Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

422、The war with no point of view

"It was a massacre."

Liu Zhao felt dull.

Not only Liu Zhao, but also Guan Yu and others behind him.

There are only a few hundred Jin soldiers in Fengxiang Mei County, and most of them are yamen soldiers. How can they withstand Liu Zhao's army of ten thousand armed to the teeth?

"Close the gate!"

"Hurry up and close the city gate!"

"Hold on, my Jin Dynasty's iron cavalry is stationed near Jingzhao House, and it will take a few hours for the iron cavalry to arrive, we just need to close the city gate now!

The gate guard finally ordered the soldiers to close the gate.

He was right.

Under normal circumstances in ancient battlefields, the enemy was surrounded ten times and attacked five times.

Ten times the strength can surround the enemy, and five times the strength can attack the enemy's city.

It is not wise for a defender of several hundred people to confront an army of tens of thousands, but it is still possible to defend the city for a few "nine forty-three" hours.

The city of Fengxiang Mei County is not very deep, but it is more than two feet tall and seven meters high.

The seven-meter-high city wall provided the defenders with a sufficient height of vision, allowing them to see the movement of the troops outside in time.

Fengxiang Mei County is close to the water on one side, and the road is rough on the other side, so it is impossible to deploy troops, so it only needs to defend two directions.

Hundreds of defenders can handle it with the help of the drafted civilians.

But the defenders can't count even if they count, this army is not an ordinary army.

There are six first-class masters of Quanzhen Sect.

If there are second-rate masters, plus Guan Yu and other five hundred generals, there are a total of five hundred and twenty people, and they are not even those third-rate masters.

The seven-meter-high city wall is like a stinger to ordinary generals, but to these arena experts, it is a pediatrician.


Following an order, all the experts from Quanzhen Sect were dispatched.

This can also be regarded as their vote for the title, the first battle to surrender to the Han Kingdom, so the Quanzhen Sect and others are all dedicated.

Qiu Chuji charged at the front with a three-foot long sword in hand.

Behind them are the eldest son Tan Churui, the Yuyang son Wang Chuyi, the Taikoo son Hao Datong, the longevity son Liu Chuxuan, and the Qingjing Sanren Sun Buer.

In the back are a group of third and fourth generations of disciples of the Quanzhen Sect.

The distance of hundreds of meters is over in the blink of an eye in front of these arena experts.


These people came under the city gate without the slightest hesitation, exercised their inner strength, exerted light energy, and leaped up the city wall in an instant.

"No! These are masters!

"A master of the rivers and lakes? Using a sword? Not good! He is from the Quanzhen Sect!"

"Run! We can't be the opponents of these Jianghu masters!

a time.

The guards were all terrified.

Just relying on their mere hundreds of people fighting with nearly a hundred arena experts, that is not called fighting, but called death!

"Bastards! We are Jin people, how can Jin people escape? Cowards, give me back!

The defender just wanted to force the fleeing soldiers to go back, but he fell down before he could speak.

Qiu Chuji drew back his long sword, and without any hesitation, took the Quanzhen Sect disciples to kill at the city gate.

As for the men and women around him, they had already run away when the situation turned bad. Qiu Chuji would naturally not hunt down these ordinary people who were being coerced to defend the city.

As the city gate opened, more than a thousand iron horsemen who were waiting outside the city gate immediately filed in and occupied the entire county town along the street.


"I surrender!"

At this time, the golden people, who had no way to escape, knelt down and begged for mercy.

Originally, they wanted to hide in the homes of ordinary people. However, these people have long been fed up with the oppression of these barbarians. How can they be polite when they see the Han army coming back?

These golden soldiers were beaten out directly with poles and hoes.

"Kill them!

"These golden men are beasts!"

"My daughter was spoiled by them!

"Sir, you can't spare these beasts. There used to be more than 3,000 households in Fengxiangmei County, with nearly 10,000 people, but now there are only 2,000 households, and the population is less than 6,000 people. Those people were all killed by these beasts. what!

One by one, the commoners opened their doors one after another and cried to the Han army.

There are many heroes in the North, and so is the Central Plains.

At that time, the Southern Song Dynasty was defeated, and there were many warriors among the people.

But even the regular army of the Southern Song Dynasty was no match for the Jin army. How could these civil resistances succeed?

Most of the people who resisted were killed under the slaughtering knives of the Jin people, and the Jin people carried out unreasonable massacres in order to deter the Han people.

Sometimes, there is no reason at all.

Purely for the purpose of shocking with killing.

"Prosperity, the people suffer, death, the people suffer even more!"

Seeing this, Qiu Chuji couldn't help but let out a long sigh...

"Your Majesty's word, kill!"

At this moment, an iron cavalry roared from outside the city gate.


With Liu Zhao's will, the soldiers no longer hesitated.

The hand raised the knife and fell, but within a moment, more than a hundred golden soldiers became headless corpses.

At this time, Liu Zhao did not enter the city at all.

"Your Majesty has an order to lead the Quanzhen Sect disciples with Qiu Chuji to appease the people of Mei County in Fengxiang, and the rest of the soldiers will gather immediately and march to Jingzhao Mansion with the army! 35

Soon, the Han soldiers who had invaded Fengxiangmei County began to gather.

Then join with the army outside the city and advance towards Jingzhao Mansion.

After the army left for a long time, the people of Fengxiang Mei County were still immersed in excitement.

"I knew, I knew the army of the imperial court would come back!

"God has eyes, those goddamn Jin people will be slaughtered by my Song Dynasty army! 39

"Master Wang is finally back, haha~~"

"Okay! We are the dignified people of the Song Dynasty, how can we be ruled by these barbarians?

These people thought the army was the army of the Southern Song Dynasty.

"Everyone be quiet, we are not the Song Dynasty army!"

When Qiu Chuji saw that the credit had become the Southern Song Dynasty, he immediately stood up and explained.

"Ah? Not the army of the Song Dynasty?"

"The army is obviously all Han people, and it can't be Tubo or Xixia if it is not the Song Dynasty?"

"The Army's 4.8 soldiers don't look like that either.

"Then where exactly are you in the army?"

Fengxiang Mei County is under the jurisdiction of Jingzhao Prefecture. Jingzhao Prefecture is the later Xinu. From the current geographical point of view, in addition to the army of the Southern Song Dynasty, only Xixia and Tubo border it.

But how did Xixia have the courage to use troops against the Jin Dynasty?

Even if it was to use troops against the Jin Dynasty, there would be wars in Linzhao, Qingyang, Taiyuan, and Datong. Come?

As for Tubo, let alone think about it. It was originally a force of a multi-tribal alliance, not even a country. How could it be able to use troops against the Jin Dynasty?

Then the question arises, where did the army composed of all the Han people come from?

Can't a powerful Han nation appear in the world for no reason?

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