Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

423. All the Jingzhao Houses belong to the Great Han Kingdom!

"We are the army of the Han Kingdom!"

Facing the doubtful people of Fengxiang Mei County, Qiu Chuji said proudly:

"You may not know it yet, our Dahan Kingdom is from another world!"

"In another world, we Dahan have unified the whole world!

"In the true sense of the world, is it the king's land, and the coast of leading the land is not the king's ministers!

In fact, Qiu Chuji didn't know exactly how big a world was.

It is said that it is impossible to travel all over the country of the Han Dynasty from north to south without a few months, and it is even farther from east to west.

Qiu Chuji also heard from Zhuge Liang.

Of course.

From the map of the Han Kingdom, Qiu Chuji can also have a glimpse of the vast territory of the Han Kingdom.

Following Qiu Chuji's narration, the surrounding people held their breaths.

"My God, from another world?"

"Have the whole world been unified in another world?"

"Is there no king's land under the whole world, and is there a king's ministers on the coast of leading the land?"

"Sect Master Qiu, please tell us in detail about this Great Han Kingdom..."

The 24 people around became more and more excited as they listened.

Although it is not a world, it is also a unified empire established by the Han emperor.

"Our Han Dynasty is amazing. At that time, there were many countries in the world, which were basically similar to this world, such as Anxi, Rome, etc. These countries were many times stronger than the current Jin Dynasty, but in my Han Dynasty, the emperor Under the mighty tiger and Bingfeng, they all knelt down and prayed...'

"And our Majesty is sympathetic to the people, and there are three great rewards after the unification of the world!

"First, scholars, peasants, industry and commerce are all rewarded."

'Secondly, the land is given overseas. Now the country of the Han Dynasty is very vast. In some places, the fertile soil is thousands of miles away, and there is a shortage of people to go to cultivate..."

"And our Majesty has also implemented five-year compulsory education, that is, all children may go to school for free!"

"What? 55

"And such good things? 35

"It's not a lie, is it?

Everyone couldn't believe it.

Can't believe it either.

Let's not talk about the reward of Tiantian.

Dandan said that free schooling is unusual.


No matter what dynasty it is, reading is not something that the poor people can dream of.

But in this big Han country, all the children can go to school for free?

"This is not the end. Your Majesty has already set up a nationwide pension system. As long as you are a big man over the age of 60, you can receive a hundred money from the imperial court for free without any conditions. This hundred money is normal enough. A person's monthly living expenses..."

'Support... pension system?'

"Receive a hundred dollars without any conditions?"

"This is simply the kingdom of heaven!"

"It's more than that. Now the free vaccination system has been implemented in Dahan Kingdom. Maybe everyone doesn't know much about this vaccine. Let's put it this way, after being vaccinated, it is impossible for all kinds of plagues to break out in the future!"

As Qiu Chuji talked more, the surrounding people became more excited.

at this time,

Basically, the people in the whole city were listening carefully.

Finally, one of the people couldn't bear it any longer.

"Sect Master Qiu, um... um, can we join the Great Han Kingdom?

Although only one person is asking, the infinite expectation in the eyes of all the people around him has already explained everything.

They all want to join the Han Empire!

Go to this heavenly dynasty that I never dreamed of before!

"Of course! This is the city of the Great Han Kingdom, and you are naturally the subjects of the Great Han Kingdom!""

Qiu Chuji smiled slightly.

The Dahan Kingdom's policy toward this world is known.

Conquer the kingdom and occupy the land!

"I am a commoner of the Han kingdom today?"

"In other words, we can also get those rewards from the Han Dynasty?"

"Of course, but the manpower in the Dahan Kingdom is currently insufficient. Please wait for a few days. After the relevant officials of the Dahan Kingdom arrive, everyone is going to register. Don't worry, as long as the elderly are over 60 years old, they can receive a hundred dollars. And children go to school..."

"Hooray! 35

"Long live the Han Dynasty! 35

"Long live His Majesty the Han Dynasty!""

that's it.

The people of Fengxiang Mei County did not even know the name of the emperor of the Great Han Kingdom, so they joined the Great Han Kingdom without hesitation.

This is not surprising.

The demands of the people are actually quite simple.

Food and clothing are enough!

However, even this trivial requirement could not be satisfied in many dynasties.

Therefore, this is the second death of the Qin Dynasty, and this is the Yellow Turban riot in the late Eastern Han Dynasty...

In the final analysis, the people are still unable to eat and live.

Who wants to risk being beheaded if there is a chance to live?

And the big Han Kingdom in front of me is more than just food and clothing! It's a fairy-like day!

And the news of the emergence of a heavenly kingdom called the Great Han Kingdom has spread around at an unimaginable speed.

"Did you know? Now there is a big Han Kingdom near the Jingzhao House in the Jin Dynasty!

"That's right, it was the Great Han Kingdom established by the Han emperor!"

"Moreover, the people of the Han Dynasty have something to support the old, the young have something to teach, the poor have something to depend on, and it is difficult to help, and the widowed, lonely, disabled, and sick all have something to support!

"True Heavenly Kingdom!"

"What? Will it be destroyed by the Jin Dynasty? Don't be kidding, now, Fengxiang Mei County is under the jurisdiction of the Great Han Kingdom, and now the emperor of the Great Han Kingdom is conquering the Jin Dynasty, I think it will not take long for Jingzhao House to become a Great Han The city of the country!"

"Really? This Great Han Kingdom is so powerful? Can it defeat those barbarians?"

"I don't believe 943 that the nearly one million troops of the Song Dynasty were not wiped out under the iron cavalry of the Jin Dynasty of hundreds of thousands. The army of the Jin Dynasty is not easy to defeat."

Except for the people near Fengxiang Mei County, the people in other places don't believe it at all.

What are you kidding?

Is there such a great country?

Repaying the three great rewards, not being afraid of the plague, but also providing support for the old, teaching the young, supporting the poor, helping the poor, and supporting the widows, widows, lonely, disabled and sick?

Only fools believe it.


"Good News!"

"The 10,000-strong army of the Han Kingdom defeated the Jin Dynasty's 80,000-strong army at thirty li east of the city of Jingzhao Prefecture!

"The governor of Jingzhao Prefecture, the Grand Marshal Zuo Jianjun, the King of Lu Wanyan Changcheng collapsed and died...

"The entire Jingzhao Mansion has returned to the Great Han Kingdom!"

"The Emperor of the Han Kingdom held a school soldier ceremony in Jingzhao Mansion! 35

A terrifying news spread rapidly in the Central Plains, until the surrounding Southern Song Dynasty, Mongolia, Xixia, Xiliao, Tubo and other ministries.

At this moment, the Jin Dynasty court, who learned the news, was immediately stunned.

What the hell?

Jingzhao Mansion fell?

King Lu Wanyan Changcheng collapsed and died?

What are you kidding?

I'm afraid I haven't woken up yet!

At first, the Jin Dynasty court also thought it was fake.

If it is true, why is no one reporting back?

They did not know that no soldiers of the Jin Dynasty escaped from Jingzhao Mansion at all.

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