
It was ambiguous whether knowledge of creations such as novels or games could be applied to reality, but anyway, in some zombie-related creations, a setting in which a person bitten by a zombie gains various abilities such as resistance to zombie viruses, improvement in overall physical abilities, and superpowers appears. .

After hearing Yuseong’s explanation, Choi Kang-sik asked in a questionable voice.

-Isn’t that a good thing? What’s wrong with people getting stronger?

“It’s a problem because people aren’t the only ones getting stronger.”

As people became stronger, the possibility that zombies became stronger in return increased.

Yooseong, who sighed over concerns about mutant or reinforced zombies, retrieved the drone and packed his belongings.

-Wait, are you just going?

“I just have to go. Do you have any other options besides going here?”

– Of course I have to help!


-You can make things like guns and grenades. Wouldn’t that just wipe out all the zombies?

“It’s not making it, it’s taking out the stored stuff. We don’t have enough ammo and bombs to take down this number of zombies.”

-… … How could there be no way?

Yooseong tilted his head at the strangely persistent request of Choi Kang-shik.

You can see someone in crisis and think of helping, but that also depends on the situation.

Yuseong, who had been pondering why Choi Kang-sik, who had prioritized his father until just now, changed his attitude, realized something and nodded his head.

‘… … Aha.’

I got out right away and my memory was blurry, but looking at the layout of the playground and surrounding buildings, it was clear that the school Choi Kang-sik had attended.

Among the survivors were ordinary people, but not a few were wearing school uniforms.

If I thought there was a friend or acquaintance in there, I couldn’t just throw it away.

However, that was Choi Kang-sik’s circumstances.


Yooseong said in a firm voice that he would not leave even a word of room.

If rescuing the survivors was the goal of the quest or if it would help progress the quest, he would have saved them.

But those survivors fit neither.

“Don’t get me wrong. I’m not superman, much less a righteous person. Because my ability is limited and helping you comes at a price. Save your father, figure out the cause of this zombie apocalypse, and get out of the city. Other than that, I don’t know. okay?”

-… … .

He didn’t say anything, but he could feel that Choi Kang-sik was convinced.

Yoosung got up from his seat with a bitter taste.

I don’t know if I could afford it, but right now it was a daunting situation just to take care of myself.

After staring in the direction where the school is located for a while, Yooseong moved along the route identified by the drone.

‘The number is increasing more and more.’

Most of the zombies were clustered around the school, but the number of zombies on the streets was not small.

At first, I avoided engaging zombies by killing the presence and moving to a blind spot, but that also had its limits.

‘Nine on the road, 11 on the nearby alley.’

Yooseong narrowly opened his eyes.

Defeating 20 zombies is not that difficult.

Even when he was holding only a baseball bat, he easily took down zombies, but now that he is fully armed, there is nothing more to say.

The problem was the zombies nearby.

Unless you deal with all 20 at the same time, you will hear the screams of the zombies and the nearby zombies will flock, so you don’t want to think about what happens after that.

‘I have to lure the zombies to another place… … .’

What immediately comes to mind is the method using drones.

If you attach a smartphone to a drone, play music, and send it to another place, you can easily lure zombies.

But Yoosung couldn’t make a decision easily.

The number of drones and smartphones is limited.

I still have to go a long way to reach my destination, but it was too wasteful to write something that was already limited in quantity.

The bombs, while in sufficient quantity, are not durable and will only attract attention for a short time.


When the zombie in school uniform turned his head, Yooseong hurriedly lowered his body.

‘How to lure the zombies.’

Yoosung checked his skills with half-opened eyes.

There were many strong skills, but most of them were unable to demonstrate their power due to the limitations of their abilities, and they were not suitable for this situation in the first place.

A skill that can exert its power even with a small amount of ability and has high utility.

There was only one skill among the skills he possessed that satisfies these two conditions.

‘Thorns. I wonder what would happen if I put this to good use… … .’

“… … for a moment.”

Yooseong forgot that there were zombies nearby and inadvertently made a noise.

He immediately realized his mistake and covered his mouth, but he couldn’t hide even the faintly raised corners of his mouth.

Confirming that the zombies did not notice, Meteor went back the way he had come so far.

When we reached the place where there were no zombies, Choi Kang-sik opened his mouth.

-To make a detour?

“No, I will go over there.”

-Then why did you come back?

“I have something to experiment with.”

Yooseong, who looked around, found what he wanted and moved on.

Choi Kang-sik, who hung the ax he was holding around his waist and took out thick clothes from the subspace and watched the silent movement like a stray cat looking for food, suddenly realized something and urgently tried to dry the meteor.

However, it was one step faster for Yooseong to fly away than for Choi Kang-shik to stop him.


hey hey… … .

The zombie, embarrassed by the suddenly darkened vision, tried to scream, but couldn’t make a sound because of the clothes stuck in its mouth.

Afterwards, Yuseong, who had completely subdued the zombies by dislocating both arms and legs with the old tree twister of Amwol Type 16, entered a nearby shopping center.

-Hey, why did you bring this guy?

“I told you. I have something to experiment with.”

Yoosung approached the zombie and put his dislocated arm back together and put his hand on it.

And after a while, thorny vines grew from Yooseong’s fingertips.

Seruk! Seruk!

The thorny vines, wriggling like living snakes, slowly began to entwine around the zombie’s arms.

The zombies raged even more violently, but only their shoulders shook, and their arms restrained by thorns did not even move.

Yooseong took a long breath and concentrated.

Restraining the target is one of the basics of using thorny vines.

What I am going to do now can be said to be a kind of deepening process.


The stopped zombie’s fingers moved.

At first, it was only a thumb, but soon the number of fingers moved in the order of index, middle, ring, and small fingers increased, and simple actions such as squeezing and straightening began to become more and more detailed, such as twisting the fingers or bending them in half.

Yooseong nodded with a satisfied expression.

It artificially controls its movements by wrapping vines around its body.

When I was fighting Lizardman High Priest Nord, I thought it would be nice to use the method of moving the body of a dead Lizardman on a zombie, but my prediction was correct.

However, Yoosung’s smile did not last long.

“This is not very efficient… … .”

There was little resistance when moving a dead body or a dead body, so it didn’t take that much magic, but zombies were different.

The zombie kept trying to move its arm to free itself from its restraints.

Of course, in order to suppress the zombie’s power and maintain a certain motion, force had to be applied at every moment, and the consumption of magic power was inevitably severe.

‘I didn’t move much, but I consumed almost half of my magic power. It can’t be done this way.’

It is impossible to move the whole body with this amount of mana to move one hand.

Another way was needed.

And Yoosung already knew how to do that.


The thorny vines started digging into the zombie’s flesh.

Yooseong was looking at the zombie’s arm with blurry eyes.

And as soon as he felt the thorny vines digging under his skin and making contact with his bones and joints, he sent a signal to them.

Then the zombie’s arm started to move naturally.

“It works too.”

Inserts thorny vines into its body to force movement.

I haven’t tried it even once because I don’t have anything to experiment with in reality or even in quests… … .

‘Wouldn’t it be no problem if it was a zombie?’

It’s not something a normal human would do.

Fortunately, this crazy idea was not created by Yooseong alone, but was created based on the inspiration he received while contemplating forbidden knowledge.

… … Of course, at the point of actually trying the idea, it was already quite far from normal human beings.

Poof! Poof!

It became possible to move zombies with much less mana, but Yooseong was not satisfied with this.

This was not the end of the forbidden knowledge.

Forbidden knowledge has given us all sorts of ways to scorn and humiliate intelligent life.

‘The five senses, thoughts, and emotions are all electrical signals generated by the brain. It would be difficult to send such a complex signal with such crude technology… … .’

Yuseong’s eyes were colored with golden light.

A thorny vine stretched from his arm, passed through his shoulder and neck, and dug into his brain.

It was just manipulating electrical signals sent from the brain to the body, but at the end something unexpected happened.

– Whoops!

Choi Kang-shik vomited in vain at the grotesque scene where his skin bulged here and there.

The moment he heard that sound, Yoosung’s spirit, which had been half gone, returned.

Yuseong, who alternately looked at the zombie and his hand with his eyes turned in a strange direction, muttered in a trembling voice.

“What is this… … .”

It was clearly his intention to capture and control the zombies.

However, from a certain moment, he moved as someone else told him to.

Hearing Choi Kang-shik’s gagging, he came to his senses and realized that it was strange.

Yooseong swallowed dry saliva.

The feeling of not being yourself.

It was a strange feeling I had never felt in my life.

But the real problem wasn’t that feeling.

‘… … Why don’t you mind?’

Even though I came back to my senses, I felt no displeasure or disgust at the fact that I had become a puppet of an unknown being.

Rather, it just felt natural.

Feelings that you can’t even understand.

If I continued like this, I might become a puppet of that unknown existence again.

match! match! match!

– Go, what’s wrong with you all of a sudden? Are you crazy?

Yuseong ignored Choi Kang-shik’s words and continued to slap him on the cheek.

Yooseong’s self-injury barely stopped when both cheeks were burning red.

“Choi Kang-shik.”

-Why why?

“If you think I do something strange in the future, stop me right away. okay?”

-I don’t think there’s anything unusual about what you’ve done so far.

“Answer me.”

– Ha, okay.

Hearing Choi Kang-shik’s confirmation, Yoo-sung reached out his hand toward the zombie again.

I didn’t like the idea of using the knowledge that an unknown being gave me, but it was foolish to insist on inefficient methods.

-Is this an action that needs to be stopped?


-… … What are you looking at me for?

Yooseong listened to Choi Kang-sik’s lament with one ear and let it flow through the other, concentrating on controlling the thorny vine.

this is not a game

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