Nothing happened?

The first day of training started like that.

For the first time since becoming a user, Yoosung took the time to seriously reflect on himself, and he was able to realize how much he had been fighting.

There was no problem with the ability to utilize each skill.

Rather, it has been refined through countless fights and quests, so it has reached a level that surpasses the original only for some skills such as the dark moon type 16.

The problem was the ability to connect or apply skills.

“I’ve been using only the skills I use since some time ago.”

The basic base is Amwal Type 16.

He rarely uses Thunderbolt Fist and occasionally uses Vacuum Gak, but when it comes to the Demonic Eye of Truth or Thorn Vine skills, they are completely forgotten.

At best, to identify weaknesses or to create a foothold.

It wouldn’t matter if his job was a martial artist.

However, he is not a fighter himself, but a user.

As long as it was certain that he would learn many skills in the future, linking skills and developing application skills were not an option, but a necessity.

‘It’s basic to use all the abilities you have. It should be able to draw up to 120% or more power.’

The first thing I tried was to melt infrequently used skills into the existing style.

However, Yooseong realized that this was not as easy as it sounds, after less than half a day had passed.

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Just as delicious food wouldn’t come out if you put all the delicious food in one place, it was close to impossible to harmoniously weave skills with different origins, ideas, and concepts.

“Is this why other users specialize in one field?”

It is only now that I can understand why users have grown into specialists such as warriors, wizards, knights, and scientists, rather than all-rounders who can bring numerous skills from numerous dimensions.

In the early days of becoming a user, he may have been aiming for an all-rounder, but he would have come to the conclusion that a specialist specialized in one field is better in all aspects, such as efficiency, balance, and linkage, while spending time organizing and reorganizing his abilities like he is now.

‘Then should I become a specialist too?’

After pondering for a long time, Yooseong finally came to a conclusion.

“… … No, I go all-rounder.”

Clearly, all-rounders are inefficient.

However, Yooseong thought he could handle a certain amount of inefficiency.

Although classified as the weakest, he has grown to the point where he almost catches up with Kang Chang-seok and Sofia, who became users far ahead of him by clearing most of the quests with SSS rank, and has never failed to buy a skill or artifact due to lack of karma points.

And above all, it was not to her liking to conclude that it would not work and not even try.

Even if I had to give up later, I was thinking of trying as far as I could.

“For now, let’s stop forcibly trying to group skills that don’t match, and let’s use our experience so far to group only skills that can be linked.”

ten days.

If it is short, if it is short, and if it is long, Yuseong, who worked hard for training for a long time, was able to obtain some meaningful results.

Fighting skills can be connected more smoothly, newly acquired skills have been incorporated into the existing combat style, and skills that have been used less frequently have been reborn as highly versatile skills that can be used anytime, anywhere.

“Shall we go out now?”

Exactly one month as of today since Musin left the warning.

They said something was going to explode within a month, but nothing has happened so far, so surely something will happen within today.

Returning to Earth from Dragonia, Yuseong struggled to find out what the crisis that God of War had warned about while holding on to the TV and smartphone all day long.

-Super Ant: You don’t know what will happen. Everyone, don’t let go of tension.

-Blue Blood: I don’t know why you left such an unkind prophecy.

-Balance: Russia is too wide. Korea is small and there are two users, so can only one person come to support in case of an emergency.

– Grand Mage: It would have been nice if there was a martial god. What kind of quest are you doing that hasn’t come yet?

Other users were also nervous.

A crisis that could equal or exceed the appearance of monsters.

Even a little delay in grasping the situation or a minor misjudgment will lead to enormous damage.

24 hours… … . 12 hours… … . 6 hours.

As the time decreased, the tension among the users only increased.

It feels like looking at the timer of a ticking time bomb.

And the moment the timer finally points to zero!

“… … Did nothing happen?”

To my surprise, nothing happened.

To put it bluntly, incidents such as sudden abnormal weather or monster attacks did happen, but those things have always happened since monsters appeared.

Even if I waited another day thinking it was a jet lag problem, or even if I waited a few more days thinking it hadn’t been found yet, nothing like that, let alone a crisis comparable to the appearance of a monster, did not happen.

and on the tenth day.

Yoosung left a message in the community after a long time.

– Room Hanryang: Can I go to that quest?

No answer came back.

* * *


A green giant that seems to be a good 8m tall runs away screaming.

A terrifying sight that made your hamstrings tingle and your legs weak.

But surprisingly, there were people who ran towards this giant.

“Going according to the plan!”

“Contain the movement! Check-making!”

While chains made of magic bound the giant’s ankles, the bullets from the nets were wrapped around the giant’s body.

The giant tried to remove the net as if it were annoying, but the net made using the thread of the spider-type monster didn’t come off, and even his hands got tangled.

While the giant was preoccupied with the net, a middle-aged man approaching him threw out a spear.


The long spear, well over 3m, broke the cartilage in the knee and came out on the other side.

The middle-aged man’s face contorted in an instant, smiling with joy that the attack had succeeded.

The spear did not bite firmly into the monster’s skin and muscle.

At the moment when he was contemplating whether to give up and retreat, he let out a gigantic scream and swung a log the size of a house.


“Thank you.”

“Thank you. It’s something you have to do, of course.”

It was a blond-haired young man who took the place of the middle-aged man and received the giant’s attack.

Seeing that a small human who couldn’t even come to his knees blocked the attack, the giant screamed and swung the log as if his pride was hurt.

However, as if to prove that it was not a fluke to block the first attack, the young man deftly played with the giant tower shield to deflect the giant’s attack.

Of course, because of the difference in specs, no matter how skillfully they received it, it was inevitable that the impact would be delivered to some extent, but it was not a problem for the young man.


The young man’s whole body seemed to have a pure white aura, but his complexion, which had turned black, became lively.

He recovered from his injuries using divine power.

Heh heh heh!

The giant lifted a log over his head and began to cut down the young man one after another like chopping firewood.

“Aggro caught! Attack everyone!”

Countless attacks flew towards the giant.

Most of them only scratched the fabric a little, but it didn’t matter.

In the first place, these attacks were not to kill the monster, but to make them consume their stamina to heal wounds.

Kreuk, Kreuk.

Has it been enough time to drink a cup of tea?

Realizing that he had no chance of winning, the giant turned to flee with a weary breath.

For the first time since the battle had begun, the monster had exposed its perfect gap.

“Hayoung! now!”

Small-sized whirlwinds that appeared at regular intervals.

Using the tornado as a stepping stone, the middle-aged man jumped high into the sky and pierced the giant’s back with a spear in accordance with the four-day spear method, and the faint energy at the tip of the spear turned the giant’s brain into mush.

No matter how specialized a monster is in regeneration, it is impossible to survive being brainwashed.

The giant, staggering as if drunk, soon fell to the ground like a kite with a string cut off.

“Got it!”

“Wow, black trolls are really captured by this number.”

“Is this new equipment really worth using? The price is a bit flawed, but the performance is sure, so it was a good buy.”

“Expensive. Because there is no stock, the second-hand price is formed at more than five times the list price, so I bought it cheaply.”

“Now, now, let’s stop the small talk and start cleaning things up!”

For monsters, post-processing is much more important than hunting them.

As soon as the middle-aged man gave an order, people moved in perfect order according to the roles assigned to them.

Someone smelled the blood and went on alert to prevent monsters from coming, someone took a break to recover health and magic, and someone checked equipment or supplies.

And among them, there were people who moved the busiest, so they were collectively called porters.

In fact, the horse was a porter, but in reality it was no different from a handyman.

This is because he took care of all the chores and errands that had to be done but were ambiguous for the contractor to do.

“ha… … .”

Seo Jun-woo, who inserted a needle almost as thick as a spear into the troll’s wound, let out a long sigh without realizing it as he watched the blood flow through the coffin.

‘It’s really fucked up. How long do I have to live like this?’

Kang Do-hyun was envious of the contractors.

You can get strong power overnight without any effort, wear cool weapons and equipment, and hunt monsters to earn money easily.

A splendid life that cannot even be compared to porters.

However, it was not something that the contractor could have wanted.

The day monsters first appeared on Earth, they were born in large numbers simultaneously all over the world, but after that, new contractors were born only when the existing contractor died, as if the number of people was fixed.

It’s also completely random.

In the beginning, he had hopes that he could become a contractor, but after half a year, he realized how futile those expectations were.

‘I also want to become a contractor. I want to live in style like the heroes.’

Of course, I understood it with my head, but I did not accept it with my heart.

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Just as there are people who buy lottery tickets every week even though they know that the odds of winning are infinitely low, Kang Do-hyeon imagined himself as a contractor every moment and suffered from the gap between reality and imagination.


“… … .”

“Hey, Kang Do-hyeon!”

“Uh, huh? did you call me?”

“Then, who else is Kang Do-hyun here besides you? The barrel is full, what are you doing without replacing it?”

Kang Do-hyeon, alerted to his friend’s call, moved quickly to take the empty barrel.

Since troll’s blood is a valuable ingredient for advanced recovery potions, it was clear that spilling even a single drop would not end with bitter criticism.



The moment he was about to climb onto the truck, Kang Do-hyeon felt a strange feeling and inadvertently looked around.

The feeling of a huge echo hitting and passing through the whole body.

Seeing that other people were also looking around or holding their breasts, it was clear that it was not just their illusion.

“… … Why are you so quiet?”

The space, which had been filled with the sound of the wind and the chirping of grass insects until recently, was filled with stillness where you could even hear the sound of dropping needles.

And after a while, a foreign sound that could not be heard in nature was heard.


A distorted space and a blurred world.

What these two mean is simple.

“Damn it! It’s a portal!”

this is not a game

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