Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 220: Void Ship Five

After trying it out for a while, Siegel learned that Nyx's weapon is powerful, but it also has its weaknesses. It consumes a lot of energy and needs a constant supply of energy. The pattern on Siegel's body soon faded, and then the mace in his hand became an ordinary steel weapon, no longer tyrannical destructive power.

The surrounding magical energy was converted into plasma, which slowly replenished Siegel's body. He couldn't stop the supplement, but he didn't feel bad either. Putting down the mace, Siegel took the modron back to the beginning of the production line, ready to watch it again.

With the loud roar of the machine, Siegel checked over and over again how the weapons were made, until they were all imprinted in his head. Such efforts are not ineffective, and he gradually discovered the rules in the runes.

If you directly pick up the finished product and look at it, you will not be able to understand the complex and disjoint lines, but if you learn its manufacturing sequence from the manufacturing process, you can discover its secrets. Nekos imprinted runes under the surface of the object, including Abyssal and Celestial languages, and then changed them in twisted and pictographic ways, and cleverly used lines to cover and connect them. On the surface of the item, only lines that do not cross each other can be seen, and the runes below are completely invisible. To dismantle the lines would destroy the runes below, still covering the secret.

Nekos has done almost impossible things and raised the application level of rune and magic circle technology to a high level. However, such a sophisticated structure can only allow electricity to pass through. The four basic elements of water, fire, wind, and earth have tangible and qualitative properties, and cannot directly act on the rune line, but must be transformed.

Siegel understood the secrets of their runes, but he knew he couldn't operate with the same precision as Nekos. Just like dwarves use runes. Although they are all the same character, different dwarves will have different styles in their portrayal. Small differences can make a big difference. Nyx's style is small and hidden, and Siegel can transcribe the runes, but he can't make them that small.

If Siegel was to do the complicated runes on the hammer, he would need to use the volume of a mountain to describe it. But if someone could swing a mountain. The power of the Nekos skeleton warrior has long been reached, so why do you need runes?

In theory, as long as they figure out a way to cut off the power supply of the Nex warriors to their weapons, it will not be difficult for them to defeat them. But what kind of spell can act on such a small rune structure? Siegel still remembered that his spells began to dissipate when they touched the body of the golden skeleton, indicating that Nekos' spells would destabilize other spells. The more precise the spell, the more stable it is. Even more so for spells that want subtle manipulations.

Siegel pondered, was there no other way but to be finer and smaller than Nekos?

He picked up the mace repeatedly and carefully felt the process of energy transformation. The energy stored in the body is absorbed and replenished from the surroundings. If standing on the plasma line. The speed of replenishment is very fast. If you are close to the flame soul crystal and put your hand on the white lines on its surface, the lost energy will be filled almost immediately. There must have been similar parts on the armor of the golden skeleton warrior back then, but it was all damaged during the battle.

Since there is magic energy here, why not do some experiments? Siegel took out the runestone and parchment from the space bag and experimented with his ideas step by step. The first thing he thought of was the magic circle that isolates the electrical energy. Plasma is isolated by means of driving away elements. However, Nekos's equipment is basically a self-contained system, and the conversion efficiency of energy forms other than plasma is very high, and elemental magic may be repelled. Or absorbed, it is difficult to act in a vacuum. For Siegel's magic circle to take effect, it must maintain direct contact, which cannot be achieved in actual combat, and can only be given up.

Then he tried the next method. An amber-like substance is used to isolate the rune lines of Nyx. If the substance can be produced in large quantities, it can block the absorption of plasma energy from the surrounding skeleton warriors. He thought of the slime monster. Or wrap the enemy with the airbrush to block the energy supply. Siegel laid out the alchemy circle and kept taking raw materials from the surroundings for analysis. The results were disappointing. The ingredients contained in this material are very complex, and at his current level, he can't analyze it at all, and this way is also impossible.

Siegel took the alchemy materials back into the space bag and sat on the ground thinking quietly. Although the roar of the surrounding machines was still deafening, he couldn't hear the noise when he was immersed in his mind. Everything in the world of meditation is like a windless sea, calm and deep, which can make him calm down. In the world of ideas, Siegel constantly imagined various situations, made bold assumptions, and patiently verified them.

In the real world, the machine can create a mace every ten minutes to arm the thousands of skeleton warriors sealed in the room, which seems to form an unsolvable situation. Undead creatures are most powerful than their numbers and the melee abilities that come with them, and Nekos keeps pushing the progress of this ability, using unique rune technology to ensure the advantage - all those who are hostile to the Nekos skeleton army , unable to use magic, unable to use metal, and finally can only use his weakness to confront the strength of the army of skeletons.

This is very similar to the design idea of ​​the Dragon Lion Cliff Guarding Golem. Using the terrain and the magic array that cooperates with each other, it is limited that the intruder must fight the golem through melee combat. Siegel destroyed the designer's thinking by digging up the platform, making them lose their pre-emptive advantage, and then used the power of siege weapons in the preset home field to solve the golem.

But want to use more advanced means to destroy the rune system of Nexus, which has studied technology for thousands of years? This is not something that can be done in a short period of time, and a different way of thinking is necessary.

Siegel sat on the floor like a sculpture, while Modron Erdu walked back and forth between the manufacturing rooms, satisfying his curiosity. This is very similar to the world he originally lived in, mechanical, regular, and immutable. The roar of the surrounding sounds is very pleasant music to him, only a little worse than those country minors.

But after a long time, he also began to feel bored, and boredom caused headaches. To ease this feeling, he began to do all kinds of weird movements in front of Siegel, similar to dance. But more like a convulsion, Siegel, who was contemplating, paid no attention to him. Usually in meditation, it is the raven Baron who guards him, but now there is no such sentinel.

It is very dangerous to meditate using the body of the undead, because it is difficult to break out of the meditative state without the physical need. Hunger, thirst and fatigue are all signals for the body to protect itself. It is also the sound of warning before the soul is fatigued. In order to find a solution as soon as possible, Siegel forgot this in the roar. There is no change of the sun, moon and stars here, and the passage of time is imperceptible, so he sits motionless for an unknown amount of time.

The machines that make the mace can't keep running, and they're constantly consuming the energy of the Fire Soul Crystal. Always use up the day. It is precisely to supplement this consumption that Nekos plunders in various worlds. The haloing hieroglyphs extracted the power of the flame soul crystal, making it smaller and smaller until it disappeared. The gears have no driving force, and the conveyor belt is no longer running. The steam stopped and everything gradually quieted down.

The dramatic change in the environment finally awakened Siegel in meditation. He looked around, and he didn't know how long it took, but Erdu had long since disappeared. The surrounding light begins to dim, and the machine needs to go to sleep, but this is not a problem for the undead with dark vision. Siegel then noticed the hieroglyphs that were gradually fading on the base used to fix the flame soul crystal.

"Extract the power of the flame soul crystal and drive the machine - why aren't these hieroglyphs on the base of the flame soul crystal tiny, hidden, and linear?" Siegel said to himself. An idea loomed in my mind.

He came to the base where the flame soul crystal was placed, carefully observed and learned the function of this device. In order to be able to put flame soul crystals of different sizes and shapes into it, there are two styles of absorption and transformation of runes and patterns on weapons. Made in the same dragon language as the mage spell. Although the rune is still very complex, it can be copied for Siegel.

"Using this rune can provide energy to the surrounding magic items," Siegel said to himself: "If it is used to drive golems, it can greatly reduce the cost of manufacturing, as can other magic items. This can be applied to many Place is a link independent of machinery.”

The runes used by Nyx warriors are self-contained, but this one is independent. Like a sailing warship. It is composed of various structures and systems, and any problem may lead to the collapse of the whole. Since it is almost impossible to block the energy supply system of Nexus. So what about increasing their consumption?

Magic items do not actively consume energy, and the correct order must be given by the user. Just like a flying cloak will not fly into the sky on its own. There must be a command from the user.

But must it be so?

The Elemental Rune Guardian breaks through the time limit for summoning elemental spells and uses dwarf runes, but in the end the key to making this spell constant is the dwarf's new illusion system. It is difficult to surpass them on the old road that Nexus has traveled for countless years, but using the latest spell technology and finding a new way may be able to achieve unexpected results.

When the surrounding magic equipment needs energy, it will be extracted from the flame soul crystal, which is the function of the device in Siegel's hand. What if it was deceived into thinking that it needed an infinite supply of magical energy around it? Presumably the flame soul crystal will be consumed quickly. Increase the absorption range, just like creating the element collection circle of Heimland, and then consume all the absorbed energy. As long as these energies do not provide to the Nagas warriors, it is equivalent to cutting off their source of power.

Use the blocking method to cut off the plasma river that is constantly flowing in Kaz, and then lead it to the boundless sea.

Siegel did what he said and got busy in this silent and dark factory. There are materials collected from various worlds, precious, rare, and easy to use, and they are all made into cold weapon production lines. Siegel dismantled them, smelted them with an alchemy circle, and then began to create a giant flame soul crystal absorption circle.

The elemental array in Heimland can cover a range of thirty miles, and the "Void Ship" is not that big, so there is not much room for improvement in this regard. Siegel is very fortunate that his previous experience in making magic circles and his training in the field of alchemy in the gold mine construction project have helped him a lot.

Nekos's Void Ship digested the fragments of other worlds, and then quietly suspended in the void, no one could see it was moving. The consciousness of the master radiates out, looking for a world with cracks in the border, and then hunts and absorbs the next time. Its spiritual tentacles stretched out so far that he didn't even notice that in a corner of his body, a magic circle called "Virus No. 1" by the later Nekos family was being constructed. (To be continued)

ps: Happy weekend everyone!

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