"You, hello, Miss Catherine." Although Vanessa decided to join the Adventurer's Association to make a living, she still didn't understand the specific situation.

"Since it was introduced by Mr. Ning Xia, it's natural."

Catherine helped Vanessa apply for the membership certificate with a smile, and then asked: "Mr. Ning Xia might as well accept a mission to take this lady with you, after all, if a senior is with you, the new adventurer can adapt to the action faster. "

"Okay." Ning Xia nodded and said, anyway, the Dandelion girl's matter may take some time, so he can give Vanessa a general idea first.

"Then show me some of the most difficult tasks recently." Ning Xia said, in his opinion, only these tasks can barely make Vanessa take action.

"it is good."

Catherine had a smile on her face, and then she took out a document and handed it to Ning Xia, saying: "Recently, an investigator from the Adventurers Association found a fully grown Frozen Tree, if Mr. Ning Xia has If you are interested, I will inform the investigator of the frozen tree that I found to go with you."

Ning Xia casually glanced at it a few times, then nodded.

"Then Mr. Ning Xia waits at the city gate first, Miss Investigator will be there soon." Catherine said with a smile.

"Okay." Ningxia took Vanessa's hand and went to the city gate.

As Catherine said, the investigators soon arrived at the gate of the city, and it was... how should I put it.

Seeing the appearance of the visitor, Ningxia always had a feeling of deja vu.

"Are you the one my little subject said, the one who dared to hunt and kill the giant tree born of wind and ice that I spied?" said the girl wearing a blindfold.

"Miss, do you mean that you took over the task of dealing with the frozen tree?" said the bird on the side.

"Uh... yes." Ning Xia said with a twitching corner of his mouth, this damned secondary feeling gave him an inexplicable urge to participate.

"Then you should listen carefully to my name, and be grateful for the glory I bestow on you! I, the convict princess, my real name is Fischel, and this is my most loyal attendant Ozzy, who came in response to the wishes of my subjects Here, be grateful! Mortals!"


Although she didn't know what was going on, Ning Xia still listened to the name the girl named Fischer said with an awkward smile.

"Miss means nice to meet you." The bird named Ozzy translated.

Wen Nisha pulled Ningxia and asked: "Could it be that speaking like this has become popular hundreds of years later?"

"No, not at all." Ning Xia complained. He thought he was enough, but he didn't expect to meet someone above him.

"Hello, Princess Condemned, my name is Ning Xia, and this is Winnie, please show me the way." Ning Xia said.

"Ah~ Feel the grace! The gaze from the Pure Land of the Night will guide you to find the direction of the road~ Go forward! Traveler!" Fischer said, covering his eyes that were shining with purple light.

"Miss means, you follow her, she will lead you to find the frozen tree." Oz said.

After Ozzy finished speaking, Fischer walked towards the bridge full of pigeons, then turned around and waved to Ning Xia and the others.

"..." Vanessa was very disappointed. She had worked very hard, but she couldn't understand a word.

Ning Xia gently rubbed the head of the frustrated Vanessa. I have to say that although Vanessa usually looks strong, she is quite cute in some places.

After that, Ning Xia took her hand and walked with Fischer. Even Ning Xia, who was usually quite talkative, didn't know how to communicate with Fischer for a while.

When we arrived at the Whispering Forest, just passing by an apple tree, Fischer picked three apples from the tree and said: "O seeds that sleep in the pure land of the night! Thanks to the grace of the princess, the ground is broken and sweet fruits are born. Please be grateful for the grace of the princess!"

"Miss means, do you want an apple?" Oz translated.

"Thanks... no, I, a destroyer who travels through countless worlds, happened to pass by this pure land today, and thank you for the gift of the emperor." Ningxia said in a middle school pose.

"Alas! Alas? Ningxia, why don't you?" Vanessa said in a panic, why Ningxia is also saying strange things.

Fischer's eyes lit up, and the convict princess finally met someone of the same kind.

"Huh! The destroyers from other worlds, since they are just passing by, you might as well stay in the pure land of this princess and have a long talk with me."

Chapter 255 Wendy: He is my good friend!have to add wine

Morax is in a much better mood now. After she gave Wendy a full-body powder massage just now, she felt relaxed for a long time.

And Wendy floated behind Morax with a sad face, and kept complaining about Morax's stinginess in her heart, didn't she just tease you?

"Wendy," Morax said suddenly.

"I'm not talking about you!" Wendy said hastily, for fear of being subjected to another powder massage by Morax.

"..." Morax took a deep breath, she wasn't angry, she wasn't angry.

"I want to know if little friend Ningxia has mentioned me to you recently?" Morax said lightly.

"Uh...it doesn't seem to be there?" Wendy thought for a while and said, she had the impression that Ningxia usually avoided talking about Morax.

"In the past few days, try to say something nice for me. You don't want to make Ningxia little friend completely change, but you must make him stop being so repulsive to me!" Morax said, holding a bottle of Siguotou in his hand.

"If you can do it, this bottle of Siguotou, which I have treasured for thousands of years, will be yours." Morax said lightly, since she stopped drinking anyway.

"Hey! He's my good friend! Confidant! Good food... Bah! Good drinking buddy, you actually want me to fool him!?" Wendy said hesitantly, but her eyes were still fixed on Morax. Siguotou.

"What do you mean?" Morax looked at Wendy and said, she knew this guy too well.

"What I mean is, if you want me to fool my good friend Ning Xia, you need to pay more... Bah! You need to add wine!" Wendy rubbed her hands and said, she was quite looking forward to Ning Xia and Morax being together, maybe she She can go whoring for nothing, but she doesn't know that in the future, she will wish to kill her current self.

"...Five more bottles of Sanguotou." Morax said with a twitching corner of her mouth. Although she had already prepared in her heart, she still wanted to say something, as expected of you, Barbatos.

"Deal!" Wendy said with a smile. She was dragged and beaten by Morax just as soon as she smelled Sanguotou, but if she could drink it, it would be great.

"The contract has been established, and those who violate the contract shall be punished by eating rocks!" Morax said, already holding the lance of the piercing rainbow in his hand, and said kindly.

"Definitely, definitely." Wendy said quickly, she didn't want to experience another powder massage.

After Ningxia found a way to chat with Fischer, the two quickly got acquainted, and Ningxia still has a little confidence in the second year.

But it was hard for Vanessa, holding Ning Xia's hand and following behind, looking at the two chatting, feeling empty in her heart, she couldn't get involved in the topic at all.

Ningxia noticed that something was wrong with Vanessa, and deliberately slowed down to walk with Vanessa. Ningxia touched her head and said, "Sorry, I didn't notice you just now."

"No, it's okay." Vanessa said with a smile back. In this world that is very different from the past, Ning Xia is one of the few people who are willing to understand her and take her to understand the current world.

"If you have anything to do, just hold my hand, and I will help you." Ning Xia said softly. After learning about Vanessa's story from Morax and Wendy, he was very fond of this lonely and strong girl. It is sympathy.

A person suddenly appears in a strange world, even in the place where he once lived, his relatives and friends have almost turned into the dust of history.

Walking alone in this strange world, this is somewhat similar to Ningxia who just came to Tivat in the past, but he was lucky to meet a good sister.

"Hmm..." Vanessa replied softly, but the hanging heart finally let go. With Ningxia around, she can be stronger in this strange world, right? .

"Ahem!" Fischer on the side was very dissatisfied with the behavior of Ning Xia and Vanessa, she was standing here as a convict princess, ignoring her.

Secondly, it was the first time for her to see such a scene where a man and a woman kissed each other, which made the eminent convict princess a little bit shy.

"Hehehe~" Ningxia scratched her face in embarrassment, and Vanessa also looked away in embarrassment. Fischer must have remembered their appearance just now.

But no matter how embarrassing, Vanessa still held Ning Xia's hand tightly, just as Ning Xia said, even in this strange world, Ning Xia would still be with her.

Ning Xia didn't make any moves, but let Vanessa hold his hand tightly. He sincerely hoped that Vanessa could live a good life in this world again.

After the incident just now, because of embarrassment, Fischer did not continue to go down with Ningxia Zhonger, but brought Ningxia and the two to the vicinity of the frozen tree.

From the gap on the ground, you can see the frozen tree shrinking into a flower bud below. Even from above, you can feel the cold air that the frozen tree inadvertently radiates.

"A tree born of wind and ice and snow, it is rooted in the ground, it was spied on by the Lord of the Pure Land of the Night, and now it will be attacked by my subjects!" Fischel said, returning to the state of the convict princess.

"Miss means, this is where she found the Frozen Tree, you can go down and solve it, and Miss will help on it." Oz translated.

"Ah! A gift from You Ye Pure Land! Even world destroyers who travel through countless worlds can feel the gift of the emperor." Ning Xia thanked.

Ozzy glanced at Vanessa, who didn't understand, and translated for her sensibly: "Mr. Ning Xia means that he is very grateful for Miss's help."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Ning Xia said to Vanessa, the frozen tree below was just a bigger liar to Vanessa.

"Yeah." Vanessa nodded, then picked up the iron sword behind her and jumped from the sky.

"Hey! She's so dangerous!" Fischer, who was still in the state of Convicted Princess, said hastily. An ordinary person of this height would definitely turn into a meatloaf if he jumped.

Ningxia looked at Vanessa who jumped down calmly. With the help of the huge force that fell from the sky, the frozen tree that had shrunk into a ball was directly cut in half.

Poor Frozen Tree, before he even entered the fighting state, was split by Vanessa's sword.

Ning Xia also jumped down, making Fischel, who hadn't reacted yet, even more confused. Who are these two people? They jumped as soon as they said they were tens of meters high.

Finally, Fischer looked at Oz, and her eyes seemed to suggest something to Oz.

"Small, miss! You should lose weight!" Ozzy brought Fischel down carefully.

"Shut up! I'm not fat!" Fischel said with a blushing face, and then touched his soft belly, wondering if it's because he ate too much recently?

Chapter 256 Vanessa: Girlfriend?

Ningxia skillfully dug out three cores from the corpse of the frozen tree. This thing can be used as a proof of the success of the crusade, and can also be used to sell money. The core with strong leylines is what many people need.

"Is this considered... to complete the task?" Vanessa asked, after all, this is too simple.

"Half of it, I have to bring this kind of trophy-like thing to Catherine before for confirmation, and then she will pay you the reward." Ning Xia said, and handed the core to Vanessa.

"Oh." Vanessa carefully held the three cores in her hand, and then grabbed Ning Xia's hand with her other hand. She is now used to holding Ning Xia's hand when walking.

"Then Princess Fischer, shall we go back to Mond first?" Ning Xia said, this time the mission was pretty perfect except for a bit of a speed pass.

"Uh... oh! Cough cough, the destroyer who travels through countless worlds! Please follow the guidance of the pure land of the night, and she will take you back to the land of wind and poetry." Fischel quickly recovered from his surprise, and used Speak in the tone of the Condemned Princess.

"Miss means, you follow her back." Oz translated.

"Thank you, the convict... princess?" Vanessa said uncertainly, she was still not used to the meaning of Fischer's words.

Under the leadership of Fischer, the three of them returned to Mond City very quickly. After Catherine confirmed the core, she handed the reward and Mora, who sold the core, to Ningxia and said: "It is indeed the closest thing to a big adventure in the legend." Mr. Ningxia from home, just solved the frozen tree in one day."

"No, you misunderstood, it was Winnie who solved the Frozen Tree." Ning Xia said, this Frozen Tree is not far behind in his achievements.

Hearing Ningxia's words, Catherine's eyes on Vanessa changed. After all, there are quite a lot of commissions from Mond recently. It must be great to have such a powerful adventurer around.

Ning Xia handed Moura to Vanessa, then looked at Fischel and said, "Fischel, do you want to celebrate with us?"

"Hmph~ As the owner of You Ye Pure Land, I control the endless night, but if you sincerely invite me, this princess will not be unable to accept it." Fischer said with his arms akimbo.

"Miss means that she accepted your invitation." Oz translated.

"Then let's go to the Cattail Tavern? I heard it's more suitable for you..." Ning Xia said after taking a look at the second daughter.

"I have no objection to Ningxia's words." Vanessa said while holding Ningxia's hand.

"Oh~ Is it just a cattail tavern? Forget it, it's okay~"

"Miss means the cattail tavern is nice, she likes it very much," Oz translated.


Taking the second daughter to the Cattail Tavern, the environment inside is neater than Angel's Gift, and the decoration is more feminine.

"Oh? Why are you here?" said Diona who was sitting at the bar. She had a good impression of Ningxia, so it was a bit strange to see Ningxia come to the bar.

"My friend completed her first mission today, so I brought her here to celebrate." Ning Xia explained.

Then he looked at Vanessa and Fischer and said, "Are you drinking or not?"

"... Let's make an exception today and drink some wine." Vanessa thought for a while and said.

"Based on the calendar of this world, I already have more than 3000 people. Of course, this illusion of the cycle of the sun and the moon has not affected this princess." Fischer said, obviously meaning to drink.

"Miss, no matter what you say, a minor is a minor, so don't try to fool Mr. Ning Xia with this kind of statement." Ozzy said mercilessly.

"Oz!!!" Fisher shouted angrily.

"I understand." Ningxia said after listening to the needs of the two.

Then he said to little Diona: "Please bring my friend a glass of wine made of apples, and give me and this Princess Fischer a glass of juice."

"Hmph! Wait a minute!" Diona's attitude became a little better when she heard that Ningxia hadn't been drinking, but she was still a little unhappy about the sister who was drinking.

But this time, for Ningxia's sake, Diona didn't use any weird ingredients in the wine, but honestly mixed a glass of wine for Vanessa.

"Thank you." Vanessa took the wine and said, took a sip carefully, and the refreshing apple aroma made the corners of Vanessa's mouth twitch.

"It's delicious." Vanessa said.

"Hmph!" Hearing Vanessa's praise, Diona became even more angry.

"Did I say something wrong?" Wen Nisha pulled Ningxia's hand and said, thinking that she had done something wrong to make Diona angry.

"No, it's not your business, me, I just don't like to watch other people drink!" Diona quickly explained, everyone who knew her knew about her, but Vanessa didn't.

After hearing Diona's explanation, Vanessa felt relieved and continued to drink happily.

Ningxia smiled helplessly. Vanessa looked so cute just now, and then Diona handed Ningxia the juice she made and said, "I made it casually! Do you like it or not!"

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