
It’s not just monsters that come out of the portal.

Starting with natural objects such as water, trees, and piles of soil, artifacts such as objects and building debris appeared, and even the laws of physics in the vicinity of the area where the portal was opened changed.

And among them, the rarest case was the phenomenon of dungeonization in which the terrain and environment itself within a certain area were changed.

how rare is it?

Even if you look at all the cases since the monster appeared, you can count them on one hand.

However, just because there were few cases, it was never less dangerous.

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Just as an unidentified city that appeared in Korea changed the ecosystem and atmospheric composition of the nearby area, the dungeon contained a danger that could affect a small country, a continent, or even the entire earth.

To the extent that when a dungeon is discovered, an emergency is immediately raised in the country and the use of nuclear weapons is seriously considered.

And Yooseong was facing that dangerous dungeon right now.


Yooseong inadvertently swallowed dry saliva.

Following Kassim’s guidance, they arrived at a cave located halfway up a wide mountain range.

At first glance, it didn’t look anything special, but the information coming in via drone told me that this cave was anything but ordinary.

“I think it’s true that dungeons get bigger as you go inside, and even the walls feel artificial. how will we do it?”

“How to do what to do. Of course you have to go in.”


Unlike Cassim and Olga, who went into the cave indifferently, Meteor couldn’t move a single step as if it were nailed to the spot.

“what’s the matter? Have you left anything behind?”

“… … Can’t you see this?”


A dark haze rises from the entrance of the cave, no, from the entire nearby mountain range, as if it were on fire.

It was a meteor that I had seen all kinds of energies so far, but I had never seen such an energy.

A turbid, dirty color energy as if it had been pulled out of a gutter, an ominous and disgusting feeling just by looking at it.

Yuseong, who hesitated, made up his mind at Cassim’s continuous urging and moved into the cave.

I had come this far, so I had to go in first, whether it was porridge or rice.

Movement was done slowly in preparation for traps.

Yooseong opened his mouth while only the irregular footsteps of the three echoed.

“Come to think of it, I don’t think I have ever properly greeted you. I will formally greet you. It is called Yuseong Han.”

It was a bit out of the blue, but it was enough to start a conversation.

As soon as Yuseong finished speaking, Kasim answered in a cheerful voice as if he had waited.

“Bard Kasim. Call me Cassim.”

“nice to see you. Kasim.”

“The last time we met, you were polite and polite, but why are you talking politely all of a sudden? You look the same age as me, but you’re just talking half-heartedly.”

“Then it’s fine for me.”

It was natural that informal speech was more comfortable than formal speech.

“Olga Petrova. You can call me Olga, or you can speak casually like Kassim.”

“Is that okay?”

“When I hear honorific words, I think of some unlucky bastard.”

The person who said that was respectful by adding the letter yo at the end of each word, but Yuseong nodded as he recalled how Olga was polite to Ryuhei, the youngest of the users.

There are only two people she is not polite with.

It was Kang Chang-seok and Isaac.

‘Kang Chang-seok fell out with him because he had a lot of fun in Russia in the past, and Isaac said he didn’t like it because he was flirting.’

“What are you thinking other than talking?”

“Oh, sorry, no, sorry.”

“I’m sorry. Can I ask you something more?”


“You overpowered Isaac so lightly, how did you get stronger so quickly?”

“I had a slight advantage in strength, and I would have died if Bruce hadn’t helped me, but how strong is that?”

Not only Olga but also Kassim made a puzzled look at Yoosung grumbling.

“I’ve been a user for over 10 years, so that’s natural. It’s a great thing to win even if it’s just strength. How did you get such great power? Elixir? item? skill?”

“It’s not just strength. Didn’t Isaac lose in the magic battle? He probably wouldn’t have exerted all his strength, but judging from his personality, he must have used quite a bit of mana, but winning that means… … .”

“Well, it’s the result of hard quests.”

It is a strength that cannot be explained by simply saying that he worked hard.

I don’t know how hard Meteor had been on the quest, but that was the case with other users as well.

It’s just that the direction is slightly off, but the quest itself, Kang Chang-seok and Sofia, who belong to the three medicines, are working hard.

The two noticed that Yooseong had a secret, but didn’t ask more.

There was no way he would tell me that he was asking anyway, and it was because the end of the aisle was visible.

“This… … .”

Facing the scenery across the aisle, the three were at a loss for words.

As there is something that summons the undead, I expected a terrible scene like a pile of undead or a scene from hell, but the scenery unfolding before my eyes was so different from what I expected.

An unbelievably huge space underground.

There was a great city in it.

A tower twisted like a pretzel, a building in the form of a curve, and a free-spirited house reminiscent of a work of art.

It was an architectural style that could not be seen on Earth, but its beauty was never inferior to any other city on Earth.

‘If Dragonia feels like a mixture of a city of the future and a city of fantasy, this is a city completely in a fantasy world. I don’t know which one has a higher level because the architectural style is so heterogeneous, but in terms of size, Dragonia is much bigger.’

Yooseong, lost in thought while comparing Dragonia with the city in front of him, returned to reality at the sound of a heavy sound coming from the side.

The source of the sound was Kasim.

Kassim, who was knocking on the floor with a staff I don’t know where he got it from, said with a faint frown.

“There is no life response. Instead, there is something else.”

I knew what it was without even asking.

Because those other things were running this way.

thud! thud! thud!

Hundreds of skeletons appeared in the city.

Yooseong, who at first ignored them as lower-class undead, soon realized that they were not ordinary undead.

Hundreds of skeletons were moving, but they were keeping pace as if one were moving, and their armed status was on a different level.

Normal skeletons carried weapons made of bone, but they wore metal weapons as well as shields and full body armor.

‘No, wait. Could that be an artifact?’

Yuseong, who felt a different energy from the skeletons’ weapons, smiled dejectedly.

The fact that there were that many artifacts was surprising, and the fact that they were put on a skeleton was also surprising.

While the three of them couldn’t get out of the shock, the skeletons that had reached the nearby area stopped at a certain distance, and the skeleton that appeared to be the leader came forward.

“This is a sacred place. No one can enter without being invited.”

Instead of the sound of teeth clashing, a skeleton that speaks fluently enough to be compared to a number of high-ranking undead.

There was silence for a moment, and the meteor came forward at the urging gaze of the two.

“We came to find something in this city. Could you please let me in for a little while?”

“This is a sacred place. No one can enter without being invited.”

“How can I get that invitation?”

“This is a sacred place. No one can enter without being invited.”

It was unknown whether it was a golem-like existence that only acted on given commands, or whether it repeated the same words despite having intelligence, but the fact that it did not work was the same.

Yoosung exaggeratedly shook his shoulders and walked towards the still motionless skeletons.

And Yooseong, who stopped exactly in front of the captain’s skeleton, spoke in a coy voice.

“What if I was forced to enter?”

“Death to the intruder.”

The scimitar held in the skeleton’s hand drew a silver arc and flew toward the meteor’s neck.

With a light flick of his finger, Meteor deflected the Scimitar’s trajectory and threw his other fist at the skeleton’s head.



There was absurdity in Yooseong’s eyes.

It was a light jab, but the strength of 3,561 points is not going anywhere.

In terms of power alone, it is comparable to an attack launched by an unmanned or knight-type contractor with all their might.

However, a mere skeleton blocked his fist.

Looking at the sunken shield, the skeleton burned blue natural flowers in its eyes.

“Kill the intruder!”

Hundreds of skeletons attacked in perfect order with the sound of teeth clashing.

Instead of stepping back, Meteor activated Mist and threw herself into the crowd of skeletons.

At the skeletons who were struggling in the fog so thick that they couldn’t even see an inch ahead, Yooseong threw out his fist with a little more force than before.


This time I was able to break the skull without any problems.

However, the moment one skeleton fell, the nearby skeletons immediately swung their weapons.


Yuseong, embarrassed by the unexpected situation, immediately activated Sura Sensitivity and tried to avoid the attack.

‘There are no gaps.’

Yuseong, who tried to dodge the attack with minimal movements as always, twitched his eyebrows as he realized that the skeletons perfectly complement each other and eliminate all gaps.

At the moment of desperation, Yooseong did not even move and received the skeleton’s attack with his body.

And the results were astonishing.

Took! Tuduk! Took!


The meteor hit by the weapon did not suffer a single scratch, and the skeletons that fired the attack did not maintain their shape and collapsed into pieces or scattered as their bones were powdered.

Fog is just an additional effect created by friction caused by the energy of revenge.

Mungmu was originally a self-defense weapon that surrounded the entire body to offset the impact from the outside and released the career to subdue the opponent at the same time.

Inner air, mana, and spiritual power.

Skeleton’s attack was far from enough to pierce the misty cloud spread with three energies.

He defeated six skeletons in an instant, but Yoosung’s complexion did not improve.

It was because he witnessed the skeletons forming a two- or three-layer siege from a little distance away.

‘It’ll be a nuisance.’

Yooseong lowered his posture, crossed his arms in an X shape, and covered his face.

I was thinking of using the shooting star to break the line at once.

However, he changed his mind when he heard Olga’s cry just before stepping on the flashlight.



With an explosion, a new type of meteor flew into the air.

Even with 349 points of stamina, he was able to make a leap that could jump over a decent number of apartments, but now that his stamina had increased by nearly three times compared to that time, there was nothing more to say.

Meteor, who landed on the ground enjoying much longer flight time than before, looked around and stuck out his tongue.

In the moment he was in the air, everything was dyed white.

Yuseong, who alternately looked at Olga with her hands out and the skeletons turned into ice statues, secretly activated the Mystic Eye of Truth.

‘… … What is this?’

The face of Yooseong, who was happy at the thought of stealing a new skill following Mugeuk Ilwongong, changed strangely.

this is not a game

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