Two-dimensional System

Chapter 473: Waking up

Although I learned about Tsunade's location, I didn't know why.

The big toad immortal does not go to wet bones, and it saves time and trouble to find the big slug immortal.

But think about it, no matter what the Immortal Toad does, there is a reason.

Although it is the three holy places, there are occasional mistakes, but they don't negotiate with each other, but they have the same name.

Of course, they had heard of Tsunade's name. He was an extraordinary medical ninja, and I didn't even mention it with Jiraiya.

It's natural for people to go to Tsunade when the teacher goes out of the same school.

Glancing silently, Jiraiya was in a coma, the immortal Zhima and the immortal Shenzuo were silent, and could only mourn for them in their hearts.

‘It seems that Xiao Jiraiya’s sin has to be suffered for some time. ’

But if you go to Tsunade like this, the errands will definitely not be the same, and the two immortal old men will do it.

Ever since, Shen Zuo Xianren found his own errand toad. Tell Tsunade where he is, and let him hurry to find Tsunade.

Because of Tsunade's style, they have also heard about it. If Tsunade's gambling capital is no longer running, it is to avoid debt collectors.

Seeing the departure of the Tongxun Frog, she was deeply immortal at this time, and then she felt relieved.

Starting to inquire, Jilai was also injured.

"Boy fucking? What the **** is going on?"

Xiao Zilai was also discovered by Zhima's mother-in-law, so how much should he know?

Mother-in-law Shima had a black thread, greeted the eyes of her husband and Toad Wentai's three children.

"I was cooking lunch at that time, and Xiao Zilai came over. At that time Xiao Zilai was already in a coma."

Immortal Shen Zuo bowed his head in silence, what kind of enemy it was that could compare Zi Lai to this point.

Even the fairy mode, Xiao Zilai didn't have time to use it, so he was branded like this?

Listening to the discussion between Shen Zuo Xian Ren and Shi Jian Xian Ren, Toad Wentai recalled what Toad Guang said at the time.

"Old man, Toad Guang had been there at the time, and he seemed to want to teach a kid the art of spiritism when he saw Jilai."

Teach a kid? Spiritualism?

According to Toad Guang, it's just a few minutes before and after, so why did the situation take a turn for the worse?

"Is it possible? Is it another disciple whom Xiao Zi Lai also looks after? But..."

Shen Zuo Xian Ren and Zhi Jian Xian Ren, can't figure it out, they can only cast their eyes on the Immortal Toad in the upper seat.

"Daxian, can you find the person who injured Xiao Zilaiye, and what Xiaoguang said, that Xiao Zilai also fell in love with?"

Think of Xiaozilai also having an apprentice, whether it is Konoha or them, they are very satisfied geniuses.

It was still the fourth generation of Hokage, and the result was that it was a shame to die young.

If Bo Feng Shui Gate is not dead, Shen Zuo Xian Ren and Shi Ma Xian Ren, both think that the gift of Bo Feng Shui Gate.

It may be more talented than Jilai, but dragged down by Konoha and Hokage's position, Bo Feng Shuimen does not have much time to learn.

Maybe the time of studying at Bofeng Shuimen, when you do more, it is the time before becoming Hokage.

Therefore, in Shen Zuo Xianren's opinion, there is absolutely no problem with people who can be admired by Zi Lai too.

Then the person who injured Xiao Jiraiya is definitely not the same person.

Immortal Toad pondered, came to Xiao Zilai Ye, and sniffed in front of Xiao Zilai Ye.

Afterwards, he came again and watched in front of his crystal ball.

Shen Zuo Xian Ren and Zhi Jian Xian Ren waited quietly, knowing that as long as the Toad Immortal knows, its Chakra attributes are basically.

In this world, no one can escape the crystal ball of Immortal Toad.

"I see, on Xiao Zilaiya, the remaining Chakra is from a young man."

what! ?

The words of the Big Toad Immortal, let alone the Toad Wentai three brothers who couldn't accept it, even the Shima Immortal and Shen Zuo Xianren couldn't believe it.

"This...Great fairy, are you..."

"I can see clearly. It is a boy with blue hair and blue pupils."

Shen Zuo Xian Ren, Shi Jian Xian Ren: ...

"Blue hair? Grandpa Immortal, did you really see a boy with blue hair?"

Only Toad Guang heard the description of Immortal Toad, and suddenly screamed.

"Xiao Guang? What's wrong with you? Is it possible that you know him?"

A crowd of toads wrapped, and the great immortal toad cast their eyes on Toad Guang.

"When I was called out by Jilaiya, the boy I saw had blue hair and blue pupils..."

Toad Guang began to wonder if there was a problem with his eyes. Is it possible that someone who is also fond of Jilai has wounded Jilai too?

The toads glanced at each other, not to mention that it was really possible. At the beginning, Jiraji was almost beaten to death by Tsunade.

But that was also Jiraji's own blame, went to peek at Tsunade's quilt, Tsunade found it.

"Where is the boy now?"

No matter who the boy was, he and Xiao Zilai were injured and couldn't get rid of the relationship.

In the past, I found the boy and asked if I was clear, what happened since then?

"My child, don't worry, now we don't even know who the enemy is and what kind of abilities we have. At least, we have to wait until Xiao Zilai wakes up, right?"

Immortal Shen Zuo grabbed him, and he wanted to go to Konoha to find Immortal Shima who was a blue-haired boy.


Immortal Shima looked at Jiraiya who was lying on the ground, although Jiraiya was not a toad as a human.

But at any rate, Ji Lai was also by Shima Immortal, who had been watching and growing up since his youth.

When it comes to feelings, Xiao Zilai is also, in the eyes of Granny Zhima, the most proud and recognized good boy.

"Although I can't treat the injuries on Xiao Zilai, it is still okay to wake Xiao Zilai."

At this time, Great Immortal Toad spoke, took out a small bottle, and sprinkled some on the face of the unconscious Zi Lai Ya.

After doing this, Immortal Big Toad put away the bottle, watching Jiraiya whose face gradually became painful and began to react.

"Before I did not advocate waking up Xiao Zilai, because he is sober means. He has to suffer from physical and mental torture at all times. Now Xiao Zilai is about to wake up. If you have any questions, just ask. ."

"These pains, I believe Xiao Jilaiya, will definitely be able to survive."

"Yes, I also believe in Xiaojilai."

Shen Zuo Xianren and Zhijian Xianren, as the masters who understand Zilai, they are also very confident in Xiao Zilai.

"Uh~ this is..."

Accompanied by painful pondering, Ji Lai also woke up from the coma.

With loose eyes, she slowly opened her eyes and saw Shen Zuo Xianren, and Shima Xianren who looked at him with concern.

"Boss? Big sister?"

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