True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 253 Lifting the Seal

Guigu Changyang was carefully stringing the white pearls on the plate on the white silk thread one by one.

Although it may seem like a simple act of stringing beads, since there is no needle, it still requires a certain amount of patience and skill to string the soft silk thread through the small holes on the pearls. As a cultivator, Guigu Changyang has a lot of patience, and he seems to find a little fun in it. If you use too much force, the silk thread will get stuck in the small holes of the beads. If you use too little force, you will not be able to string it through. More importantly, your hands must be steady. Just like Guigu Changyang's usual use of a knife, no matter how fierce or dexterous the sword is, only the hand holding the knife is stable enough to exert the power of the sword.

Guigu Changyang couldn't help but recall what the girl in green said to him on the flying boat, "When you get back to Youfeng Mountain, I will arrange something not boring for you to do." He smiled awkwardly and continued to talk. Beads, the movements are becoming more and more skillful.

But at this moment, there was a trace of fear in his heart. If the beads had not been strung, the devil in green would push the door in with her little master...

Because, before leaving, the devil in green said that if the beads were not strung properly, the three of them would be killed. So stringing beads is really not a boring thing for Guigu Changyang right now.

At this time, Xu Yang opened his eyes under the influence of the Wheel Flame Spirit in his body, and was filled with surprise when he saw Gui Gu Changyang quietly stringing beads at the table.

When Xu Yang found that the girl in green was not in the dark room, he carefully climbed up from the ground.

"Be careful, don't move rashly, there is a forbidden formation in this room." Guigu Changyang reminded him immediately when he noticed that Xu Yang had not had time to put down the beads in his hand after he stood up.

"Thanks for the reminder." Xu Yang said, looking at Gui Gu Zan, who was still asleep beside him.

"Gui Gu Zan should be under the same hypnotic spell as me. I'll try to wake up Gui Gu Zan first, and the three of us can discuss it later."

With that said, Xu Yang squatted in front of Gui Gu Zan, who was still lying on the ground, and stretched out a finger to point at Gui Gu Zan's forehead.

A flash of earth-golden light flashed, and the power of the Wheel of Flame Spirit was injected into Gui Gu Zan's body.

Sure enough, Xu Yang found some transparent and extremely fine threads in the Zifu space inside Guigu Zan's body. Xu Yang carefully activated the power of the Wheel Flame Spirit to burn these threads one by one without harming Gui Gu Zan at all.

After burning a stick of incense, Guigu Zan slowly opened his eyes.

"Thank you." Guigu Zan opened his eyes and saw Xu Yang, and noticed the flame spirit remaining in his body. He immediately understood that it was Xu Yang who helped him wake up.

"You are Welcome."

"Where are we? Where is No. 1?" Guigu Zan looked at the simple little dark room and said.

"The female devil has gone to find her little master. She locked us up here..." Guigu Changyang explained the previous situation in detail.

"This Youfeng Waiter No. 1 is indeed a Daoming realm practitioner. The three of us working together are no match for her. Guigu Zan and I are both fine. Instead, she cast a sealing spell on the back of your hand. My The power of the flame spirit has a slight restraint effect on her silk, let's see if I can help you untie it first."

Xu Yang said, came to Guigu Changyang, and carefully looked at the cocoon-shaped seal mark on the back of Guigu Changyang's hand.

"This sealing technique looks a bit special, let me try it."

There are many sealing techniques, the common ones include Five Elements Seal, Bagua Seal, Ghost Path Seal, etc. The seal that the girl in green put on the back of Gui Gu Changyang's hand was an extremely special seal. It was a secret method called the Hades Seal among the ghost seals.

Xu Yang stretched out his right hand, spread out his five fingers, and performed some exercises.

There was a soft "pop" sound, and a half-inch earth-gold firework appeared on the tips of the five fingers.

"Please bear with me for a moment."

I saw Xu Yang's five fingers grabbing around the silkworm cocoon pattern on the back of Guigu Zan's hand.

The power of the flame spirit was imprinted on the back of Guigu Changyang's hand, making a hissing sound. In an instant, a circle of golden flame spirit patterns surrounded the cocoon and slowly invaded.

The moment the golden flame spirit pattern came into contact with the silkworm cocoon pattern, the silkworm cocoon pattern became transparent, and a white Hades worm was squirming inside.


Guigu Changyang couldn't help but cry out. At this moment, his soul felt like being bitten by a small insect, and the severe pain made him unbearable.

Seeing this, Xu Yang quickly retracted his right hand and the Flame Spirit Technique on it.

"It seems we have to find another way." Xu Yang said, with a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

Guigu Changyang casually wiped the cold sweat on his cheek with his hand, and said firmly: "You can help me unlock the seal on the handle of the demon sword first. With the power of my demon sword, I should be able to try to unlock this seal." ”

"Two people are better than one person, let's give it a try." After saying that, Xu Yang carefully looked at the demon knife that Guigu Changyang put on the table.

The demon sword lay quietly on the square table, but the originally surging demon power on it was not released at all. After a while, Xu Yang couldn't see any clues on the handle of the knife. After trying to release the power of the Chakravartin, I discovered that there was a transparent rope wrapping the handle of the demon knife tightly around the scabbard.

Xu Yang nodded and released more flame spirit power to burn it, but found that using the flame spirit power to refine the transparent rope was extremely slow.

Exploring with one hand, a golden spirit flame emerged from Xu Yang's palm, and in a blink of an eye it transformed into a ghost infant flame spirit with a round head, a pair of bat wings on its back, and a scorpion tail trailing behind it.

With a flash of consciousness, the Ghost Infant Flame Spirit pounced on the handle of the demon knife, revealing its sharp ghost teeth and began to bite.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak."

As expected, the transparent rope was bitten by the ghost baby.

"Okay, I have removed the restraints on it." Xu Yang said.

Guigu Changyang stretched out his hands and steadily picked up the demon knife on the table, with a long-lost relief on his face. But at this time, his martial body and demon power were sealed at the same time, and there was no way to pull the demon sword out of the scabbard.

Guigu Changyang held the scabbard with his left hand and the handle with his right hand.

"Do it again! As long as the seal is even slightly loose, I can pull out the demon sword and use the power of the demon sword to break the seal." Gui Gu Changyang said.

Xu Yang nodded, and once again urged the power of the flame spirit to apply on the back of Gui Gu Changyang's hand.

Just like the last time, when the power of the flame spirit touched the seal on the back of Guigu Changyang's hand, the cocoon pattern became transparent, and the silkworm-like underworld bug inside kept twisting and biting. Guigu Changyang suddenly felt that his soul was being eaten by insects. His hand holding the handle of the knife trembled, but he never let go, waiting for the moment when the seal was loosened.

Seeing Gui Gu Changyang's appearance, Xu Yang hesitated a little. If he forcibly applied the power of the flame spirit to burn the seal, I'm afraid the seal would not be unlocked and Gui Gu Changyang's soul would have been damaged.

At this moment, Gui Gu Zan on the side stretched out his skinny palm and patted Gui Gu Changyang's back gently, and a stream of pure ghost power was injected into Gui Gu Changyang's body like a river. At some point, the white skeleton who liked to lie on Guigu Zan's back lay on his shoulder again, imitating Guigu Zan's example and extending a skeleton claw.

Since Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang both belong to the Guigu family, the basic skills they practice are roughly the same. Therefore, Guigu Zan's help was very useful to Guigu Changyang. With the help of this strange yet familiar force, his soul was much weakened by the impact of the power of the seal.

At the same time, the seal on the back of Guigu Changyang's hand began to flicker under the constant burning of Xu Yang's flame spirit power.

Guigu Changyang's blue-gray eyes stared unblinking at the demon knife in his hand. Just for a moment, the seal loosened a little, and a breath of blue-gray demonic power overflowed. Guigu Changyang clearly felt that there was a new connection between himself and the demonic sword in the scabbard.

His hand holding the handle of the knife twitched sharply.


The demon sword is unsheathed!

The hoarse and low voice of the scale dragon came from the shining demon sword: "Master, I'm here to help you." Then, a dragon-shaped aura emerged from the demon sword and twisted into Guigu Changyang's Tianling Cap. , the power of the scale dragon quickly protected his soul, and the expression on Guigu Changyang's face instantly became much more relaxed.

Xu Yang saw the right moment, made a secret with both hands, and released the three powers of the Nirvana Flame Spirit, the Chakravartin Flame Spirit and the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit at the same time. The three-color flame spirit of red, earth and gold violently burned the seal on the back of Gui Gu Changyang's hand.

After a while, wisps of white smoke emerged from the silkworm cocoon pattern on the back of Guigu Changyang's hand. When the smoke dissipated, the silkworm cocoon pattern became blurry, and the Hades inside disappeared.

Guigu Changyang's whole body skills were restored as before, the power of the sea monster in his body was rolling, and a blue-gray mist rose up on his body surface. His whole body felt as if he was bathing in heavenly water, feeling extremely relaxed and happy.

"Happy!" Guigu Changyang couldn't help shouting.

Finally, the combined efforts of Xu Yang, Gui Gu Zan and Gui Gu Changyang broke the seal that the girl in green had placed on Gui Gu Changyang.

"We have to find a way to leave here before the female devil comes back, but there are restrictions set by her in this hut." Guigu Changyang said.

"Since the three of us can destroy her seal, we should be able to get out of this hut." Xu Yang said with confidence.

"Let's do it together." Guigu Zan said at the side.

The three of them came to the stone door of the hut.

"Let me first see what kind of restriction it is." Xu Yang said.

"That's fine."

"be careful."

As soon as Xu Yang raised his hand, a streak of earth-golden fireworks shot out and landed on the stone door with a pop.

A huge cocoon pattern suddenly appeared on the stone door. The stone door trembled slightly, and strange white runes flashed on it.

The next moment, countless white threads sprouted out of thin air on the stone door and flew towards the fireworks on the stone door. The white threads entangled up and down, wrapping up the fireworks in the blink of an eye. Then it turned into a cocoon, fell off the door, fell to the ground, and disappeared into a cloud of white smoke.

And those white silk threads that had just been born retreated again, and the stone door was still extremely smooth, with no trace visible.

"It's this dark insect technique again." Xu Yang said while looking at the intact door.

If it had just been an ordinary stone gate, it would have collapsed instantly under the burning of Xu Yang's Wheel Flame Spirit. The Chakravartin is an earth-attributed spiritual flame that can easily disintegrate all kinds of ordinary rock and soil.

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