Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 631: He disappeared

Chapter 631 He disappeared

At night, when Gu Xiang returned home, he found that the house was empty.

She originally thought that Jiang Chi would be here after get off work today, but it didn't.

She turned on the phone, took a look, and found that he had not sent her a message either.

On the way back, Gu Xiang was still thinking that if he saw him, he should tell him something, but he didn't come.

She couldn't say it was easy.

I haven't thought about this problem for the time being.


In the next few days, Jiang Chi did not appear in front of her either.

Whether it was him or Jiang's family, including Jiang Feng, they all seemed to disappear from her front.

In the afternoon, Gu Xiang sat in the store, thinking of Jiang Chi...he hadn't been divorced yet, but there seemed to be an illusion that he had divorced.

She was still wondering if she had a memory gap and forgot the memory of divorcing him.

It's weird.

She glanced at Bai Wei and asked, "Has your second brother contacted you recently?"

Bai Wei listened to Gu Xiang's words and said, "It doesn't seem to be there. I haven't contacted for a long time. I should be busy. What's wrong?"

Gu Xiang said, "It's okay."

Bai Wei said, "How is the divorce between you and Jiang Chi? He didn't bother you recently, right?"

"He hasn't appeared for several days." Gu Xiang said.

Bai Wei listened to her with suspicion.

Looking at Gu Xiang, "No wonder you have spoken less in the past few days. This is not divorced yet. If he doesn't come to you, you will be sad. If you really get divorced, you will definitely be more sad."

Gu Xiangbai gave her a glance, "No. It's really good to be divorced."

Last time Mama Jiang came to her, Gu Xiang had made up his mind.

Bai Wei looked at Gu Xiang and said, "Forget it, by the way, how about going out for a buffet at night?"

Gu Xiang said, "Okay."

The two went after work.

There is a very good buffet, quite famous, with more seafood.


"Achi, I want to eat this." A couple next to him, the woman pointed to the ice cream on the side, and asked the man next to her.

The man said: "Okay."

"Then wait for me." The girl took it.

This good word was too familiar, Gu Xiang couldn't help but glanced at the man. He stood there after seeing him for many days. Because it was not cold in it, he wore a black shirt without a tie, and his sleeves were at his elbows.

Stand aside with a plate in his hand.

He didn't look at the girl, he didn't know where he was looking, she looked a bit lonely.

Gu Xiang looked at him, stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, maybe he had hallucinations!

Why do you see someone else’s boyfriend who is so like him?

She looked away, about to walk away, and suddenly heard Bai Wei say: "Jiang Chi!"

This name made Gu Xiang startled.

When Jiang Chi stopped, he had already raised his head.

Seeing Gu Xiang standing there.

Today, her hair is untied, draped, wearing a white shirt and black skirt, standing there, watching him.

When he turned his face, Gu Xiang found that his eye sockets were sour for a moment.

The girl turned her head back, walked to Jiang Chi, looked at Bai Wei and Gu Xiang, and asked, "Your friend?"

Jiang Chi didn't say a word, just looked at Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang looked at him, forced himself to raise the corner of his mouth, and turned to leave.

This was the first time she wanted to escape like a coward, instead of chasing after her, asking what was going on with that woman.

(End of this chapter)

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