This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 113 Dragon Father; the correct way is to become a mating partner (6k)

After the Black Castle was successfully built, Udi moved in on the same day.

The treasures and other objects in the cave on the mountain wall were packed away by the dragonborn maids and re-decorated in the black castle.

However, although the construction of Black Castle was completed, it continued to expand under Wilson's persuasion.

Here are his exact words.

"The Black Dragon King lives in the Black Castle, but as his dependents, you are out in the wild, living in simple wooden houses and stone houses. Looking at it at a glance, how bad is your image?"

"What is an image?" Wilson sighed, pointing to the towering Black Gold Dragon Castle in the distance, and then to the surrounding wooden and stone houses.

"Doesn't this damage the image of the Black Dragon King? What is its identity? With such a noble and great identity, how can such a desolate building exist at the foot of the place where it lives? And you, wearing tattered animal skins , he looks like he has no image at all, if he walks out, wouldn’t he be losing face to the Black Dragon King?”

As the general manager of the territory, Shi Ji deliberately wanted to refute, thinking that this was the most efficient way. But after thinking about it deeply, it found that what Wilson said still made sense.

As a dependent of the master, you still have to pay some attention to appearance. Especially when even the owner starts to pay attention to the outside world.

"Okay, then I'll do as you say." Under Wilson's persuasion, Shiji finally made a decision after careful consideration.

Then, the construction plan of Monster City was put on the agenda.

It is worth mentioning that more than a year ago, Shi Ji canceled the previous eugenics and nurturing plan and transformed it into a multi-child and multi-child plan.

Two reasons.

One is because of the invasion war, 30,000 Dragon Nest troops were left to the Dark Queen to raise, and 10,000 were left to the Siglind family to raise. After these 40,000 Big Eaters are gone, the pressure on the Mountain Stream Dragon Nest is reduced. Most of it. Those participating in the war are all elite monster warriors, so they naturally eat more.

Another reason is that the construction of Black Castle requires a large number of manpower, plus a large number of manpower is required for breeding, planting, hunting, etc.

Therefore, under the plan to have more children, the current population of Dragon Nest has reached 150,000. If you count the 30,000 given to Lyanna and the 10,000 raised by the Siglinde family, the total monster population reaches an exaggerated 190,000.

Black Castle.

Dragon Pond is as wide as a lake.

The water vapor is thick, and Yinchuan Waterfall pours down from the high mountains.

Under a giant black dragon, a large number of enchanting figures loomed.

In mid-air, the harpies flapped their wide black-feathered dragon-scale wings behind them, and used their eagle claws, which were as hard as metal, to 'peck' at the thick scales of the black dragon.

Wu Di closed his eyes, enjoying the wonderful feeling of tingling and tingling all over his body.

after an hour.

Wu Di slowly opened his dragon eyes and looked at the steamy dragon pond and the naked dragon-born maids dripping with fragrance.

Facing Oudi's terrifying dragon body, these dragon-born maids who are not weak in strength need to use most of their own strength, or even all their strength, every time they 'massage', and this will take an hour to complete. Tired?

I'm afraid that for them, this is much more tiring than a fierce battle.

But even so, these dragonborn maids are still willing and eager.

Being close to their masters, the power of the dragon veins in their bodies will become purer and more powerful under some kind of radiation.

The longer you leave it on, the better the results will be.

Therefore, every time there is an opportunity for this kind of 'massage' service, a large number of dragonborn maids will compete for it.

Seven or eight years ago, the number of dragonborn maids was still small, and the number of dragonborn maids of all races together was only over a hundred.

But so many years have passed. During this period, the Siglinde family has paid tribute to some high-quality and even top-quality slaves every year. In addition, a tribe of harpies in the dark forest took the initiative to seek refuge in the dragon's nest, and the Wolf Adventure Group came from the mainland. 'Specialties' brought back from other places.

Nowadays, the number of dragonborn maids in Dragon Lair exceeds five hundred. The number of dragonborn male servants exceeds a thousand.

The former is responsible for Udi's personal care, and the latter is responsible for coolies, food, guarding and other tasks in the dragon's nest.

Among the five hundred dragon-born maids, more than three hundred are human dragon-born maids. After all, the human base is large, and beautiful women are easier to find and catch.

Among the remaining two hundred dragon-born maids, there are more than thirty Aegean orc maids, including more than ten Fox Fox tribe members, more than ten Wolf Wolf tribe members, and a rare Moshao Clam tribe.

Needless to say, the people of the Fox Fox Tribe and the Wolf Wolf Tribe look like humans with a fox tail and a wolf tail behind their buttocks. The latter will have more animal-like features, such as soft wolf pads on the hands and soles of the feet. Once exerted force, the sharp claws can pop out. The former is more charming in appearance, a true vixen, while the latter is heroic, fierce, and has a unique charm.

And what about the Moshao people? The Moshao clams are different from the Fox Fox people and the Wolf werewolves. The Moshao clams are the water tribe among the Aegean orcs, and they are also rare natural spellcasters among the water tribe. They are good at water spells and illusions. The unbroken Moshao clams will carry a pair of huge clam shell 'wings' on their backs. After losing their virginity, the clamshells on the backs of the Moshao clams will fall off, forming a pair of wings that will help them. A treasure of cultivation.

Wu Di slowly lowered the faucet and looked at the three-colored clam shells floating on the water in front of him. Among the huge clam shells, a beauty in colorful clothes was looming, and the surrounding water slowly formed water ropes, freely and flexibly. Twisting.


The beauty in colorful clothes noticed Wu Di's gaze, and hurriedly stopped her spell practice, and knelt down in the three-colored clam shell, trembling, with her knees missing.

"There's no need to be so frightened. Just keep practicing." Wu Di said calmly.

This beauty in colorful clothes from the Moshao tribe is named Rouyu. This name is rare and special in the Taal plane. However, in her hometown of the Aegean plane, the Moshao tribe comes from the Eastern Continent. , this form of name is very common.

Rouyu nodded timidly and continued to practice the spell, but during this period, she would always carefully observe the changes in her master's expression. If something was wrong, she would stop immediately.

Udi didn't care about her little actions.

If it were an ordinary dragonborn maid who was lazy, he would definitely be angry. But Rouyu was a little different to him.

Maybe it's some sense of familiarity. After all, the appearance of Rouyu, who has long black hair and black eyes, is more in line with Wu Di's aesthetics, which often makes him feel a little nostalgic.

Or maybe it's Rouyu's good talent as a spell caster, coupled with the power of his Void Dragon Vein. If he practices hard, he might become a good helper for him in the future.

The other dragonborn maids didn't know what Wu Di was thinking, but they were all envious and jealous that Rouyu could gain the favor of their master.

Even Sophia, who is the head maid, often feels a sense of disparity in her heart. As one of the "old people" who has stayed in the Dragon's Nest for the longest time, she has never been so obviously favored by her master. And a 'newcomer' who has only been here for less than a year is already so favored.

Because of this, Rouyu was almost ostracized and neglected by most of the dragon-born maids.

Especially those more than a hundred harpies. As monsters, their jealousy is very pure, and they cannot hide it, nor are they too lazy to hide it. They often give little stumbling blocks to Rouyu, a clam beauty, to make her look embarrassed, and then cover her mouth and laugh.

Although she is a natural caster and has good talent for illusions, Rouyu is still young and her strength is not very strong. Her caster level is only level four, and her creature level is also level four. She cannot compare with those who have obtained the power of the Void Dragon Vein for many years. Dragonborn maid.

There are more than 500 dragon-born maids. Except for the latest batch, which are still low-level, the rest have all reached the intermediate level. Among them, the old people who have been here for more than five years have reached the seventh, eighth, or even ninth level, which is not far away from the advanced creatures. Far. ——Although they did not make a contract with Oudi and could not benefit from Oudi's own growth, because they stayed with Oudi all year round, they were radiated and infiltrated by the power of the void dragon vein almost all the time. Compared with the monster clans outside, The speed of strength improvement has increased a lot.

A lot of bubbles bubbled up in the dragon pond.

A white dragon flew out of the water, unfolded its huge white dragon wings, and flew around the black dragon with a whistling sound and the screams of the dragonborn maids.

This white dragon has glittering scales all over its body, its body is slender, and its flying posture is graceful. In the aesthetics of giant dragons, it can definitely be called a little beautiful dragon.

This white dragon is Antonio, the pet dragon that Oudi adopted many years ago.

More than a year ago, little Antonio's biological level was intermediate level five, and his body size was about six meters.

Now more than a year has passed, Antonio's biological level has reached the low level of the sixth level, and his body size has increased to 6.6 meters. The small pair of dragon wings on the back of his back that could not be used for flying have gradually grown. Now Antonio The dragon wings spread out to more than ten meters, which looked more majestic than the real white dragon.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that little Antonio’s wisdom has increased compared to more than a year ago. It may have been equivalent to eight or nine years old originally, but now it is estimated to be equivalent to a human teenager. In addition to having little experience and poor experience Other than that, the intelligence and ability are not much different from ordinary human beings.

Seeing Antonio flying around him wantonly, frightening the Harpy Dragonborn maids into hiding, Oudi frowned slightly, stretched out his dragon claws, easily grabbed the white dragon that was as fast as a phantom, and pinched it in his hand. The heart of the claw.

But before Udi could scold him, Antonio, the white dragon, stared at his big moist eyes and said in a sweet voice in common language,

"Father, your claws hurt me."

Oudilong's claws froze slightly, and Antonio took the opportunity to run out. This time she flew hundreds of meters into the air.

Raising the dragon's head slightly and looking at Antonio flying wantonly, Oudi also felt a little headache.

He was obviously raising a pet, but the pet didn't know where he learned this trick, and he actually started calling him daddy.

Udi had corrected him several times before, and even punished the little guy for it, but every time he saw Antonio's pitiful look and his milky voice, Udi would punish him lightly.

As a result, the title cannot be corrected at all.

"Cunning little guy." Wu Di secretly shook his head, a little angry, but more amused.

Ever since Antonio considered Udi his father, the little guy's status in the dragon's nest has skyrocketed, to the point where he is under one dragon and above all monsters.

Those monsters and dragon-born maids, even if they were stronger than it, did not dare to give it any look. Instead, they had to smile and be respectful.

There is no way, even the Black Dragon King has acquiesced, so what difference does it make whether she is a real daughter or not?

After the dragon bath, Oudi returned to the majestic Black Castle.

The guard barrier was opened and all the dragonborn maids retreated.

Wu Di slowly walked into a blank land, and the huge dragon body disappeared into the air section by section.

This area was also covered with a layer of guard enchantment by Udi. Unlike the guard enchantment that enveloped the entire Black Castle, only Wu Di Yilong could enter and exit this small guard enchantment at will.


Wu Di slowly raised the dragon's head and looked at the black mass of meat, which was a hundred meters high and looked like a hill in the barrier. He grinned and revealed his sharp dragon teeth.

The Feast cooldown is here once again.

The reason in Wu Dilong's eyes gradually disappeared. He looked at the huge mountain of flesh in front of him. He bit down hard with his abyss-like mouth, tearing off and swallowing dozens of tons of black flesh from the mountain of flesh.


Under the terrifying digestion ability of the power of the void, the black flesh and blood was quickly digested, and streams of pure dark evil energy were quickly absorbed and accumulated by Wu Di, and finally transformed into a feast progress bar.

Reinforcement begins.

The body and soul are slowly growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a mine somewhere.

"So annoying!"

A childish, pleasant, but very irritable dragon roar sounded deep in the mine.

Deep in the mine, two young black dragons with a body length of more than six meters were quickly waving their sharp claws to dig out ore. One of the stronger female dragons started to become irritable as she dug.

Heloise looked at her younger brother Brooke, who was still digging ore diligently, and couldn't help but roll up a huge boulder with her long dragon tail and smash it over.

Brooke, who was hit on the head by a boulder, was slightly stunned, then turned to look at her sister with an unhappy tone,

"Heloise, what's wrong with you? Why are you so angry every day? If you have time to lose your temper, why not dig two more ores and make more money?"

"I know about mining and mining every day, but we are black dragons! How can there be a black dragon doing such a menial job?!" Heloise's face was full of hatred.

"What you said makes sense, but what can we do if we don't mine? There are so many powerful monster warriors in Dragon Nest, and all the powerful monsters around have been cleaned up by them. If you want to go out to hunt monsters, you must go deep into the dark forest. And in the depths of the dark forest, there are high-level monsters and top-level monsters. With our strength, if we are targeted, wouldn’t we die?!"

Brooke was also a little annoyed and retorted with a sneer.

Heloise was a little annoyed by the rebuttal, "Then we will keep mining? If other evil dragons find out about this, they won't be able to laugh at us forever?

And you have also seen that even a white dragon can enjoy it as much as we want, but we are the more noble and powerful black dragon! "

Brooke rolled her eyes. Sure enough, her sister was jealous.

This happened not long ago, when Black Castle was first built.

As the younger brothers and sisters of the Black Dragon King, Brooke and Heloise naturally came to visit and strongly requested to live there after the visit.

Of course, he was refuted by Udi in the end. Putting two little evil dragons next to you is simply making yourself uncomfortable.

Although Brooke and Heloise were a little aggrieved at the time, they didn't think much about it.

Until, when they passed by the Black Castle one day, they saw the white dragon Antonio flying freely over the Black Castle, and they were instantly stunned.

Then it exploded directly.

A lowly white dragon can live in the Black Castle, why can't two of them with the same blood flow live in the Black Castle?

This is simply going too far!

Then Heloise and Brooke got into a fight again.

Of course, this is still of no use. Every time the two young black dragons make trouble, they will be driven out by the dragonborn male servants who are the guards of the dragon nest.

Driven away again and again, the two little black dragons were defeated, and finally they had to return to the mining area to mine.

In the past, they felt happy with this kind of mining work. Because mining can not only obtain treasure rewards from the dragon's nest, but also secretly eat part of the magic ore during the mining process.

While making money and working at the same time, the two little black dragons are very beautiful and full of energy every day. Sometimes they can even dig for three days and three nights at a stretch, and they are forced to rest until they are full.

But now seeing a white dragon enjoying all kinds of high-quality monster flesh and blood, magic ores, and magic crystals without having to work, and then looking at themselves... the mentality of the two little dragons Heloise and Brooke naturally began to become unbalanced. .

This is the different treatment of Chiguoguo!

However, the majesty of Brother Wu Di cannot be resisted. The two young black dragons know this deeply, so they are still doing the mining work, and they are still stealing what they should eat, but often it will suddenly change like today. Got to be cranky.

Of course, it was Heloise, the female dragon, who was the one who was furious, and Brooke had accepted his fate.

As for why Brooke accepted his fate so easily?

That's because, after living in the dragon's nest for so many years, Brooke has a deep understanding of what kind of virtuous dragon his brother Wu Di is.

Looking at the irritable, incompetent and furious Heloise, after thinking about it, Brooke finally gave her an advice,

"Heloise, actually you still have a way to stay in the Black Castle, but you just didn't find the right method."

"What do you mean? What method?" The little female dragon frowned and looked at Brooke in surprise.

Brooke did not answer her directly, but smiled mysteriously, "Look at what kind of beings live in the Black Castle."

"Dragonborn maid, dragon lair guard, and that hateful white dragon, do you mean to let me be a maid?" The little female dragon reacted quickly and became a little embarrassed and angry after realizing what Brooke meant.

"You let a noble black dragon be a maid? Brooke, are your dragon scales itchy again?!"

Brooke snorted, "Be a maid? Heloise, you have become stupid. I didn't ask you to be a maid. What I meant was that you were going to seduce Brother Udy and be his mating partner!"

As soon as these words came out, Heloise was stunned. Brooke struck while the iron was hot, "Brother Wu Di is very lustful. Look at the beautiful maids of various races under his command, and the white dragon you are jealous of. Isn't it also a beautiful little female dragon? You Why do you think Brother Wu Di is willing to let that little female dragon live in the Black Castle? That little female dragon must be Brother Wu Di’s mating partner!"

"But... I feel like I'm still a little too young." Heloise whispered with a hesitant expression.

In response to this, Brooke just sneered and said with disdain, "That white dragon is only a teenager, about the same age as you. And for our dragon clan, the young dragon has already developed. Look at yourself, the dragon body is strong, strong and slender. The dragon scales are so beautiful, not inferior to that white dragon at all, you should have confidence in yourself!"

Brooke saw a trace of heartbeat on Heloise Long's face, and hit the railroad again while it was hot,

"Furthermore, in this plane, can you find a better black dragon than Brother Wu Di? So strong, so majestic, and so rich, if I were a female dragon, I would have all of them myself."

"That's enough, stop talking." Heloise suddenly snorted coldly and continued to work hard to dig up the ore.

However, maybe even she didn't know it, but all the changes in her expression were seen by Brooke.

"What a stupid sister." Brooke muttered in her heart, and her mood became cheerful.

After this persuasion, it finally no longer had to worry about enduring Heloise's irritability in a short period of time, and could start mining with peace of mind.

Even if Heloise really listened to its advice and moved into the Black Castle, then it would be able to completely monopolize this entire mine, and only it would be able to dig the mines here!

Unlike Heloise, Brooke deeply understands that he is a male dragon.

As for the male dragon, he will never be able to get ahead in the dragon's nest. No matter where the dragon's nest is, a powerful male dragon will not allow another powerful male dragon to also control the power.

So, from the beginning, Brooke's goal was clear. ——Steal magic ores and earn a lot of wealth at the same time. From time to time, you will fight with the powerful monster warriors in the dragon lair to hone your martial arts and improve your strength!

When he reaches adulthood, the contract with Brother Udi ends, he goes out to occupy a large territory, establishes the Kingdom of Dragons, and enjoys the same or even better treatment that Brother Udi has now.

"I dig, I dig, I dig hard!" Brooke said nothing as he used his sharp dragon claws to dig the mine. With a clang, a white, gleaming stone fell from the vein.

Brook Dragon excitedly picked up this thumb-sized piece of magic ore. Hesitating and distressed, he closed his eyes and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Eat this piece to become stronger, and then sell the next piece to the dragon's nest." Brooke muttered in his heart.

There will be another chapter later. I will offer six thousand first.

Thanks to ‘book friend 20230209084343681’ for the reward of 100

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