This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 364 Navy Lolitas! Guina has sex! B-level fishing! Star Wars 【Light Saber】!

Not long after.

The girls summoned by Lieutenant General Crane came to the headquarters building from the town behind Marin Fando and entered the office.

"It's you!"

The little pink curly-haired loli saw Cui Ze sitting in Granny He's office, and raised her hands in response to stress, activating her Superman-Ghost Fruit ability.

I saw several white and transparent illusory ghosts roaring out from the palm of the pink-haired lolita, flapping their arms continuously, and pounced directly at Cui Ze's position.

"White Ghost!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not White Ghost."

Cui Ze threw out a [blank card] with his backhand, and several white ghosts suddenly fell into the card like raindrops falling into a lake and disappeared.

【Engraving... Successfully imprinted】

[You get an E-level card! 】

[Grade E card: Mini Ghost Nova Fire]

[Card Type: Normal Trap Card]

[Card effect: Release several ghosts, hit the enemy, and produce a powerful shock wave effect]

"Perona's ghost was eaten!!"

Following behind the pink-haired loli, an orange girl covered her face and shouted in horror.

The healthy girl with a wheat complexion who was following the orange girl couldn't help but reach out and hug her sister's body.

"Damn guy! He actually found the Navy Headquarters!"

A black-haired Beihai loli dressed as a maid, clenched her fists to cheer up her companions.

"Perona! Come on! Don't lose to this guy!"

Kuina looked at Nami, Nuoqigao, Baby5, and Perona who took the initiative. She didn't think these companions were reliable, only that they were noisy.

"Look at me! I will definitely avenge Lord Moriah!"

Perona first turned around, gave a thumbs up to several companions, and then turned to Cui Ze, releasing a lot of miniature ghosts.

Cui Ze yawned, and just pushed the E-level card in his hand forward, letting it absorb the ghosts released by the opponent.

Snapped! Snapped!

The pink-haired loli kept snapping her fingers, almost rubbing her fingers to sparks, but she couldn't make the ghosts she released just now produce an explosion effect.

"Damn it! You can only use your abilities, what kind of an adult!"

Perona looked at Cui Ze angrily, her face was almost swollen like a little squirrel.

"...Aren't you also using your ghost fruit?"

Cui Ze put away the card, glanced at the information, it was still only grade E, and erased it casually.

"How can it be the same?!"

Perona spoke vigorously.

"I'm a child! How can an adult fight a child and get serious?"

"Then I don't use my abilities, but my fists?"

Cui Ze raised his fist the size of a sandbag, and the black domineering gushed out of his body, rendering his right fist into a majestic "Pirate Iron Fist".

Perona shrank her neck, and immediately moved towards Lieutenant General He's position, and made a funny face at Cui Ze by the way.

"Baby5, can you make me a cup of tea?"

Cui Ze looked at another little maid from Beihai who was staring at him, and asked tentatively.


Baby5 responded first, intending to serve Cui Ze some tea and water, but just as her body was twisted halfway, she forced herself to turn around again.

"Do you think I said that? I'm not the same person I was before!"

"Tch! The quality of the maid is not up to standard!"

Cui Ze curled his lips, and finally looked at another East China Sea Kendo girl who was sent to the Navy headquarters by him.

"Long time no see, Kuina."

"Long time no see, Cui Ze."

Kuina looked at the opposite man who brought her from the small Donghai Shuangyue Village to the Navy Headquarters with a complicated expression. She didn't know what to say for a while.

Cui Ze is also not interested in communicating with Little Lolita.

For example, Nami and Noki Gao who are hiding behind Kuina.

Two orange girls from Cocosia Village.

Due to various factors, Cui Ze did not personally land in Cocosia Village, but he still disclosed the existence of Belmer, Nami, and Nuo Qigao to Lieutenant General He.

Right now, he is observing the situation of the two orange girls.

Obviously, they had been brought to the navy by Vice Admiral He long ago.

Cui Ze looked directly at the chief of staff.

"He's already here, Granny He, don't you plan to say something?"

Lieutenant General He watched the communication between Cui Ze and the five little girls with relish for a while, and then he looked away and waved to Guina.

The other little girls also immediately moved to Lieutenant General He's side, chirping and screaming from time to time.

"Huh?", "Become a boy?", "Is it really possible?", "Is it possible?", "What's different about boys?", "I only know that zombies have What's the difference...", "It's terrible!"

Cui Ze dug his ears, only to feel that this place is really noisy.

A few minutes later.

Kuina, who was in control of the situation, stepped forward shyly.

"are you ready?"

Cui Ze took out a can of [Male Drowning Spring], held it in his right hand, and looked at Kuina calmly.


Kuina's complexion changed for a while, and she finally nodded very firmly.

Cui Ze didn't say a word, but just handed over the container containing [Male Drowning Spring].

Under the gaze of the rest of the people.

Kuina took a deep breath, and stretched her slender and white arms into the [Male Drowning Spring].

The fair and delicate skin has turned into a healthy wheat color, the contours of the facial features have been carefully adjusted, the slightly raised little rabbit has turned back into the airport again, and the muscles of the limbs have also become much stronger.

Compared with the "Eunuch Crane" who has hardly changed much just now.

The changes in the male version of Kuina are still very obvious.


"Guina has really changed!"

"Is she a boy now?"

"Pull it over and have a look!"

"I'll be in charge of grabbing her arm!" / "Then I'll be in charge of grabbing her pants!" / "I'll be in charge of watching!"

Kuina, who couldn't listen anymore, yelled at all the little lolitas without paying attention to the subtle changes in her body.

"It's so loud! You—hey! My voice..."

Kuina reached out and touched her throat, only to feel that she touched a small bump that she didn't usually have.

"That's the boy, Guina."

Lieutenant General He came over and gently stroked Kuina's head.

"How do you feel?"

Seeing Granny Crane approaching, the little lolis who were full of energy just now became calm.


Kuina squeezed his arm first, then bent it, then shook her head.

"Nothing seems to have changed."

Cui Ze didn't want to listen to these topics, and after leaving a can of [Mother Niangquan], he took the initiative to dodge and left the office.

Standing in the corridor outside the door.

Cui Ze overlooked the majestic and majestic Navy Headquarters below, turned on [Breath Blocking], and casually took out a B-grade bait.

"The fishing world in Happy Street and Chambord is not very serious, but the fishing world in the Navy Headquarters should become serious, right?"

Cui Ze vaguely remembered the few times he went fishing in the headquarters, but the results seemed to be unsatisfactory, such as [Italian Cannon].

"This is the B-grade bait of the king of weapons! It can always give people some surprises, right?"

Cui Ze threw the B-grade bait in his hand into the sea of ​​dimensions.


[The fishing harvest type: item]

[Class B Item: Cross Gauntlet Lightsaber]

[Provenance of the item: "Star Wars" series]

[Item Description: Sword Weapon]

[Item Effects: 1. Main Blade: Compared with other weapons, [Cross Gauntlet Lightsaber] has a very high destructive effect. Facing creatures or props with a comprehensive evaluation below B level, the attacks caused can completely ignore the opponent The durability and physical resistance of the sword are completely broken.

2. Side edge: In addition to the main edge in the center of the hilt, two smaller side edges can also be released on both sides of the cross guard.

Note: Due to the cross-dimensional fishing of [Fishing] ability, [Cross Gauntlet Lightsaber] breaks away from the original energy constraints and turns into an independent sword weapon, but requires the willpower of [Domineering] as the energy used]

[Item evaluation: Unlimited Power (endless power)! 】

Third update.

There are two more.

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