Two-dimensional System

Chapter 472: Go to Tsunade

On a big leaf, standing an old toad with a cloak. It's just that this old toad is not as big as a leaf.

But he was guarding at this time, but holding a black ruler, he was pointing to the toads several times the size of him to practice.

However, the big toads pointed by him were in awe of the old toads who were not proportional to their size.

Naturally, the old toad also heard the call of Granny Shima.

It must be a small self, and must have encountered a very difficult thing.

The brows tightened, and the old toad did not relax, pointing to the younger generation.

"You stay here, continue to practice and I will see."


After speaking, there were a group of big toads who didn't know the situation, and the big toads couldn't help but.

They all cast their gazes on, the other three are even bigger, like big toads like hills.

Obviously, these three toads are nothing but old toads.

Being stared at by so many toads, the big toad holding a pipe in the lead is not empty, and hearing things have something to do with Ji Lai.

The leading big toad turned around and looked at the big toad with two knives on his back.

"Toad Guang, didn't you just be called out by Jilai? Do you know what happened? Do you know who Jilai is fighting?"

The big toad named Toad Guang, with his hands in his arms, remembered what happened when Jilaiya called out.

"I wasn't called out to fight, and the situation at the time didn't look like there were enemies. It seems that Jilai also wanted to teach a kid the psychic art."


The big toad with a pipe in his head, after listening to his brother's words, the whole toad was not good.

"Go see~"

Although it was a long time since the guy from Jiraiya heard this, something happened to his brother.

As Jiraiya and Jiraiya, who fought together in all directions, naturally they couldn't sit idly by.

"I went to see......"

"Brother, let's go together too. Although I'm stupid, I still have something to use."


The three giant big toad brothers left behind a kind of melon-eating little brothers, and at the same time they headed towards the place where the mother-in-law Zhima was.

call out! call out! call out!

Where Granny Shima was, a small black figure leaped continuously, and came to the mother-in-law Shima and Jiraiya who were holding her.

"What the **** happened to the kid? What happened to Xiaozilai?"

Because it was from the mother-in-law of Zhima, she didn't clearly see the being. It was Xiao Zilai who was blocking her.

I heard Granny Shima say that something happened to Xiaozilai, and thought it was Xiaozilai who passed the message to toad.

Tell them that they are in trouble and let them support it~

Along the way, Shen Zuo Xianren was also thinking in his mind, what kind of enemy it was, so Xiao Zilai asked them for help.

Under normal circumstances, Xiao Zilai would not ask them to go out. There is only one case for handing them out.

That is, Xiao Zilai also encountered difficult enemies, and called them out to prepare to use the fairy mode.

But when Shen Zuo was an immortal, she came to her mother-in-law Zhima and saw the person in her arms.

After Shen Zuo Xianren was taken aback, his face changed suddenly:

"This is Xiao Jilaiya? He..."

With tears in the corners of her eyes, Zhima's mother-in-law was obviously also very distressed by Jilaiya's situation and this appearance.

"Don't be stunned, hurry up and save Xiao Zilai, otherwise Xiao Zilai may not stand up for a lifetime."

After the subsequent inspection, Zhima's mother-in-law also thoroughly understood Jilaiya's situation.

Although he looked very embarrassed, his burns were also very serious, except that his five internal organs received huge fire attributes and huge blows.

The most serious was the spine that was broken by the Uzumaki God.

Although his name was not threatened, he was a strong film-level player, and he couldn't stand up completely after that.

What kind of blow will it be to Xiao Jilaiya?

Moreover, Miaomushan still couldn't accept such a fact, you must know that it was on Xiao Zilaiye.

They also, without their rights reserved, gave Miaomu Mountain's many resources.

What's more, Xiao Zilai also carried the important mission assigned by their great immortal.

"We are not good at medical ninjutsu. Let's take Xiao Zilai to the big fairy first."

If you want to talk about the treatment, you have to go to the wet bone leaching and find the slug big fairy.

However, for the face of the two of them, please don't move Immortal Slug, you have to go to Immortal Toad to come forward.

Mother-in-law Zhima and Immortal Shen Zuo are preparing to take Jilaiya to find Immortal Big Toad.


A huge black shadow fell from the sky, and what followed was.

"Old man, what's wrong with Jilaiya?"

"Wentai, you came just right, and we will go to the Great Immortal with Jilai."

Looking up at the big toad, Shen Zuo Xianren was overjoyed, and toad Wentai turned black.

Came here by myself, is it really time?

But looking at Jilaiya who was unconscious, Toad Wentai had a solemn expression, and his eyebrows were warm and angry.

It seems that Jilai was also injured, Toad Wentai still cares very much.

Cautiously placed Zi Lai in his hand, Shen Zuo Xian Ren and Shi Jian Xian Ren both stood on top of Toad Wentai's head.

I hope that this time, their big toad immortal will stop sleeping.

Fortunately, Shen Zuo Xianren’s prayers have some effect. When Toad Wentai brought Jiraiya, Shima Xianren, Shen Zuo Xianren, to the big toad fairy.

There is a wine bottle beside the big toad immortal, and the big toad immortal feels that he has arrived.

"Oh~ it's between Xiao Shensaku and Xiao Zhi~ it came just right, with the old man, I have two cups?"


Shen Zuo Xian Ren and Zhi Jian Xian Ren, after looking at each other, they couldn't help but think of it in their heads.

The last time they were accompanied by the Immortal Toad, the scene after drinking.

"It's not the time to drink, the great fairy Xiaozilai is also in trouble."


Immortal Toad looked slightly surprised when he heard that something was wrong with Xiao Zilai.

After seeing Wentai by the toad and Xiao Zilaiya who was cautiously placed in front of him, Immortal Toad became even more silent.

Because he didn't'see', Xiao Zilai also had this scene.

However, Immortal Toad for no reason could not help but think of the power that made him fight the millet not long ago.

Looking at the big toad immortal who was in Zilai's situation at a glance, the first sentence he said was:

"Go to Tsunade~"

Immortal Shen Zuo and Immortal Shijian were a little surprised, but Immortal Big Toad didn't look for Immortal Slug, but Tsunade, who was also famous as Xiao Zilai?

"But, the immortal heard Xiaojilai also said that Tsunade had already left Konoha, and we don't know where he is now~"

Immortal Toad took out a crystal ball and watched the movements of Immortal Toad, Shen Zuo Xian Ren and Shi Jian Xian Ren did not dare to bother.

After looking at the crystal ball for a while, Immortal Toad turned around and said:

"Go, Tsunade now, in this place..."

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