This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 365 Quadruple B-level fishing! The Birth of the King of Dogs! Two Teigu!

"[Light Saber]?!"

Looking at the message prompt on the light curtain, Cui Ze's eyes suddenly lit up.

Another childhood dream prop!

I saw a bare mechanical cross hilt in the void, showing an iron-gray hilt skin, exuding a solemn feeling of calm and majesty.

In addition to the direction of the main blade at the top, there are small energy nozzles at both ends of the cross guard on the hilt, corresponding to the two secondary blades.

"At first I thought it would be a lightsaber like a 'three-headed fork'... Fortunately, it is different from what I expected!"

Cui Ze held the hilt of the [Cross Gauntlet Lightsaber], and the fluid-like jet-black domineering energy flowed from his body and slowly poured into it.

Three jet-black energy light blades were respectively released from the three energy nozzles of the [Cross Gauntlet Lightsaber], and a faint gleam diffused in the air, so beautiful.

"A black lightsaber? I remember that lightsabers only have three colors of red, blue and green?"

Cui Ze gathered the [Secondary Blade] on both sides, and lightly waved the [Main Blade]. The black energy light blade seemed to be completely merged with the air.

"Or is it that the color of the lightsaber actually changes with the type of energy injected?"

Cui Ze felt the consumption of [Cross Gauntlet Lightsaber]'s domineering energy again, and found that it was almost the same as the normal coverage and use of armed colors, so he was relieved.

"Although I have [Flowing Blade Ruohuo] and [Sode Shirayuki], the level of these two Zanpakutō is too high, and the consumption is also very high."

"[He Dao Yi Character] is still in my hand, but it has no special effect in battle, and it is hardly used in daily life."

"Now that we have the amazingly destructive [Cross Gauntlet Lightsaber], it's not too bad!"

"The point is... [Light Saber] is so handsome!"

Cui Ze waved away the armed domineering Qi pouring into the [Cross Gauntlet Lightsaber], and tentatively injected his own [Qi] into it.

I saw a bright yellow light blade exuding radiant golden light, shooting out from the [Cross Guard Lightsaber] with great momentum.


Cui Ze sighed subconsciously.

"The golden even more handsome!"

Do not know why.

Look at the golden lightsaber in his hand.

In Cui Ze's mind, the figure of Boss Huangyuan flashed inexplicably.

"Well...then the black lightsaber is more handsome!"

Borrowing [Trial Slash], after getting used to [Cross Gauntlet Lightsaber], Cui Ze temporarily sent it to the [Treasure Room], and then took out a B-grade bait from the light curtain.

"The fishing world this time is much better than what I encountered when I was fishing in this department last time!"

"Or... the two islands are not fishing, and the fishing luck is about to explode?"

Thinking of this level, Cui Ze immediately threw the B-grade bait in his hand into the dimensional sea, quietly waiting for the light curtain to respond.


[The harvest type of this fishing: ability entry]

[B-level ability entry: Information erasure]

[Ability source: "FATE" series]

[Description: special ability]

[Entry effect: At the moment of the end of the battle, information from witnesses and opponents' memories and records to their own abilities, real names, and appearance characteristics will disappear. Even if it is openly fighting in the daytime, or using cameras, video phone bugs and other means to monitor, the effect will not change.

If you want to spy on your own information, you must use logic and analysis to deduce your true identity from the evidence left at the scene]

[Entry evaluation: There is always only one truth! 】


Cui Ze raised his brows slightly as he watched the fishing harvest tips appearing on the light curtain.

"The B-grade bait of the biscuit cracker... what kind of assassin ability is this?!"

"But if you think about it carefully, it's not a strange thing that cracker bait can catch this ability... After all, even the reward order formulated by the World Government and the Navy Headquarters doesn't even know his appearance information! "

"This is still the senior cadre of the Four Emperor Pirates, the dessert three generals!"

"It's just that this ability doesn't work for me. For a special staff like Pride, it's quite useful..."

Ignoring this B-level ability that was destined to be thrown to Pride, Cui Ze took out the B-level bait that Huang Mu had, and started fishing directly.


[The harvest type of this fishing: ability entry]

[B-level ability entry: Mayfly Art]

[Ability Source: "Naruto\

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