."

"In the elemental world of fire ..."

"In the wind element world ..."

"In the elemental world ..."

After briefly describing the four major element realms, Tang En turned around and said: "We know the magic and greatness of the four major element realms, but how many people have thought about what the world under our feet is What does it look like? "

Tang En's question stunned many audiences. What does the world look like? Does that matter? Of course ... eh? What does this world look like?

I thought it was a matter of course to know, but when they wanted to speak, they mistakenly found that they didn't have a complete impression of the world they lived in.

A vast continent? A lush forest? Still can't see the marginal mountains? The boundless sea? Is there an end to the sea? If so, what is the other side?

Almost everyone only knows what the area they live in looks like, but few people can fully describe what the entire Prandall looks like.

Only those adventurers and mercenary regiments who travel south to north will have a slightly broader vision. The more you know, the more difficult it is to answer this question.

Because they don't know what the world really looks like. Plantar is so vast. Who can guarantee that he has traveled everywhere?

Under everyone's attention, Tang En floated to the front to change the direction of the spacecraft, and then Aegwynn flew in front of the camera, and aimed the lens at the spacecraft window. The audience saw it.

"Who is this? So pretty!"

"Crap! Didn't you hear she's Elven's legendary hero Aegwynn? Elves don't have any ugly girls!"

"She was able to be with Her Majesty Tang En ... I really envy her!" This girl was envious and jealous of Aegwynn.

Just as people were talking to Aegwynn and guessing her identity, it seemed as if suddenly, the entire Prendall quieted down instantly.

Everyone looked at the picture and could not speak for a long time.

Shocked? excitement? perturbed? anxiety?

Maybe both.

But more importantly, they were waiting, waiting for Tang En to speak.

"Citizens of Prendall, look at it. What appears to you now is the land where you have lived for generations. This planet named Prendall is so beautiful that it feeds us all ... in the face of our common mother, do you have the heart to destroy it? Do you have the heart to destroy the world? "

Do not! We certainly can't bear it!

People think subconsciously, but they don't know why Tang En suddenly said this. Is it possible that war will break out again?

Tang En did not immediately disclose the chaos invasion. Such terrible news must be disclosed to the people a little bit, so that they can have a buffer time to accept the reality.

After that, Dunn pointed to the corner of Prendall and said, "Did you see there? There is Yalinks ... Now, Yalinks viewers, you can raise your head and look at you Sky, 300,000 meters above your head, I'm watching you. "

When the audience looked up and looked at the sky, some sharp-eyed people noticed that suddenly a banner appeared on the extremely high sky, a flag made of magic, the flag of the Empire of Illus!

This flag looks so small, as if it were the size of a finger, but this flag is so huge. In space, its diameter has exceeded hundreds of kilometers!

The scene was so exciting that there was cheering in all the cities of Prandall.

Ellington, Fiona and Aurelia heard cheers from the landslide and tsunami around them, and their faces were very pleased.

Entering space is the first step. If there are no surprises next, we will set up a special space exploration department to further develop the relevant upstream and downstream industries, while using the special environmental advantages of space to enhance combat effectiveness.

Tang En they can go to space without relying on auxiliary equipment, but if we want to popularize space exploration and let ordinary people also enter space, other related equipment development must also keep up.


Aegwynn whispered, "How?"

Tang En felt the feeling of controlling magic in space. After a moment, he nodded and whispered, "Compared to the ground, I don't know if it is because of the separation from environmental interference, the energy environment in space is more active ... but For the same reason, the four elements have lost their dependency environment, so it is very difficult to gather together, and the stock is very scarce. "

Being able to use magic in space, Tang En breathes a sigh of relief. Although the four elements are very rare, as long as they can use magic, don't worry, because it is possible to open the channel of the element world to obtain the element, the most important of which is purity Water source-on earth, the availability and access to water in space is a big problem that restricts human exploration of space, but in the world of Prendall, the problem of water source is directly solved, it is not a problem at all, only the rest Food-However, if clerics are added to astronauts, bread technology can solve the food problem to a certain extent ...

It's so convenient!

Moreover, the energy of "magic power" is common in Prendall's universe, and magic power can also be used in space. This means that a pure magic engine can be developed. This is the non-working substance engine that Earth technology dreams of!

If the refrigerantless engine is not exciting enough, what about adding space-distorting spells? By distorting the space structure in front of and behind the spacecraft, a space bubble is formed to allow the spacecraft to fly fast. This possibility is not absent. It is even easier than Earth Technology to implement this technology. This is the warped space engine, which can realize Woop jump flight. !!

As for the more advanced curvature engine, it can completely transit through the speciality of the half plane to achieve ultra-long-range flight-provided that you have reached your destination and recorded the coordinates there ...

In a comprehensive view, the development of aerospace technology in Prendall is actually much easier and simpler than that on earth. The only limitation may be computer technology and related mathematical theories in this world.

After a few more attempts, Tang En controlled the banner of magic, slowly drifted, and then said to the camera: "Remember this day, the order of 851 years, the month of celebration, this is the first time that our Prandall civilization has stepped on One day into space, and next, we will continue to accelerate progress, let our footsteps on Lolita and Loliya, and even on the planet farther-let us cheer! Now I declare, glorious The ceremony, officially started! "

Of course, Tang En could not hear the cheers of Prandall. After he ordered the opening of the glorious ceremony, he was ready to test other projects.

But at this moment, a clear voice suddenly came to his ears: "Brother, what is it?"

"Ilia !?"

Tang En looked at Elijah with erratic eyes, but he didn't have time to question Elijah before, and he saw something that caused Elijah's curiosity.

The moment he saw the thing, Tang En's scalp tightened, and the hairs of his whole body stood up!

Question: What is the scariest thing to suddenly see in space?

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