If you have a bad head

Every action that takes place in reality is inevitably accompanied by energy.

Unless the physical laws and rules go to a different world from the beginning, all phenomena and events that occur in reality cannot escape the evil eye of truth, which is perceived by visualizing energy.

No matter how complicated it is, even if it is a world-class new art made based on dozens of new construction studies, it can be seen, understood, and reproduced without any problems.

But the ice that Olga created was different.

‘I can see it, but I don’t understand it.’

The structure of ice crystals, the flow and transformation of energy.

I can see everything clearly, but I can’t understand it at all.

There was only one fact that Yoosung knew.

The only thing was that this ice was made of different types of energy.

“Have you been hurt anywhere?”

Olga’s worried voice was heard.

The battle was over, but since he was standing still with his body turned around, of course he couldn’t help but worry.

“No, it’s not like that, it’s just that ice is a little strange. It doesn’t look like ordinary ice.”

You can’t ask about the source or principle of the ability, but just like Olga asked about her own power, this was a question that could be asked among colleagues.

“Oh, that’s great. This is the first user since Bruce who said that.”

“Why ice? Isn’t it just plain ice?”

“… … .”

“Why, why are you looking at me like that?”

“… … The three rivers are the same, but how can they be so different?”

Olga, who was looking at Kassim as if she was pathetic, turned her gaze to Yoosung.

“To put it simply, this ice was created by combining several abilities.”

“Isn’t that what all users do?”

A user who can bring various abilities from an infinite dimension.

Of course, there is no user who truly learns and uses only one ability even though he is a specialist specialized in one field.

Bruce, who was specialized in martial arts, could use simple magic, and Kasim, who was called the Great Mage, was learning martial arts in preparation for close combat or adding magic to magic.

“It is. But I don’t think there are any users who combine and use as many abilities as I do.”

“How many did you combine?”

“Martial arts, magic, psychic powers, alchemy, divine power, sorcery, taoism, sorcery, powers, blessings, curses, etc. Twenty-five in all.”

I finally understood why I couldn’t understand Olga’s abilities.

It is the same reason that it is not difficult to understand a picture drawn with one drawing style, but cannot understand a painting drawn by mixing dozens of different drawing styles.

If you look at the whole, you can tell what was painted, but if you ask me to explain the picture in detail, how many people can explain it?

‘I can interpret the mechanism of the ability if I observe it over time, but it doesn’t mean much.’

Even if I stole it, it would be a part of martial arts and a part of magic, but there was nothing I could do with it.

If you learn all the skills that make up ice and can handle all kinds of energy required to use those skills, you can reproduce it, but it was too inefficient to do that.

Yuseong, who abandoned his lingering attachment to Olga’s abilities, decided to change the subject.

‘Let’s go out and join another user, then ask them to come back.’

They hadn’t even entered the city yet, but an army of skeletons armed with artifacts came out.

I couldn’t even imagine how many undead there would be in that city, and what kind of bizarre undead there would be.

However, before Yuseong could even open his mouth, Cassim frowned and said.

“I think we should have a chat.”

thud! thud! thud!

Along with the heavy sound resounding in the underground cavity, various undead began to appear from all over the city.

A group of skeletons like the one we just defeated, a group of specters clumped together like a cloud, and flash golems in bizarre shapes.

I reflexively looked at the entrance, but before I knew it, the road leading outside had disappeared.

I have no choice but to fight.

The good news is that you’re not fighting alone.

“Ah, why is it underground?”

“I think it will be a long game. Take care of your stamina.”

Cassim, who exudes enormous magical power, and Olga, who creates armor made of ice.

Yuseong, who confirmed that there was nothing like anxiety or worry anywhere on the expression of the two people, only annoyance was evident, and he raised his arms while instilling confidence in himself.

It was the moment when the full-scale dungeon raid began.

* * *

Kassim thought that there was a difference in talent between users as well.

Some users say that there is a difference in talent when it comes to solving problems by using objects and skills from another world, but that was no different from the fox claiming that the grapes that were not obtained were sour grapes.

Even if you spend the same amount of time on the same quest, the result will vary depending on how you clear it.

You may not be able to feel the difference once or twice, but if it accumulates and accumulates, it will lead to a huge difference.

This is a fact known to all high-level users.

‘I know. I know… … .’


Seeing the flash golem, which could be 10 meters tall, rise high in the air and then fall, Cassim clicked his tongue involuntarily.

The rise of the giant was not surprising in itself.

That’s about as much as you can do yourself.

Levitation, anti-gravity magic, group blink, etc. There are several methods that come to mind right away.

Kasim was surprised because of the person who reminded him of a giant.

‘Han Yuseong.’

An absurd friend who became a user after being tricked by Oriental medicine.

The fact that he had talent was known from the moment he saw him defeating a group of Lizardmen.

It’s not much to look at in an absolute standard, but considering that I’ve only been a user for two months, it’s incredible strength and growth rate.

“In about a year, you can reach the triple level, in about three years. It’s a story when the earth exists safely until then.”

Kasim admired Yoosung’s talent and felt regret at the same time.

If he had become a user 3 years, no, 1 year earlier, he would have been able to perform a lot, but the world was not in a relaxed situation to wait for his growth.

No matter how talented a user is, in order to become stronger, it takes time to complete the quest.

No matter how well he did, he thought that Yooseong would have a hard time escaping from being a promising player for later years.

But it was just his delusion.

‘It’s three or more, three or less?’

I thought it was unusual from the time I won the victory in the struggle with Isaac, but the image that Meteor is showing now transcends even that.

The strength to throw a flash golem that could weigh dozens of tons, the durability that doesn’t leave even a scratch even after being attacked by an elder death knight’s sword, and the strength and magic power that doesn’t even show signs of being exhausted even after fighting nonstop using skills for half a day.

In terms of versatility, flexibility, and scalability of abilities, the triplet would be superior, but in terms of pure destructive power, Meteor was not far behind the triplet.

‘Even Bruce never grew up this fast. how the hell… … .’

Woo woo woo!

Kasim, who was looking at the meteor that became a meteor and penetrated the city like his name, stopped thinking and focused his consciousness on the mine at the end of the staff.

If you were outside, you could fire magic without any burden, but if you did it underground, you would be crushed to death by the collapsing ceiling.

I had to aim for a pinpoint so as not to shock this space as much as possible.

-Complete target setting.

The moment he heard the dry words, Kassim lowered the staff.

Shining ray.

Hundreds of beams pouring from the photosphere.

The undead raised their shields or entered nearby buildings, but the magic that Kassim had perfected with great care was not enough to block them.

The rays penetrated and evaporated everything.

Weapons imbued with auras, powerful artifacts, and thick walls were like paper in front of the beam.

The rain of death lasted only about a minute, but it was enough to defeat the undead.

“No, if I had such magic, I would use it right away, so why did I save it until now?!”

“It wasn’t something I cherished, but I couldn’t use it, right? Do you know how many Dispels Lich and Beholder blew?”

“If you are a great mage, you have to overcome that much.”

“What stories do you enjoy so much?”

When the meteor appeared, Cassim and Olga kept their mouths shut as if they had promised.

It meant that Yoosung’s skills were impressive.

“What’s the mood like? Did you even gossip about me?”

“No, it’s not like that, I’m just surprised that you’re stronger than expected.”

Yooseong, who paused for a moment at the straight answer, burst out laughing.

“It’s thanks to you casting auxiliary magic. What are my skills?”

“If you could fight like that with some auxiliary magic, Kang Chang-seok wouldn’t have to create a contractor. You are obviously strong.”

“So, isn’t it a big deal compared to other users?”

“… … .”

“… … I’m kind of unlucky.”

Too much humility becomes arrogance.

Yuseong, who was sweating at the salty cold gaze, hurriedly opened his mouth to turn the two people’s attention elsewhere.

“Hmmmm, rather than that, shouldn’t we find a signal first?”

There was no one so foolish that he could not distinguish between public and private affairs in this place.

Kasim recalled the time he spent fighting the undead and pointed somewhere with a serious expression on his face.

A magnificent temple located in the middle of the city.

The three of them exchanged glances and moved toward the temple.

The inside of the temple was gorgeous enough to remind me of the Lord’s room in Dragonia, but I didn’t feel any presence.

“If you look closely, you can see that there is something over here.”

A huge door blocking the path leading to the deepest part.

At first glance, it was an ordinary door that showed no energy, but as if it was protected by some absolute law, neither Cassim’s magic nor Olga’s coldness had any flaws.

“Look out. I’ll try.”

“no. no. This isn’t something that can be done by force. It completely nullifies the external impact.”

“Who said that by force?”

After biting the two of them back, Yuseong pulled back his fist and performed Amwol Type 16 rock piercing.

However, the target was not the door, but the wall next to the door.

The door may be protected by some law, but the wall is not.

Every time the meteor punched, the walls of the temple shattered like Styrofoam, and after a while the door lost its weight and fell helplessly like a rotten tree.


“When the head is bad, the body suffers. I mean use your head.”

“… … .”

I don’t know if this can be said that the body did not suffer, but it was true that I used my head anyway, so there was nothing to say.

The interior scenery revealed after the thick dust had settled was quite different from before.

A huge golden statue stood in the middle of the wide hall, and statues made of silver and bronze stood on either side.

“The king and his subjects?”

“You have good eyesight for an intruder.”

this is not a game

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