This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 114: Changed Nature; Green Dragon’s Lair (The First Day of Ten Thousand Years)

The next day.

In the mine, Brooke discovered that Heloise was missing.

"Really?" Brooke was slightly stunned, a little shocked by Heloise's speed of movement.

Black Castle.

Wu Di, who woke up from his slumber at the feast, once again heard the noise coming from the square outside.

After listening for a while, Oudi shook his head, it was Heloise and the others again.

He originally wanted to be too lazy to bother with it and planned to go to the Dragon Pond to practice his spells - Wu Di's treasures were all placed in the Dragon Pond, and the black dragon was of water nature, so practicing in the water was the most comfortable.

The Black Castle is just a place where the feast sleeps and eats.

But Wu Di didn't want to pay attention, but in fact, this time it was not like before.

Soon, the head maid Sophia found him and reported to him.

"Her Excellency Heloise wants to talk to you." Sophia said helplessly. If the two little black dragons came to make trouble and wanted to stay in the Black Castle, then she had the right to drive them away. But now they did not make trouble, but were waiting outside obediently, hoping to talk to the owner. Sophia had no choice but to convey this.

She still understands that Heloise and Brooke still have the identity of the master's younger brother and sister. To a certain extent, no one in the entire Dragon Nest is as close as the two of them.

Otherwise, why give them a precious vein of magic ore to mine? Don’t you know what will happen if you let the two evil dragons stay in the magic mine?

It is estimated that the magic ore mined is not as much as what they have eaten or secretly hidden.

As the chief steward, Shi Ji turned a blind eye to this. After all, he was the master's younger brother and sister, so it was normal to run a small stove. Moreover, this magic mineral vein is only a small mineral vein of inferior quality. Among the mineral veins currently controlled by Dragon Nest, it is not ranked in the top ten in terms of rarity.

"Talk to me? Are they no longer making trouble? No, why didn't Brooke come this time?" Oudi was surprised, thought about it, and finally chose to meet Heloise.

Longchi, central.

On top of a treasure mountain with a flat top formed by a large number of gold coins, silver coins, magic crystals, magic ores, magic cores, magic metals, etc., a huge black dragon lies on the top.

Most of this massive treasure was obtained from the dark forest. The magic cores obtained from hunting monsters, the ores, metals, and crystals mined by kobolds, and less than 10% of the gold coins, silver coins, and crystals were paid tribute by the Siglinde family.

In terms of resources, the dark forest resources that are not exploited by too many intelligent races are indeed richer than humans.

When Heloise followed the dragonborn maid to the dragon pond, her dragon eyes were instantly attracted to the shining center of the elemental aura, and her saliva almost flowed out.

"There are so many treasures. Mother's treasure is not even one percent of what is here, right?" Heloise was greedy and shocked.

Of course, Heloise didn't know that her mother had now occupied the wasteland and became the king. The dragon's treasure had expanded more than ten times, and she was definitely considered a wealthy dragon among dragons of the same age. Well, it turned out to be very poor.

Heloise flew impatiently to the center of the dragon pond.

Only when she got closer did her eyes shift away from the treasure. There was no way, the shadow cast by the black dragon brought too much oppression to Heloise.

"Heloise, what do you want?"

The black dragon opened its eyes and looked at the little black dragon in front of him.

The black dragon, which is more than six meters long, is actually not too small. Even without its tail, it is as big as two large buffaloes.

But in front of the black dragon, a creature of this size seemed very small, not as big as a dragon head of the former.

"I, I." At this moment, Heloise stuttered and was at a loss. After struggling for a long time, her brain was almost burned out. In the end, she didn't know what she said. Anyway, her mind was confused. and left with Sophia.

On the Dragon Pond Treasure, looking at Heloise leaving, Oudi couldn't help but mutter, "Why do you want to be my maid?"

Yes, Heloise didn't say those eight words in the end.

Evil dragons often have a low sense of shame, but this is not something that cannot be changed.

The two little dragons Heloise and Brooke are typical examples. They have lived in the dragon's nest for six or seven years, and they cannot avoid being affected by Oudi and his monsters.

What's the impact?

Relative order, relative fairness, relative harmony, as well as effort, loyalty, dedication, and thinking.

Although the two little evil dragons are still evil in character, they can still kill creatures and steal treasures without any guilt. However, they have become more bottom line.

At least, they will not rob the treasures of the dragon lair monsters, but fight with the monster warriors to hone their strength, nor will they hold grudges after defeat and secretly ambush and kill them on the road. ——If it is a pure evil dragon, it can definitely do this kind of thing, because they simply cannot bear the humiliation of being defeated by an inferior race.

In addition, the two little dragons understood what humility is, humility in the face of the strong. When meeting strong people such as Shiji, Mundo, Baihe, Blaine, and Griffin, they will also become polite, at least polite in tone, instead of being arrogant and arrogant.

Of course, their pride as true dragons is still rooted in their blood, and this will not change.

Under this influence over the years, the personalities and bottom lines of Heloise and Brooke have unknowingly undergone subtle changes.

Udi's life returned to normal again.

But what is different from the past is that every time there is a dragon bath in the dragon pond, there will be two little dragons playing (fighting) here.

Two little dragons, one white and one black, were massaging Wu Di while stroking their claws from time to time, looking displeased at each other.

But these two little guys are very measured.

Antonio clearly understands that Udi is her thigh and needs to be hugged tightly, so it is impossible for Antonio to do anything to annoy Udi.

Heloise, on the other hand, was intimidated by the majesty and strength of Brother Oudi, as well as the fact that she had finally moved into the Black Castle. She cherished this opportunity very much, so she did not dare to act too much.

Wu Di saw that the two little dragons had a sense of control, so he let them go. It would be nice for the Black Castle to be more lively. After all, this place is too big. The Black Castle, which is more than 50 square kilometers and is still being expanded, currently has less than 2,000 living beings living in it. It is really quite empty.

It is worth mentioning that Antonio is no match for Heloise. ——Although the two sides are similar in size, and even Antonio is stronger, Antonio does not have the heritage of the dragon after all. The white dragon cannot inherit many of its spell-like abilities. It can only spit out frost breath and condense ice armor, while Heloy Si awakened the dark arts, low-light vision, and identification skills when she entered her teenage years, and the magic power storage in her body increased a lot, and the power of the dragon's breath became much stronger. As time goes by, the gap between spell-like methods will become larger.

Normally, magic awakens only after the age of ten is the Young Dragon stage. But Heloise and Brooke awakened their magic when they were eight or nine years old. The reason is also very simple. Compared with other normal little dragons, the two little dragons are very diligent and have enough resources and food. Go ahead, Udi won't treat them badly either.

Heloise and Brooke, who are now more than twelve years old, have reached the sixth intermediate level of biological level, and they have also practiced professions.

Heloise's profession is a spell caster, and Brooke's profession is a warrior.

The former's caster level is now only level one, while the latter's warrior level has reached level three.

The main reason why there is such a big difference is that the caster really goes against the nature of the evil dragon, which is wisdom, calmness, thinking, and research. This is equivalent to having a villain who has been around since childhood suddenly force himself to learn advanced mathematics. It is really a kind of torture.

The warrior profession is different. You can continue to improve through training, fighting, and killing. In this case, Brooke mines every day and fights monster warriors from time to time. This is his daily routine, so he will naturally progress faster.

In terms of overall strength, Brooke has vaguely surpassed Heloise. Even if Heloise is a little stronger.

"Perhaps, the Void bloodline can be given to Heloise and Brooke." Oudi thought deeply.

Even though Heloise and Brooke are much stronger than Antonio now, the reason is because they have undergone their first sleep and magic awakening, and their strength has jumped a lot.

There won't be so many good things after that. They need to wait until the young dragons can sleep for the second time, that is, they may be fifty years old or earlier, but no matter how early, they will still have to be thirty or forty years old. Before that, the strength of the two little dragons will increase very slowly. ——Compared to humans.

But Antonio is different. After receiving the Void Dragon's blood, as long as she eats enough and has enough nutrition (magic power and energy), her strength improvement will not slow down, and as time goes by, Antonio's dragon body will definitely surpass the sea. Lois and Brooke.

Eventually, the strength gap between the two sides will gradually widen.

Udi has an ambition in his heart. ——Create a void dragon army.

The main body of the legion is tentatively composed of dragon beasts.

Because the dragon beasts have not inherited the dragon heritage, they are blank and have not been contaminated by the knowledge of the evil dragon heritage. Their nature can be modified by the day after tomorrow. Antonio is a successful case. Not only does she have wisdom, but although her nature still likes killing and is biased toward evil, she is not chaotic and has her own thinking ability.

"Let's observe the development of their two characters in the future." Wu Di gave up the idea for the time being and thought of continuing to observe them for a few more years.

He didn't want to raise two powerful evil dragons who could betray him at any time.

"But the number of dragon beasts is still too small. The Wolf Adventure Group and the Siglinde family have not been able to get a second dragon beast in these years. Maybe, I still have to do it myself." Wu Di narrowed his dragon eyes.

After having this idea in his mind, Wu Di started to make plans.

A month later, after another feast, Wu Di, whose strength had improved a little, finally made his decision.

Go out and look for dragon eggs and dragon beasts.

And the goal is the principle of proximity. ——Dark Forest

The entire dark forest covers an area of ​​more than 10 million square kilometers. In such a vast area, there must be traces of other giant dragons.

Especially the green dragon.

The dense forest of ancient trees is the green dragon's favorite nesting environment.

Wu Di used the shrinking technique to shrink the dragon's body, and then used the invisibility technique to hide his figure, and quickly shuttled through the dark forest to search for it.

Dragons can often sense their own kind at a distance.

One day, two days. In the blink of an eye, eight days passed.

On this day, Udi finally sensed the familiar smell of the same kind.

With excitement and vigilance, he kept moving closer in that direction. During this period, the shrinking spell was released and the dragon's body returned to its normal state. Facing a battle that may happen at any time, the shrinking technique will only affect Udi's strength, and he must ensure that he is in his prime.

As the distance got closer, Wu Di's eyes also locked on a seemingly ordinary forest of ancient trees.

There are traces of magic here.

Wu Di sniffed the smell in the air carefully, and there was indeed a faint smell of green dragon.

Green dragons are good at magic.

So, that's for sure. ——The area in front of you is the dragon's nest hidden by magic.

"It's a bit tricky." Wu Di observed this area and found that this enchantment type spell should be a high-level spell.

In other words, this green dragon is at least an advanced spellcaster. Green dragons who are advanced spellcasters often have a dragon creature level of at least fifteen.

"Force or retreat?"

Udi only thought for a second before making a decision.

The invisibility effect disappeared, and a black dragon with a body length of nearly 35 meters and a wingspan of 70 meters appeared out of thin air in the forest.

Without using any fancy abilities, Udi smashed the barrier covering the forest area with a direct impact.

What about high level enchantment spells? He could resist ordinary high-level professionals, but he couldn't resist Wu Di.

Like glass shattering, the forest area shrouded by the magic barrier quickly dissipated, and a giant tree with a height of more than two hundred meters and a canopy covering an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers appeared in Wu Dilong's eyes.

On top of the giant tree, a huge palace made of vines stood.

Feeling that the magic barrier was broken, a group of blue-scaled flying dragons flew out of the vine nests around the giant tree palace.

These flying dragons are generally ten meters in size, and the leader should be the leader of the flying dragons, with a size of twelve meters.

Compared with the giant dragons, these flying dragons have severely degenerated forelimbs and are not huge enough, but their strength cannot be underestimated.

Because all varieties of flying dragons are high-level monsters and are powerful sub-dragon creatures.

"It turned out to be a storm dragon and there were twelve of them." Oudi was a little surprised.

But when I think about the fact that the green dragon is originally a wind-attribute dragon, I understand.

"Who dares to invade Ms. Youlin's dragon nest?!"

The leader of the Storm Dragon roared angrily and quickly focused his gaze on the black dragon suspended in the air in the distance.

This group of storm dragons were dumbfounded.


Giant transformation?

No matter what it was, this group of storm dragons stopped their advancing dragon wings and quickly flew back several hundred meters, their expressions of vigilance mixed with fear.

"Master Black Dragon, my master, Ms. Youlin, is not at home right now."

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