Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 630: Our family is not good enough for her

Chapter 630 Our family is not worthy of her


On the morning of the third day, Jiang Chi returned from the hospital. He didn't even go to Gu Xiang's place. He went back home directly.

Today there are guests at home, and Cheng Jing’s uncle Cheng Qinghai has come over and is a guest at home.

The home is very lively.

Jiang Chi walked into the house with a dark face. Cheng Qinghai saw him with a kind smile on his face and said, "Jiang Chi."

Jiang Chi didn't even smile at all on his face, he didn't even care.

He is in no mood at all now!

Jiang Lin looked at him and found that his face was very embarrassed, as if he was angry.

Jiang Lin also knew about Jiang's mother's visit to Gu Xiang two days ago. I know that Jiang's mother has the smell of adding fuel to the fire.

Since knowing Gu Xiang's identity, Jiang Lin is now very cautious in Gu Xiang's affairs, for fear that something will cause Gu Xiang to be unhappy, so now he is avoiding Gu Xiang.

He was also very helpless about what his mother did.

But it is too late to remedy.

Seeing Jiang Chi coming back at the moment, he was still angry, and he was also helpless.


Jiang Chi glanced at his mother and said, "I have something to tell you."

Mother Jiang smiled and said to everyone: "I'll go see him."

Leaving the living room, Jiang Chi stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the flowers clustered outside, in a bad mood at all.

Mother Jiang said: "The quiet uncle is here, why don't you even say hello?"

Jiang Chi turned his head and looked at his mother, "Did you go to Gu Xiang with the marriage agreement?"

Mother Jiang nodded, "Yes. I also want to coax her back."

Jiang Chi said: "I said that the marriage agreement was given to my second brother and he was asked to give Gu Xiang. You have to stay. Do you think that if you force her to give birth to me, she will give birth? Do you think you force her Staying, she will love me, will she be willing to be with me forever?"

Mother Jiang looked at Jiang Chi and said, "I also hope that you and Gu Xiang will be well, and I also hope that she will stay! If you give her the marriage agreement, she will never come back. As long as you don't agree to the divorce, she If you lose your breath, you will come back."

"Give me the marriage agreement." Jiang Chi felt that he had no way to explain to his mother.

Mother Jiang looked at him.

Jiang Chi said: "Give it to me!"

Mother Jiang glanced at him and had to take it.

She took the marriage agreement and handed it to Jiang Chi. As soon as it arrived in Jiang Chi's hands, he had already torn it to pieces.

He acted very decisively, almost without hesitation. Mother Jiang looked at him and said, "Jiang Chi."

"From now on, you never go to Gu Xiang anymore, I beg you! I will never be with her anymore, can I? My Jiang Chi is not so bad that I need you to use this method to force her to follow How am I together? If it’s because I can’t let go of her, I will let you hurt her again and again, then I won’t be with her in the future! So, don’t waste your time. Even if you ask her back, I won't be with her anymore."

Mother Jiang looked at him, "Mom knows you like her, so I hope to help you stay."

"No need." Jiang Chi said with a cold face: "I think it is good for her to get a divorce, and our family really doesn't deserve her."

After Jiang Chi finished speaking, he went straight upstairs.


Mother Jiang looked at his back, somewhat helpless.

She returned to the living room and Cheng Qinghai asked, "What's wrong with Jiang Chi? Have problems at work?"

"No." Mother Jiang said: "He is in a bad mood, so he is a bit impolite. I have already said about him."

Cheng Qinghai smiled and said, "It's okay, young man, that's it."


(End of this chapter)

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