Looking at the arrogant little Diona, Ningxia took the wine and drank it. I have to say that the juice made by the little Diona is really good, and Ningxia likes it very much.

After drinking a cup, Ningxia said to Diona: "Have another cup!"

"Really! Don't you want to taste it slowly!" Diona made a glass of juice for Ningxia even though she was disgusted.

Ning Xia also understood what this little kitten was thinking, but there was a bit of arrogance on her lips, but she was actually a very kind child.

Fischer on the side also drank the whole glass of juice in small sips, with a happy smile on his face. Although he said he couldn't drink alcohol, the juice was good.

At this time, a woman came to Ningxia and said, "Little handsome guy, why did you come to drink in my tavern?"

"Um, you are Margaret...Miss Margaret!" Ning Xia recognized the woman who advertised in the Wings of Wind competition.

"..." A well appeared on Margaret's forehead. She was not angry, she was not angry, she was not angry, and she still wanted to chat with this handsome young man in front of her.

"Little handsome guy, are you here to drink with your girlfriend?" Margaret said, looking at Vanessa who was drinking.

"Uh, girlfriend..." Vanessa was a little embarrassed. Although she didn't really understand what a girlfriend meant, she always felt a little happy when she heard Margaret's words.

Ningxia patted Vanessa's hand lightly, and said for Vanessa: "She is my good friend and just completed a task, so I just brought her here to celebrate."

"Oh~ Is that so?" Margaret looked at Vanessa who was holding Ning Xia's hand tightly, and said with interest.

Chapter 257 Although she really doesn't want to admit it, but she really is...

"Then your relationship is really good." Margaret said with a smile, and then left with a sense of humor.

After drinking a glass of wine, Vanessa touched her slightly flushed face and wanted to go back.

After bidding farewell to Fischer and Diona, Ningxia took Vanessa's hand and headed back to the hotel. After counting the time, it was almost time for dinner.

Ningxia casually bought a stuffed chicken with sweet flowers and some salads, and went back to the hotel.

Ning Xia was carrying the food and was about to put it away when she found that her hand was still tightly held by Vanessa.

"No, I'm sorry." Vanessa quickly let go of her hand and said, with some reluctance in her heart, she really wanted to hold Ning Xia's hand forever.

Ning Xia walked into Mona's room, originally wanting to take a break for Mona who was rushing to death, but as soon as she entered, she saw that Mona was already lying on the bed, and it seemed that she had finished.

Ningxia covered her with a quilt and left, and Xiangling came back with barbecue and crispy rice shortly after.

"Master Ningxia! Let's have barbecue tonight!" Xiangling said happily. She learned a lot from this competition.

After tidying up, Ningxia took the second daughter to finish a meal. In order to prevent Mona from waking up hungry, Ningxia left some in her room.

When the sky was completely dark, Wendy staggered in from the window of Ningxia's room with the wine.

"Hey~ I'm back!" Wendy said holding a bottle of Sanguotou. Morax had given her the wine in advance, so she drank it on the way back.

"Wendy, why don't you go back to your room!" Ning Xia helplessly picked up the wobbly Wendy.

Although Wendy's flat figure is slightly better than Hall Master Hu's, she is soft and can be hugged gently.

In addition to the smell of alcohol, Wendy also had Cecilia's floral scent on her body. The fresh floral scent diluted Wendy's strong alcohol smell.

"Isn't it because of you~" Wendy laughed and said, since she got to know Ningxia well, her life has been much easier, but she is always beaten.

"You..." Ning Xia picked up Wendy and wanted to throw her back on the bed in her room, but Wendy tightly hugged Ning Xia's arm and rubbed it from time to time, although there was no sensuality.

Ningxia looked at him holding his arm without any image and shouted good wine!Good wine!Wendy resisted the urge to hammer her and wanted to pull Wendy down.

But Ning Xia didn't know that Morax, who was watching them outside the window, had scratched the balcony railing.

"Let's get down to business! Barbatos!!!" Morax said angrily, and when Ning Xia left, he decided that there would be no good juice for Barbatos!

As if aware of Morax's murderous intent, the drunken Wendy clung to Ning Xia tightly, with a little sparkle dripping from the corner of her mouth.

"Ningxia~ What do you think of Morax?" Although she was drunk, Wendy still did not forget her duty and asked in a daze.

"Ask her why?" Ning Xia frowned and said, he didn't really want to discuss Morax, after all... the overall impression was a bit bad.

"Tell me~" Wendy said coquettishly, Morax outside also changed a nervous look, she didn't want to get any bad comments from Ning Xia.

"Very..." Ning Xia began to recall the incident that Morax almost did last time.

The delicate and glamorous face was almost attached to his body, and he pressed his slender hands tightly. A pair of flawless jade feet were tightly clamped around his waist, and he forced his hands into a pair of Qing Yunding. inside.

Although I really don't want to admit it, Ning Xia is indeed a little moved now.

But thinking about those things about Liyue again, the elusive Morax always found him inexplicably, thinking about it, Ning Xia felt inexplicably strange why that guy kept staring at him.

Afterwards, Ning Xia took a deep breath and said, "She..."

Morax stared at Ningxia, it was the first time in hundreds of years that she was so nervous, she really wanted to know what Ningxia hated her, she could change it.

"It's quite big..." Ning Xia choked out this sentence at last. It couldn't be said that Morax was always staring at him inexplicably.


Wendy, who was originally drunk, suddenly became sober, with a hint of disbelief in her eyes.

"So you care about this thing too!?" Wendy said while clutching her injured chest. She originally thought that Ning Xia would be a man with noble taste, but in the end she was still thinking about that useless fat.

"No, it's just..." Ning Xia thought of Morax's incomparable pair of Qing Yunding, with a bit of embarrassment on his face. It wasn't that he didn't live up to expectations, but that Morax was really...

Hearing Ning Xia's words, Morax was relieved. It turns out that Ning Xia likes this, so she still has hope. Thinking of this, Morax confidently stood up for her Qing Yunding. She still has a little confidence in this aspect of.

But after seeing Wendy sober, Ning Xia left first, just kidding, let's forget about Morax, his family's generals and shadows are enough for him.

After Ningxia left, Morax came to Wendy's room and said kindly, "Barbatos, I think it's time for me to talk to you again about what you did to Ningxia."

"That, that, can you be gentle? Didn't I ask something wrong? And I just got beaten up this morning, and I'm still not well." Wendy said pitifully.

"May I have another massage? The powdery one." Morax said, rubbing his white fists.

"Don't! If you do it again, you will become a scumbag!"

An unbelieving adventurer went to Dadaupa Valley after hearing about the urban legend. He happened to hear Wendy's screams. beg for mercy.

He was so scared that he ran back to Mond City overnight, and the urban legend of Dadaupa Valley was completely confirmed.

In the dormitory of the Knights, Yula packed up her things. She received an urgent task, which made her mentally prepared to go to see Ningxia and had to leave Mond for a while at night.

"Yula, are you really okay?" Amber asked worriedly, still inexplicably guilty of Yula, these two days her mind was full of Ningxia affairs, which made Amber very ashamed.

"No, no problem..." Yula picked up the big sword and said, the Knights' manpower is indeed too short recently, and Kaia and Qin who can take on the task have their own tasks, which makes Yula have to go Execute the mission.

"Be careful on the road." Amber said standing outside the city gate, watching Yula's figure disappear into the night before preparing to go back.

In the dark night of Mond City, the masked man Ningxia met was holding Ningxia's information and looked at it with great interest. He was very interested in Ningxia's body. To the unparalleled vitality.

That powerful vitality, not to mention the current self, even the strongest piece of self, may not necessarily be able to compare with it.

Amber just passed him by. The doctor looked at the God's Eye on Amber's eyes, and there was a flash of contempt in his eyes, just a boring person.

Amber looked back as if she had a sense, and only saw the doctor who was walking away slowly. She saw the mark of the fools on the doctor's mask just now, but thinking that it had nothing to do with her, Amber continued to walk towards the dormitory.

Chapter 258 The Bandage Girl

On the second day in Mond City, Qin looked frustrated and arranged the tasks. She was supposed to explain the matter to Ningxia today, but suddenly received a report that the envoys of fools were leaving.

This made her have to postpone her welcome meeting to Ningxia and arrange staff to handle this matter.

The emissaries of arrogant fools sat in the carriage and impatiently urged Amber to pass by. They originally had a new goal in their research in Mond, but they were forcibly ordered by the doctor to return home yesterday, which made the two of them Very irritable.

Amber, who was passing by, was a little confused, so she just woke up, who knows what happened.

Then Amber asked Kaya, who was in charge of this matter, what he had to do, but Kaya just smiled and asked Amber to rest without her help.

The angry Amber could only leave in a huff. After all, he can only be regarded as a rookie who has just joined the Knights, and naturally there is no room for resistance in the face of the arrangement of the seniors.

At the gate of Mond City, besides guarding the gate, several Zephyr knights also had to disperse the crowd, so as not to make any mistakes to the two envoys of fools who were about to leave.

A girl wrapped in bandages staggered here, panting and looking at the majestic Mond City in front of her. She came here to find her enemy.

The knight guarding the gate stopped the girl and said, "Little girl, please leave first, you cannot enter here for the time being."

Then another knight saw the bandages on the girl, and as if thinking of something, he pulled the others away from the girl.

"Look at the bandages on her body. Maybe she has a plague on her body. Stay away from her, and be careful of being infected!" Starting from one knight, the knights in charge of the gate security began to whisper.

"I think it's better not to let her enter the city. It will be bad if the plague spreads into the city." Another knight said with a look of disgust on his face.

The girl in bandages didn't care about the whispering knights. She had experienced too many things like this, and she was almost driven away wherever she went.

As the carriage of the two envoys of fools slowly walked out of the city gate, the girl in bandages seemed to sense the aura of disgust, and looked at the carriage with resentment in her eyes.

Soon the carriage was surrounded by black flames, and the messengers of fools inside were engulfed by the flames before they screamed a few times.

The startled knights rushed to the carriage to try to rescue them, but the girl took this opportunity to sneak into the city of Mond.

And our Ningxia just woke up rubbing his eyes at this time, stretched casually, and then got up to wash up.

Vanessa came to him suddenly last night, saying that she wanted to try to do the task alone tomorrow, Mona wanted to write the column in advance because of what happened yesterday, and Xiangling was also caught by a deer hunter not far from the hotel The restaurant pulled him over to communicate and study, so that today he can only be alone.

Ningxia walked out of the hotel. Compared with the lively Mond in the past, it seemed a little quiet today. Many people began to whisper about the black fire murder that happened at the city gate.

After Ning Xia heard about the Fools, he immediately lost interest. In his opinion, if he had something to do with the Fools, nothing good would happen.

Ning Xia, who wandered to the upper city, was bumped by a girl with her head down. Ning Xia was fine, but the girl sat on the ground because of bumping into Ning Xia.

Ning Xia knelt down and stretched out his hand and asked, "Are you all right?"

The bandaged girl covering her buttocks looked at the man stretching out his hand in front of her. She was usually very vigilant, but somehow she grabbed Ning Xia's hand.

Ning Xia gently pulled the girl up, touched her head and said, "Sorry, little girl, I didn't notice you just now."

The girl in the bandage looked at the gentle Ningxia, and without saying a word, she walked around Ningxia with her head down and left.

Ning Xia looked at the girl who was leaving, and followed behind her thoughtfully. A girl with a bandage on her body was strange enough, not to mention that she still had the aura of a demon god on her body.

Moreover, it was one of the demon gods that Ningxia was more familiar with, the breath of the big snake Orobus, and Ningxia felt that the Kusanagi sword that Yu Peili had been crushed because of the Dragon King Ruo Tuo reacted to the breath of the girl.

At the same time, the furious Amber really wanted to go to the highest place of the church to experience the Wings of the Wind, but he happened to meet Ning Xia.

"Ning! Ningxia! Why are you here? You're here!" Amber asked in a panic.

"Amber, I'm just hanging out here because I'm bored." Ning Xia said casually.

"Oh? This, is this so? Then, how about, how about I accompany you?" Amber said in a strange manner, but immediately regretted it after she finished speaking. She couldn't be sorry for Yula!

"Um, if you want, it's fine." Ning Xia didn't care, he had already seen the girl in bandages stop on the statue of Fengshen.

"Oh? Well... um, um, that's right! There's a child there who doesn't know what's wrong, I'll go and have a look first!" Amber said in a panic, she didn't expect Ningxia to agree so readily , I had no choice but to retreat first to calm down my heart.

The girl in the bandage stared blankly at the statue of Fengshen standing on the ground, and her mind went back to the past.

"Hey! Are you okay? Hey! Wake up!" Amber asked, seeing that the bandaged girl didn't answer, she pushed her lightly.

"Ah!" The bandaged girl screamed suddenly, like a frightened kitten, her whole body fell into a state of exploding fur.

The girl backed away again and again, and then looked at Amber, who was a little startled. When she saw the Eye of God pinned to her waist, the girl showed a look of disgust. No wonder the things on her body were restless just now.

"Are you okay? You're here alone, what's your name?" Amber asked habitually.

"I see, I'm leaving here now." The girl who had been driven away all the year round said habitually.

"Oh? Wait!" Amber suddenly grabbed the girl who was about to leave.

"You're very suspicious! You're not from Mond, and you're dressed so strangely, how can I let it go?" Amber said seriously.

The girl who felt her body being touched knocked off Amber's hand as if having a stress reaction, and said excitedly: "Don't come close to me! Haven't you noticed yet!? I am a person suffering from an unclean disease! With It's no good for me to touch!"

"I'm different from someone like you who was chosen by the eyes of God! It's best to stay away from me!" the girl said angrily.

"It seems that Monde doesn't welcome me either. I came here to find something. It seems that I have no chance to find it..." The girl said to herself, with a disappointed expression on her bandage-wrapped face.

"Hi!!! I'm sorry to interrupt your self-contained conversation. Who said that Mond doesn't welcome you anymore? Have you asked me?" Amber said angrily.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Amber, and I am a scout knight. I am quite good at finding things! Leave the matter of finding things to me!" Hill said.

Chapter 259 Idiots Don't Get Sick

"That..." Ning Xia walked in front of the second daughter at this time, just now he saw that the bandage girl seemed very excited.

"Ah! Ning! Ningxia! That! That!" Amber, who was originally confident, became panicked when he saw Ningxia, and the bandaged girl on the side covered her face and wanted to leave.

But Amber stopped him and said: "You don't need to leave in a hurry! I, I said I will help you find things, and I will definitely find them for you!"

"That's right! That's right! Ningxia! I, I might have to help my friend find something, so, so..." Amber hurriedly explained to Ningxia after booking the ticket.

"It's okay, I just have nothing to do, I can help you find this friend together." Ning Xia looked at the bandaged girl and said, he always felt that this girl had some secrets.

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