Uncle Sam

Lucas, Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers in Europe, has not been able to sleep well lately.

The reason, needless to say, was the explosion of the undead hundreds of times.

What was unfair was the fact that the reason I couldn’t sleep properly wasn’t because I was busy with work.

I wonder if the undead appeared in a certain area, but now the undead are pouring down all over Europe, and all countries have turned their military power to defend themselves, and the allied forces have no power to operate.

Nevertheless, why the Allied Forces do nothing?

Lucas, who had been dishonored for his ostentatious position as Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers in Europe, was under severe stress after the undead explosion, receiving more insults than he had ever heard in his entire life.

The dark circles came down to the cheekbones, the cheeks were sunken, and there was even circular hair loss.

A few minutes ago, I thought it couldn’t get any worse than this.

But there was always a cellar under the floor.

“The coffee tastes good.”

An Asian young man with a rather unbalanced fashion: a white shirt, black top and bottom, and leather gloves.

I wanted to grab him by the collar, but Lucas suppressed the impulse with superhuman patience and tried to be polite.

One of the less than 10 heroes in the world, shooting star Han Yoo-sung, was not good for losing.

Especially in the current situation, even more so.

“It’s about coffee. Rather, is that statement true?”

After speaking, I realized that it was a somewhat rude tone, but fortunately, Yoosung didn’t pay much attention and answered calmly.

“Yes. 20 hours from now, all heroes, including me, will be away to eliminate the cause of the current abnormal appearance of undead monsters.”

“That you don’t know how long it will take until the operation is over?”

“It is true. You don’t know what’s there or what kind of monsters there are. If you’re lucky, it could be over quickly, but in the worst case, it could take days, maybe even ten days.”

“More than ten days… … .”

Considering the user’s strength, he thought that it was unlikely that it would take that long, but there was a case of Dragonia that survived Kasim’s bombardment for 10 days, so it was forbidden to make hasty conclusions.

Lucas’ complexion turned black.

Europe was in the midst of an all-out war.

All the factories are producing wartime materials, forcibly conscripting non-living people to give them World War II weapons that should be on display in museums and sending them off to the front.

But even so, it was impossible to stop the undead.

Even if zombies, skeletons, and flash golems could somehow be dealt with with modern weapons, the number of contractors to fend off ghost-type monsters such as specters and races was insufficient, and in the case of elite monsters such as Death Knights and Liches, opponents other than heroes at all Because I couldn’t.

‘I don’t know if it’s a day or two, but if the heroes leave for a long time, there’s no way to survive. What do we do? Should I ask for assistance from my home country? Or to the International Contractors Association?’

Neither one seemed likely.

The United States was underpowered enough to tinker with its aging fighter jets in the Arizona desert, and it was clear that the International Contractors Association, which was just getting started, couldn’t send too many people.

“Two, no, even one is good, so can’t we stay?”

“As I said before, there may be some danger. It is a situation where no one can be left out.”

“Then what are we going to do! Don’t you know what will happen if the heroes disappear in this situation?”

“Of course I know.”

“Who knows now… … . Kut!”

Lucas grabbed him by the back of his neck.

Yuseong realized that Lucas was on the verge of collapsing due to blood pressure and quickly took out a metal case the size of his palm from his bosom.

“Of course, it is not going without measures. We have prepared at least a small countermeasure against the undead.”

“… … What is this?”

At Lucas’s question, Yoosung paused slightly and spoke slowly.

“It is a medicine that can awaken the incompetent to the competent.”

Originally, the medicine that should have been distributed to various countries through users decided to invest all of it in Europe as a last resort to prevent the offensive of the undead.

It took a while for Lucas to realize the meaning of Yoosung’s words.

It was so out of common sense that it was so difficult to accept.

“Ji, what did you say just now?”

“It was said that it was a medicine that could awaken the incompetent to the competent. The awakening probability is around 20%, and the awakening ability is a slight increase in physical ability and energy sensing ability.”

“for a moment! A slight increase in physical ability? energy sensing ability? It’s a drug that can make a person more capable than that, you’re not kidding, right?”

“Do I look like an idle person enough to joke around?”

“No, not like that. But it’s so unrealistic… … . Where the hell did you get this from?”

“I made it.”

“… … Did you make it yourself?”

After the contractor appeared, all the countries tried to interpret or reproduce the contractor’s ability, but even after several months, not a single country came out with meaningful results.

Even the United States, which pours astronomical funds and research manpower, and even China, which does not officially acknowledge but is conducting human experiments, are not even able to interpret, let alone reproduce, the ability. Suddenly, an individual invented a drug that artificially awakens the ability?

It was natural to be unbelievable.

“Other heroes are also vouching for the drug’s effectiveness. If you don’t believe me, you can be sure of any of the heroes currently playing in Europe.”

I thought for a moment that he might be cheating, but seeing him talk like this, it was clear that it wasn’t a lie.

‘It doesn’t matter how it was made. What matters is the effect. If this drug were real… … .’

Lucas, who finished the calculations in an instant, spoke in a different excited voice.

“This drug! How much does it cost? How much is the quantity? How to use it?”

“According to the current exchange rate, it is about 2,000 dollars, and the quantity is about 300,000 people. To use it, use the syringe there to inject one ampoule.”

“Two thousand dollars? Oh my gosh! Is it that cheap?”

“Is this cheap?”

Yoosung was shocked and confused when he saw Lucas.

It’s not 100%, it’s only a 20% chance, and it’s not even a proper ability, it’s a medicine that only gives you the basics to learn superpowers.

I thought 2,000 dollars was quite expensive, but seeing Lucas’ reaction, it seemed that there would be no problem even if the price was raised several times more.

Yooseong was able to realize the reason shortly after.

‘It must have been a different standard.’

From the user’s point of view, this drug wasn’t that great.

The fact that it can be mass-produced without karma points is attractive, but in terms of performance, it is incomparable to medicines that can be brought from other worlds, so users as well as themselves did not rate the medicine so highly.

However, by the standards of the general public, even this much could be said to be a great elixir.

‘Should I raise the price?’

After thinking for a moment, Yuseong shook his head.

It was possible to increase it as much as possible, but if you do, the meaning of fostering lower powers will fade.

Considering the current world economy, this was a reasonable price.

Yooseong subtly brought up the problem of the drug to Lucas, who was looking at the case as if he were possessed.

“However, there is a problem that safety cannot be guaranteed with this drug. I did my own checks, but most of them were experiments on animals or monsters, and I only did one experiment on humans, so I don’t know what side effects there might be.”

“Right now, all Europeans are in a situation where they are going to be slaughtered by monsters who don’t know if they are alive or dead. Well, no one will say anything unless there is a side effect of turning into a zombie or something. Ha ha ha ha ha!”

“Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha… … .”

Yooseong forced a smile.

Lucas may have said it as a joke, but that was one of the side effects Yoosung was most worried about.

“Well, but certainly stability issues are not something to be taken lightly. Prior to safety, it is a problem from administering an unknown drug without proper test results. I am ready to trust and use this medicine, but not many people in the military, let alone ordinary people, think that way.”

“I can’t help that part, but if you’re in an extreme situation, wouldn’t someone want to hit you?”

“Yes, but there are better ways than that.”

“A better way?”

Lucas smiled at the questioning meteor and reached for the case.

Then, very naturally, he sucked up the contents of the ampoule with a syringe and inserted it into his forearm.

Yooseong got up from his seat with the flagship one beat late.

I don’t know if it’s anyone else, but I didn’t want to imagine the aftermath of the storm if the Supreme Commander of the European Union got hit and had a problem.

“Ugh, ugh.”

Yooseong took out the state recovery potion and focused on Lucas’ every move.

* * *

To begin with, Meteor didn’t need to use a status recovery potion.

No side effects occurred.

Rather than side effects, the drug was more than 120% effective.

Doo doo doo!

Machine guns were firing at the zombies rushing in like waves.

It might seem like an unremarkable sight, but it would be a different story if the machine gun was held not on a cradle but in the hand of a gray-haired old man, and that old man was the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers in Europe.

The image of Lucas wearing an X-shaped bullet belt and firing a machine gun reminiscent of Rambo in the movie.

“Ha ha ha! die! You monsters!”

Her hair loss is the same, but her belly fat sagging due to age has gone in, and her muscles have been pumped up to the point where the military uniform looks cramped.

People who knew what Lucas looked like half a day ago doubted my eyes, but that old man was definitely Lucas himself.

Lucas, who had gone mad enough to suspect something was wrong with the side effects of the medicine, put the red-hot machine gun down on the floor and raised his index finger to the nearby camera, posing as Uncle Sam.

Lucas didn’t say a word, but the people around the world who were watching this scene through the screen realized what he was trying to say.

“… … Should I pay for advertising?”

It was the best publicity ever.

this is not a game

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