True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 252 Xu Yang wakes up

In the stone house on Youfeng Mountain.

Xu Yang and Guigu Zan fell limply on the ground in the stone house. There was no pain on their faces, they only looked like they were sleeping peacefully. Guigu Changyang stood beside them, looking at the girl in green opposite him expressionlessly, one hand naturally holding the handle of the knife at his waist.

Guigu Changyang knew that he was no match for the girl in green, known as the "No. 1 Waiter of Youfeng Mountain", but he would never sit back and wait, but now was not the time for him to take the initiative.

His blue-grey eyes were staring closely at the eyes of the girl in green across from him. He was reading the fluctuations in the other person's eyes, but at this time, the eyes of the girl in green were as calm as the water of the Mirror Lake, clear and without the slightest hint of murderous intent. Now is not the time for him to fight to the death. He is as quiet as a weeping willow at the moment, and maybe a trace of murderous intent can make him sway. As a well-known swordsman among the Guigu family and even the younger generation of the Tiangui Sect, Guigu Changyang is very skillful in facing powerful enemies. He can hold back like water and release like a waterfall. A real swordsman can draw and release freely. of.

The girl in green glanced at Guigu Changyang, Xu Yang and Guigu Zan, and her eyes rested on the demon sword "Rainy Night" worn on Guigu Changyang's waist.

The large number of gray opals on the scabbard of the demon knife are still shining with strange brilliance, and they are slightly twisting in the direction of the girl in green as if they are alive.

Upon seeing this, Guigu Changyang subconsciously turned to one side and blocked the demon sword at his waist on the other side of his body. This demon sword "Rainy Night" is something he regards as a life-like existence and must not be taken away by anyone.

"Your demon sword is very interesting. It was able to break my illusion before. As far as I know, unless the treasure parasitized by this monster has the same physical properties as the monster, it is impossible to control it. Therefore, this demon sword It may be a great treasure to you, but it is useless to me, but..." the girl in green said expressionlessly.

"But what?"

Guigu Changyang's hand gripped the handle of the knife tighter. Maybe the next moment would be the scene where the demon knife would be unsheathed, the sword's power would explode, and the small stone house would be overturned.

"I can't let you walk around my house with this demon knife." The girl in green said calmly.

As she spoke, the girl in green raised a palm lightly, and her slightly wide lotus leaf-shaped cuffs moved automatically.

The next moment, countless silver threads spurted out from her cuffs, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into two white snakes with angry mouths and rushed toward Gui Gu Changyang opposite.

The moment before the girl in green took action, Guigu Changyang saw the murderous intent in the girl's eyes. The raised blood vessels on the back of his hand holding the handle of the demon knife were like little green snakes. The arrogant demonic power suddenly appeared. It exploded, causing the surrounding void to shake violently, making an audible "buzz" sound.

Although his body was blocked at this time, his monster physique alone was enough to wield a powerful sword.

But the result was that the demon sword seemed to be melted into the scabbard. No matter how hard Guigu Changyang's hand grasped the handle of the sword, he could not pull it out even an inch.

There was a rare look of panic in Guigu Changyang's blue-gray eyes.

With a glance from the corner of his eye, he noticed that a transparent thread as thin as silk had emerged from the ground where he was standing at some point, turning into a transparent rope that tightly entwined his knife handle and scabbard.

In the blink of an eye, the two white snakes that appeared from the cuffs of the girl in green arrived in front of Guigu Changyang.

"It turns out there is such a mechanism in this stone house. No wonder she wants to lock us up here. Just because I can't pull out the demon sword doesn't mean I will admit defeat. Don't underestimate me, Guigu Changyang."

Thinking in his mind, Guigu Changyang's hand holding the handle of the knife suddenly loosened, and then quickly grasped the scabbard.

He grabbed the scabbard and jerked it forward.

The gray opal covering the surface of the scabbard shimmered with gray light, and the power of the demon pool in the scabbard exploded.

"Bang" sound.

One of the attacking white snakes was flicked away by the scabbard.

But the other one twisted, bypassed the scabbard, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the back of Gui Gu Changyang's hand holding the scabbard.

Guigu Changyang swept the scabbard in his hand and hit the white snake with a snap. The white snake shrank back with a cry.

But the sharp snake teeth bit out two bloody holes the size of rice grains on the back of Guigu Changyang's hand.

Guigu Changyang's demon body has a special body, and it instinctively stimulates the power of repair. A gray mist rises from the blood hole on the back of the hand, and the bite wound is instantly repaired.

At this moment, Guigu Changyang suddenly felt that the scabbard in his hand was as heavy as a thousand pounds. Although the hand holding the scabbard did not loosen, he could no longer activate the power of the demon pool on it, and his arrogant demon power also disappeared. Without a trace. The arm holding the scabbard couldn't help but let go.


Guigu Changyang only felt a numbness on the back of his hand where the white snake had bitten him. A white silkworm cocoon pattern appeared, and a huge sealing power emitted from it.

Seeing that his own demonic power was also sealed by the opponent, Guigu Changyang was really panicked. At this moment, he was no different from a mortal. The girl in green across from him could kill him with just a click of her little finger.

The girl in green clothes opposite saw Gui Gu Changyang's appearance but did not attack again, but said coldly: "Your demon body has been temporarily sealed by me, so just obediently help me work here. "

"Work? What do you want me to do?" Guigu Changyang asked in surprise.

The girl in green flipped her wrist, and there was a dark round plate on the square table next to Guigu Changyang. There were more than a hundred white pearls with small holes drilled in the plate. These pearls are even in size, each about the size of a broad bean, and their surface emits a faint white light, forming a sharp contrast with the dark plate.

The girl in green pointed one hand toward the square table, and there was a ball of silver silk thread on it.

"I found these beads a few days ago, and I haven't had time to put them on yet. Tomorrow is the little master's birthday. The little master said that he has seen enough black things, and he will definitely like these white pearls. You are here Thread these beads here, and when I find the little master, if you haven't put them on yet, I will kill all three of you. If I don't find the little master tomorrow, I will come back and kill the three of you. , you'd better help me find my little master."

The girl in green shook off these words and turned away without even turning her head. Only her elegant willow-like green figure was left outside the door, and the door closed automatically with a creak.

Guigu Changyang stood there and tried to activate the demon sword Yuye again, but found that he could not gather a trace of consciousness at all and could not make contact with the demon sword. Try to untie the binding rope between the handle and scabbard of the demon sword. As soon as he exerted force, he saw that the seal with the cocoon pattern on the back of his hand was flashing with bursts of bright and dark white light. The cocoon pattern became transparent, and something seemed to be crawling inside. At the same time, there was a sharp pain in my heart, my vision went dark, and I almost fainted.

"What a powerful seal, it actually sealed away the power of the sea monster in my body." Guigu Changyang said unwillingly.

After looking at Guigu Zan and Xu Yang, who were still sleeping on the ground, Guigu Changyang called out twice. The two people on the ground seemed to turn a deaf ear and were still indulged in the hypnotic illusion of the girl in green.

He walked towards the door, raised his hand, and pushed the seemingly thin door hard. This push has no skill or demonic power at all, and is only equivalent to the power of an ordinary mortal.

The moment Guigu Changyang's palm touched the door, a silkworm cocoon pattern that was the same as the one on the back of his hand flashed on the door, except that the pattern was the size of a wooden basin. The door seemed to be deeply rooted there, not moving at all.

Guigu Changyang shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked to the square table. He looked at the white pearls scattered on the plate on the table and was stunned for a moment.

"It seems that if we just do what the female devil says, there may be a glimmer of hope."

Thinking of this, Guigu Changyang took off the demon knife from his waist and laid it neatly flat on the square table. Then he sat there, holding a thin string in one hand and stringing a bead with the other.

There was only thin thread and no needle, so he didn't thread the beads very quickly. One... two... three..., as if every additional bead on the string brings a little more life.

Except for the rustling of Guigu Changyang's beads and the sound of Xu Yang and Guigu Zan sleeping soundly, there was no other sound in the simple room.

I don’t know how long it took, but Xu Yang, who was sleeping soundly on the ground, was in the Zifu space inside his body.

A'Zhu turned into a curled-up little firebird with his eyes closed. The body of the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit is still a small golden ball with Sanskrit written on its surface floating quietly in it, with a faint golden flame breath occasionally popping up from the outer shell. The Chakravartin turned into a ghost baby and lay there, with a sound of sleep flowing from the corner of its mouth, looking very naive.

At this moment, Xu Yang's eyelids twitched and then opened suddenly. A strange earth-gold light was reflected in his pupils, but his eyes were lifeless.

At the same time, the long scorpion tail behind the sleeping Chakravartin suddenly lifted up, and the sharp tail hook at the end swayed back and forth. A touch of earthy golden spiritual flame ignited on the tail hook, and as the long tail swung, it seemed like a flying golden flame flag.

The tail hook swayed back and forth like a spiritual snake looking for food. It seemed to smell something. The tail hook stabbed towards a certain point in the Zifu space, setting off a golden flame.

There was a "pop" sound.

A transparent silk thread, thinner than a hair, was ignited by the golden flame on the tail hook, and then turned into extremely small silver stars and disappeared.

As the transparent thread disappeared, the Chakravartin lying on the ground rubbed his eyes with both hands, grinned, revealing two sharp ghost teeth, and squeaked strangely before turning into a ball of earth-golden spiritual flames. It exploded in the Zifu space within Xu Yang's body. This spiritual flame will not harm the golden ball formed by the flame spirit of A'Zhu and the Golden Crow Buddha.

More transparent silk threads were ignited by golden flames.

There was a "buzz" in the Zifu space, and A'Zhu and the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit woke up at the same time. At the same time, the scene in front of Xu Yang, who was lying on the ground of the hut, reflected in his eyes.

In the simple black hut, Guigu Zan was still lying on the ground, and Guigu Changyang was sitting at a black square table not far away, wearing white pearls with his hands, but the girl in green was nowhere to be seen.

"What a powerful hypnosis technique. The power of the spell can actually invade the Zifu space. Fortunately, the Wheel of Flame Spirit has a natural restraint on ghost techniques, otherwise it would be impossible to wake up from this spell."

Thinking in his mind, Xu Yang got up from the ground.

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