
“Do you really have a skill called prophecy? Even if there is, what does the god of war prophesy?”

Nicknames reveal the user’s abilities or characteristics, such as Cassim, who has the nickname Great Mage, who has the ability to cast magic nonstop for ten days and nights, or Sofia, who has the nickname made in usa, who specializes in manufacturing and production capabilities.

The same goes for innocence.

He uses the nickname Mu-sin, which means the god of martial arts, and the information provided by Kang Chang-seok clearly states that he only has abilities specialized in martial arts. I hadn’t thought of it.

Of course, given the nature of a user who can bring various abilities from numerous worlds, it would not be strange to have the ability to predict, but no matter how much, it felt like shamanism and prophecy didn’t match.

-Well… … . I think it’s going to be a long story, but let’s meet and talk about it in person.

“Where are you now?”

-Pyramid rooftop.

“I’ll be right there, so wait a minute.”

It takes less than a minute to get from Lord’s room to the rooftop.

Yuseong, who climbed up to the rooftop through a passage decorated with jewels, couldn’t help but be speechless the moment he saw the scene unfolding in front of his eyes.

Antennas installed all over the pyramid, countless machines unknown, hundreds of drones flying in the air, etc. It was very different from what I had seen just a few hours ago.

‘No, not a few hours, but 20 days ago.’

Yooseong inadvertently swallowed dry saliva.

It wasn’t that I hadn’t done a quest where the difference between the earth and time magnification was severe, but at least two or three times.

It didn’t make a huge difference like 120 times.

[I want to show my country and my colleagues that I am not ashamed of myself.] It was a time multiplier that I experienced once while conducting a quest, but the situation now is completely different from the time when I was overwhelmed just by surviving.

‘I’ll have to find a way to adjust the time multiplier, or I’ll have to filter out quests in worlds where the time multiplier varies greatly, unless there’s a reward I must get at stake even if I have to accept the time difference.’

The most fundamental reason for performing a quest is to survive on Earth.

In a world where the demerits of doing quests are far greater than the merits gained by performing quests, the world with a large difference in time multiplier will eventually have no choice but to give up.

Yooseong, who was distracted by the changed scene, noticed Sophia belatedly staring at him with an expressionless expression, and coughed awkwardly.

“sorry. I finished the quest right away, but I didn’t know that it was a world where the time multiplier differed so drastically.”

“How much was the multiplier?”

“120 times.”

Sophia, who was opening her mouth as if to say something, let out a small sigh and shook her head.

“Usually, the difference is between two and three times, but you really haven’t been very lucky.”

“It would be embarrassing if something like this happened again… … . Is there any way to check the time multiplier before starting the quest?”

“I understand that when the fixer level goes up, they sell things related to the Karma Shop. Until then, we have to leave it to chance.”

“ha… … Aside from that, what the hell does that prophecy mean? Other users sometimes leave similar messages, but is it different from that?”

Since the community is a communication space only for users, various messages such as small chats, simple transactions, and requests for cooperation were posted.

I couldn’t understand what kind of difference there was between the messages left by other users and those left by Musin, why Sophia reacted so violently.

“Of course it is different. If the warnings left by users are things that may or may not happen, the prophecies left by shamans will definitely happen.”

“The grounds?”

“You know that the users were preparing for the monster invasion, right? How could that have been possible?”

Yooseong let out a small exclamation as if he realized something.

When they first entered the community, instead of being taken aback by the appearance of the monsters, users responded naturally by using words like plans.

There is only one reason why it was possible.

“The god of war prophesied the appearance of monsters.”

“At first, no one believed it because it was so absurd, but as I guessed various facts one after another, I came to believe that the prophecy was real. The appearance of monsters around the world, such as the stockpiling of various materials in preparation for chaos, the development of semiconductors and power generation engines using magic stones, the birth of timely contractors, etc. Even with the appearance of monsters around the world, the world is still running somehow because of God of War. Thanks to the prophecy.”

“How the hell is that possible… … No, that’s it.”

Yooseong realized what a stupid question he was asking and shut up.

There was no way anyone would be willing to tell me about his skill, especially the secret of a great skill like Wisdom.

“Since the god of war prophesied the invasion of monsters, he hasn’t even left a message like a warning, let alone a prophecy. Until exactly 20 days ago.”

In the face of the spread of new contagious diseases, various natural disasters, and the destruction of a country, the god of war, who had kept his mouth shut, warned directly.

It was only then that Yooseong could understand why Sophia was excited.

“Are you saying that a crisis equal to or greater than that of a monster invasion could come?”

“I and other users think so.”

“So what is the crisis?”

“We were curious about that, so we asked, but Musin hasn’t posted any messages to the community since the last message. It seems like he’s carrying out a quest, but it’s either a fairly difficult quest, or a quest with a large time multiplier like Yooseong’s, and he hasn’t come out yet.”

It is certain that a crisis is coming, but we do not know what it is.

In an absurd situation, Yooseong unknowingly spits out a laugh.

“Don’t laugh. It’s a really serious situation.”

“I know, but it’s so funny. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a powerful monster, or a new type of crisis like Dragonia, you need to know something to prepare for it. If I’m going to make a prophecy, I’ll give you more details. I don’t know why you left it so vague.”

“What if there is no one to answer? First of all, you should think that it is fortunate that you know that a crisis will come. next 10 days. I don’t know what kind of crisis will come, but I have to be prepared for that time.”

Yooseong was deep in thought with his arms crossed.

Maybe it was about the monsters he faced in the US, but at his current level, there was a high possibility that in the face of a monster appearing or a disaster equivalent to it, no matter what preparations he made, it would not have much meaning.

When there is a typhoon that will blow people away, what difference does it make to prepare an umbrella or raincoat?

Of all the cards he had, there was only one that could deal with a crisis of this magnitude.

“How did the investigation into Dragonia go? If 20 days had passed, something would have come out.”

The corners of Sophia’s mouth, which had always had a serious expression, went up slightly.

“My mouth was itching to talk about it anyway.”

“Looks like it came out good, right?”

“More than that. Originally, it was intended to reduce the repair period by isolating useless areas, right? So, to see how much force it takes to break it, I drilled a hole in the outskirts of the city and set off a small explosion… … . I found something interesting there.”

The tablet held out by Sofia showed a picture of the earth dented by the explosion.

And in the middle, a faintly shining blue object caught the meteor’s gaze.


“There are other rare metals as well. I’m guessing it’s a medium to demonstrate the function of the city. There are some things that have lost their power after a long time and have become weaker than ordinary metal, but there are quite a few that are still intact.”

For the first time since the conversation started, a smile appeared on Yoosung’s face.

“It could be recycled.”

* * *

A huge cavity in the deepest part of Dragonia.

The space, which should have been filled with static as it should, was filled with the sound of the meteor.

Meteor, which had stretched out its fists and feet in the middle of repeating flash and meteor, rapid acceleration and leap using supernatural power, suddenly stopped and stamped its feet.

Shock enough to shake the joint in an instant.


The thorny vines that grow between the incontinence spreading around the feet begin to entwine around the imaginary enemies.

A combo that throws off balance and binds the legs with thorns.

It was simple, but it was a natural linking technique that you could not help but be defeated if you did not know in advance.

In the blink of an eye, Yoosung penetrated the vital points of the imaginary enemies who were tied up and gave a new order to the thorny vines.

Attack, not bondage.

The target was himself, not an imaginary enemy.


Dozens of thorny vines flew towards the vital point along with a sharp piercing sound.

It wasn’t just fast, it was moving according to the trick of the four-time expedient, so it was so splendid and sophisticated that it was hard to follow with the eyes.

moment of despair.

Meteor’s consciousness, which activated Sura Sensei, accelerated and the world slowed down.

It avoids thorny vines with a narrow margin and cuts off unavoidable attacks.

However, it is impossible to avoid attacks pouring in from all directions, not just front and rear.

At first, Meteor took some time to dodge, but when his hands and feet started to get dizzy, he paralyzed the thorny vines using cloud fog and jumped into the air with all his might.


Enveloped in a stream of gold and silver, the model of the meteor rotated gently before hitting the ceiling.

Head down, legs up.

In that state, Yoosung once again threw himself with all his might.


A roar that cannot even be compared to before.

After a while, the thick dust settled, revealing the meteor’s fist on the hard ground up to his elbow.

A beautiful finish that naturally connects and admires like water flowing.

“It’s worth looking at now.”

Yooseong, who pulled his arm off the ground and brushed off the dust, smiled bitterly when he recalled the past 10 days of training.

After talking with Sophia, Yooseong decided to stop using the goggles for a while and spend time traveling back and forth between Dragonia and Earth.

Even if a world where an extreme time multiplier of 120 times is applied is rare, a world where a time multiplier of two or three times is applied is not that rare, so ten days could have passed between the quests on Earth.

Of course, whether you are on Earth or not is irrelevant to overcoming a crisis, but what will people think if a crisis comes and no one who is known as a hero is seen?

If you want to continue to wear the title of hero even if you have to withdraw later for reasons such as injuries, you need to show fighting at least briefly at the beginning of the situation.

Ten days like that.

Yuseong, who was thinking about how to use this time, decided to study how to organize and utilize the abilities he had acquired so far.

‘If you think about it, I’ve only been acquiring the ability until now, but I’ve never seriously thought about how to use it or trained.’

Until now, it was enough to use skills or improvise according to the situation, but you can’t fight like this forever.

He needed to create his own style by integrating the skills he had accumulated so far.

this is not a game

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