
– So I don’t know.

“Change the question. How long will it take to get here?”

– Mmm. Two hours by car?

“No tea.”

Roads are clogged with abandoned cars and sidewalks are littered with corpses and trash.

Before turning off zombie aggro, it was impossible to operate a car or motorcycle in this environment at all.

-If you walk, it will take two days.

“Two days?”

It seemed that Choi Kang-sik had not properly grasped the situation yet.

Yooseong hesitated to explain in detail, but kept his mouth shut.

It was a fact that you would find out once you left anyway.

There is no internet and no maps.

Following Choi Kang-sik’s explanation, Yoo-seong drew a map to the city and destination on paper, resting his chin on his chin and thinking.

“Shopping mall, downtown, school, subway. There are only places that are likely to be dangerous.”

The shortest route to the destination was too dangerous.

But even so, it was difficult to turn around.

Since I had to cross the middle of the city, it was dangerous even if it was not the shortest path, and there was a problem that the distance to travel was too long to avoid the dangerous area.

Even if I just walked, it would have taken ten days, but I couldn’t even guess how long it would take if I added zombies.

The problem was not only this.

‘How much will I use the things of another world?’

This quest was not something that could be done with resourcefulness or wit.

There might be survivors, but strength was more important than anything else as the beings you would encounter were mainly zombies with whom you could not communicate.

Choi Kang-sik, who has quite high physical abilities but does not reach the level of a superman, had to actively use objects from another world to reach his destination by breaking through countless zombies.

“It’s difficult to openly use things to the extent that low ranks come out, but… … . Still, for this quest, I have no choice but to give up clearing the high ranks.”

I’m sorry but I couldn’t help it.

High rank clear and stable progression.

If I tried to catch two rabbits, I could have missed them both.

-quest? rank?

“There is such a thing.”

Moderately confused, Yuseong took out a new piece of paper, wrote down the items he currently possessed, and drew a line on it again.

I gave up on clearing high ranks, but that didn’t mean I could use any item.

There were many things to consider, such as whether it was appropriate for the current situation, whether it could be used properly, and how efficient it was.

‘It’s not a good thing just because it’s a strong item.’

You can tell by looking at the arms of Tyrant, to be exact, that he has the highest grade among the items he currently owns.

An item that increases strength by 3,000 points without any conditions.

It seems efficient at first glance, but it is not necessarily so in detail.

In order to properly utilize the overwhelming strength of 3,000 points, he needed a suitable stamina.

When hunting monsters in the United States, even though he protected his body with 349 points of physical strength, internal energy and magical power, he couldn’t properly handle the shock from that strength, and Choi Kang-sik’s body was nothing more to say.

‘Both arms protected by the option would be fine, but something unfunny could happen, such as breaking your back while lifting a heavy object, or shattering your leg bones when you hit the ground with a little force.’

If you pay attention, you can use it somehow, but considering the karma points and efficiency required to take it out, your belly button is bigger than your stomach.

“Since the civilization level is high, taking into account items that require less karma points to take out items, and the skills that can be used with less magic power… … .”

Yooseong’s worries continued until late at night.

* * *

Yoosung did not make the mistake of coming out right away.

At least I had to figure out what was going on around the apartment.

TV and Internet were cut off, and the scenery outside the window was limited, but Yooseong had other ways to gather information.


As the four propellers rotated, a specially designed low-noise drone rose into the air.

After confirming that the smartphone and the drone are connected, Meteor touches the screen and blows the drone out of the window.

The first thing I checked was the parking lot.

If there were still zombies left, I would have been in trouble from the start, but fortunately, all I could see on the screen were broken cars and a few strewn corpses.

‘There are hardly any zombies left around here.’

I saw one or two, but the large group I saw last time was nowhere to be found.

“Did you go somewhere else? It wouldn’t have been possible to move all the zombies of that group with a reasonable incident?”

After confirming within reach of communication, Yooseong frowned.

It was good that there were no zombies, but it became even more unclear what had happened during the ten days that he had been unconscious.

After checking a few more times to see if he missed anything, Yooseong retrieved the drone and went out to the front door.

And before opening the door, I checked my reflection in the mirror to see if I had missed anything.

Black goggles and mask to keep out saliva.

I wore gloves, long sleeves, and long pants to minimize exposure of my skin, and I wore an appropriately sized backpack on my back that did not hinder movement.

He carried a K7 silencer submachine gun on his shoulder, a Glock in a holster at his waist, and instead of a baseball bat, he carried a two-handed ax similar to a fire axe.

‘In terms of killing power and noise, a baseball bat is not a very good weapon.’

Ax was able to perfectly satisfy those two conditions.

A zombie’s head can be split easily and is much quieter than an aluminum bat.

It also has the advantage of being able to open closed doors in case of emergency.

Yooseong, who looked at the ax that was still alive, quickly regained his composure and put his hand on the doorknob.

The moment the door opened, a terrible stench hit my nose.

The cause was a rotting corpse.

It was certain that he was dead, judging by the half-rotted skin, but Yoosung touched the corpses one by one using an axe.

‘It’s okay if you get hit once, but if you get hit twice, that’s stupid.’

I wasn’t stupid enough to repeat the same mistake twice.

Yooseong, who came down the stairs to the first floor, climbed over the broken glass door and hid behind a nearby car.

I checked it with a drone, but in the meantime, another zombie might have arrived.

After meticulously checking the inside of the building, between the cars, and the floor, Yooseong moved on cautiously, and after a cup of tea, he managed to get out of the apartment complex and arrive at his primary destination.

-Isn’t this stealing?

“You even committed murder, so why don’t you argue over stealing now?”

-I barely forgot… … .


Yooseong, who apologized in a tone that wasn’t sorry at all, put down his ax and backpack and began to sweep the groceries in the convenience store.

Although there was food in the subspace, it was a waste to take out even the things available in this world.

There seemed to be few items left, as if not a few customers had come and gone, but after searching between the collapsed shelves and corners, I was able to get enough food and water to fill half of my backpack.

The weight of the backpack was considerable, but the people of this world originally had excellent physical abilities, and thanks to the power of the strengthening skill, it was not too burdensome.

‘Now let’s really start.’

Yooseong, who came out of the convenience store, moved slowly to the point where it was frustrating.

It was to the point that Choi Kang-sik asked how it would be to go a little faster.

But Meteor never picked up speed.

Rather, as soon as it arrived at the range confirmed by the drone, the drone was sent again to reconnoitre and move forward, so the speed slowed down further.

The average walking speed of an adult was 4 km/h, but the meteor traveled less than half that distance in an hour.

-too slow.

‘It’s not slow, it’s prudent.’

-That’s slow. Can you speed it up a bit?

Choi Kang-sik was in a hurry.

Unlike Yuseong, who spent most of the time unconscious, Choi Kang-shik, who was awake with a clear mind, spent most of that time worrying about his father.

As he is a world-renowned scientist and works for the Hansung Group, he thought he must be alive, but when his father did not return home for ten days, he had to think of something else.

Seeing Meteor walking at the speed of a tortoise in a situation where his father’s life and death was unclear, it was worth a thousand dollars inside.

‘no way.’


‘There are still too many things I don’t know about the zombies in this world.’

I agreed with the opinion that I should find Choi Kang-shik’s father as soon as possible, but Yoo-seong, who was careless and almost turned into a zombie, had no choice but to take a cautious attitude.

Last night, Yoosung pulled out not only the items to be used for this quest, but also information about all the zombies in his head and checked them.

Among them, the most serious concern was the type of zombie.

In the 21st century, people created countless zombies.

More at readwn com

Jumping zombies are the basics of the basics.

Zombies that show strength, zombies that move fast, zombies that have intelligence, zombies that coalesce, zombies in monster form, and even zombies that use superpowers have been born.

Of course, all of that was just people’s imagination, but as long as they came to a world with real zombies, it wouldn’t be strange if there were zombies with special abilities.

‘Just looking at the rating, there’s a high possibility that it won’t end as an ordinary zombie.’

Aside from the types of zombies, there were a lot of things to worry about.

‘Whether or not the antibody is produced, the route of infection of the zombie virus, the habit of the zombie, the encounter with the survivor… … .’

-Ah Okay. okay so stop

Yooseong, who lightly overpowered Choi Kang-sik, moved on again.

Perhaps thanks to the flying drone, Meteor was able to move without encountering zombies.

Occasionally, zombies popped out of blind spots that could not be checked with the drone, but it was not difficult to deal with that much.


The flash of the ax split the neck and body of the glasses-wearing zombie.

The movement of the zombie, who had been gnashing his teeth vigorously as if he did not even know that he was dead, gradually slowed down.

It was an easy process, but Yoosung’s expression hardened as time passed.

‘The number is too small.’

Ten days ago, the number of people I saw on the way from school to the apartment was well over a thousand.

Considering how people reacted at the time, it wouldn’t be strange at all if at least half of them became zombies.

What if you extend it to the whole city?


Yoosung let out a small moan without realizing it.

When I got out of the apartment, I thought I was just lucky, but when I kept seeing no zombies, another assumption came to my mind.

The first assumption that came to mind was that the army came and defeated the zombies while he was unconscious.

And it was also the first assumption denied.

If the real army had come and subdued the zombies, the city couldn’t have been this intact.

There should have been traces of explosions and bullets on buildings and roads, and dead bodies and remains of zombies all over the place, but such scenes cannot be found anywhere.

‘Then there is only one family left.’

Yoosung hoped that his assumptions would be wrong.

If his thoughts were correct, this quest could be said to be extremely difficult.

But forebodings always worked out well.

Yooseong, who checked the video sent by the drone, muttered in a dejected voice.

“I knew it would be like this.”

– What is this?

“What is it? All the zombies nearby have gathered.”

Thousands, maybe 10,000 zombies were projected on the screen.

Yuseong, who operated a drone to observe the zombie hordes, was able to discover that the zombie hordes were all looking at one place.

As I adjusted the direction of the camera to follow the gaze of the zombies, an interesting sight caught my eye.

“A survivor.”

The survivors gathered at the school were fending off the zombies.

The number of survivors is about a hundred.

Compared to the zombies, the number was insufficient, but they were somehow blocking the attack by relying on the outer wall of the school.

However, the condition of the survivors did not look very good.

There were deep dark circles under the eyes, and the overall face was haggard, as if he hadn’t taken a proper rest.

No matter how topographical the advantage was, there was no way they could stop the zombies with infinite physical strength with just that amount of numbers.

Yooseong, who watched the struggles of the survivors for a while, tried to retrieve the drone.

However, just before the screen changed, he noticed something and stopped his hand.

‘Look at this?’

There were some people who dropped zombies with significantly better strength and speed than others.

“Is there any difference in the performance of nano machines?”

-There is, but it’s not so clearly different. What is it?

“… … I mean.”

Yooseong looked at the screen with a complicated gaze.

this is not a game

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