Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 205 Izuna: Isn’t this Uchiha Monument my brother’s spokesperson plan?

After resurrecting his life, Uchiha Izuna gained a lot of insights.

The fate of his last life was that due to the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan, he temporarily lost his mind and lost his usual calmness and caution. As a result, Senju Tobirama took the opportunity to sneak attack with the Flying Thunder God Technique...

The ending is tragic.

Uchiha Izuna regretted this very much.

His mistake led to the loss of the Uchiha clan and the situation where the Senju clan could compete equally, triggering a series of chain reactions.

Especially after listening to Uchiha Madara's story about the founding of Konoha.

If he were still alive...

How could that bastard's trick from Senju Tobirama work?

Even if he agrees to Senju Hashirama's request to establish Konoha, it is impossible for the second generation Hokage to let the Senju clan take it away. It must belong to the Uchiha clan!

As a result, after his death, the Uchiha clan, let alone the second Hokage position...

Even Uchiha Madara, the founder, was driven away, not to mention the treatment of the remaining clan members.

In this state of mind, the resurrected Uchiha Izuna was extremely cautious.

Even though Uchiha Madara used Nagato, a member of the Uzumaki clan with extremely strong vitality, as a sacrifice, and used the essence of the heretic demons and Hashirama cells to build his body, Uchiha Izuna's combat power far exceeded the peak of his life. …

But his heart was as calm as water.

The bloody lesson tells Uchiha Izuna that life is like the bitch Senju Tobirama. When she is sure that she has won, she waits for an opportunity to attack from the dark place...

Senju Tobirama killed Uchiha Izuna. Although it caused him great pain, it also benefited him a lot.

For example, Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito, who believe deeply in the Infinite Tsukuyomi and believe that this technique can bring peace to the entire ninja world...

In Uchiha Izuna's view, something was wrong with their mentality.

"The Uchiha Stone Tablet, with the pupil technique as the dividing line, shows different contents - the ancestral stories of the Uchiha and the Senju clan, the method of opening the Rinnegan, the secret of the Ten-Tails, the release path of the Infinite Tsukuyomi, and even Become an immortal..."

Uchiha Izuna thought about the content on the stone tablet.

A naive immortal who thought that mutual understanding could bring peace, after supporting his equally stupid second son Asura, he suddenly came to his senses before he died and left behind the method to restart the world, which is the so-called infinite moon reading.

On the surface, the problem is not big...

But it doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

What would happen to an idiot who has always trusted in mutual understanding to achieve peace, and then turned black and proposed the infinite Tsukuyomi to restart the entire ninja world?

Uchiha Izuna sneered in his heart. To take a step back, even if the Infinite Tsukuyomi is real, then the method on this stone tablet must have bad intentions.

As the father of the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, how could he safely propose a so-called way to save the world and expect others to do it, and then have it have nothing to do with him?

For example, his good brother Uchiha Madara...

In the exchange of glances just now, Uchiha Madara used genjutsu to tell Uchiha Izuna about Uchiha Obito. From the initial spokesperson plan to the appearance of Qing Shui, the story was told in detail, and there was a hint of pride.

He is such a clever little guy, he can come up with such clever methods...

After listening to it, Uchiha Izuna had a strong sense of déjà vu.

The Uchiha Monument is like the old Uchiha Madara, deceiving a powerful descendant to serve as a spokesperson to implement the Eye of the Moon plan...

Putting aside Uchiha Madara’s crude plan, assuming it really succeeds——

Will Madara Uchiha make Obito Uchiha the savior of the world?

Definitely not, it's just a resurrected chess piece.

In the same way, will the Sage of Six Paths allow the descendants who execute the Uchiha Monument to become true sages?

Definitely not!

There must be a backdoor in this, and it may even be like Uchiha Madara's plan to let Uchiha Obito resurrect him. When his brother became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, he might have become a sacrifice for the resurrection of the Six Paths Sage...

Uchiha Izuna, who was killed by Senju Tobirama, has a terrifyingly calm mind!

He was almost certain that what was recorded on this Uchiha stone tablet was a replica of Uchiha Madara's spokesperson plan!

The water in the ninja world is very deep and muddy...

The chess player is far more than just his brother Uchiha Madara, there is at least the Sage of Six Paths, and there may even be others!

Uchiha Izuna took a deep breath, but thought of Senju Tobirama...

"After this bastard became the Second Hokage, he also accepted a ninja from the Uchiha clan as a disciple. Needless to say, the content on the Uchiha Stone Tablet must have been known to that guy..."

Uchiha Izuna frowned:

"Although according to what my brother said, only the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan can see what's next, but after all, it was the bastard Tobirama who was proficient in forbidden arts, and Uzumaki Mito was beside him, and he used sealing techniques or other means to obtain it. You know, it’s not impossible…”

"Especially since my brother also said that he and Senju Hashirama mentioned some contents that can only be seen through the Eternal Kaleidoscope. That bastard will definitely be interested. Damn it..."

By some mistake, Uchiha Izuna thought Senju Tobirama must have learned the contents of the stone tablet.

In his opinion, with Senju Tobirama's character, he would never treat the Uchiha Monument as a joke, and he would deal with it!

This response should be made by Qing Shui!

"What my brother is thinking about right now is to find the elusive Uchiha Qingsui, because Senju Tobirama is hiding in his body and preparing to seize his body..."

Uchiha Izuna recalled the Qingshui collection that Uchiha Madara showed.

To be honest, I was stunned by this perfect ninja.

Qing Shui has mastered too many realms of blood succession, from Uchiha and Senju to Uzumaki, Kaguya, and even all kinds of escape techniques...

The artificial traces are too heavy. How could this be a natural mixed race?

This must be closely related to Senju Tobirama!

As for Uchiha Madara recognizing Qing Shui as his chakra reincarnation, this is also Senju Tobirama's handiwork...

"However, this bastard is quite knowledgeable. Although I don't know where he stole it from, he still recognizes my strength..." Uchiha Izuna thought quietly in his heart, turned around and said:

"Brother, don't worry too much about Qing Shui. You have the Samsara Eye that can extract souls. So even if Senju Tobirama captures Uchiha Qing Shui's body, we can still save him..."

"What you are worried about is that Senju Tobirama has mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique and has powerful power. It is difficult for us to capture it, right?"

Uchiha Izuna's eyes flashed red and he said slowly:

"Don't worry. When I lost to him, I awakened the kaleidoscope technique that can restrict movement in space. It's called Senyin. Its ability is to freeze space and chakra within a certain range."

Uchiha Obito was suddenly startled and looked at Uchiha Izuna with fear.

How are you targeting the Flying Thunder God technique?

I think you are targeting my divine power!

"Take it easy, boy."

Uchiha Izuna noticed the change in Uchiha Obito's expression and smiled very kindly:

"We are all Uchiha clansmen. In order to achieve the same goal, we should sit down and talk carefully if we have anything to say."

"You see, it's all for peace, and it's all to prevent Qing Shui from being persecuted by Thousand Hands Tobijian. We are companions, not enemies."

Uchiha Izuna smiled, making Uchiha Obito's eyes trance...

It had been a long time, it had been a long time since I had met an Uchiha who spoke so gently and reasonably, which gave Uchiha Obito the illusion of seeing Qing Shui.

But even so, Uchiha Obito still opened his double divine power and warned:

"Uchiha Izuna, don't underestimate me, you may not be able to restrain me. These eyes of mine were tempered through hellish pain!"

"I know, I know…"

Uchiha Izuna shook his head and extended his hand to Uchiha Obito: "We are allies for the time being, at least until we help Qing Shui solve the problem, right?"

Uchiha Obito stared at Uchiha Izuna, and after a moment, he slowly stretched out his hand: "That's right."

Uchiha Madara looked at this scene, raised his eyebrows, and shook his head helplessly and with emotion.

He really can't imitate his brother's communication skills.

He is really just like Qing Shui, he can always unite his clan members to his side, and even the stubborn Uchiha can smooth things over as he pleases...

Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Obito are all satisfied.

But only Hei Jue was keenly aware of what was wrong!

The real mastermind behind the tampering with the Uchiha Monument, it was immediately obvious that Uchiha Izuna was not interested in the Eye of the Moon project...

"Trouble, he just looks like that guy, and has a similar brain?" Hei Jue muttered in his heart, trying to reduce his presence as much as possible.

"I need to find more opportunities to communicate with Obito. Only he can cooperate with my plan..."

Black Zetsu didn't know how he should treat Uchiha Izuna.

He was a smart man, but he saw the problems with the Eye of the Moon plan... But he was a fool, and he was another one who was played by Qing Shui.

The world is so big, it seems that only Obito is the most suitable place for it...

Sure enough, the only one it can rely on is Obito!

"Brother, Obito, we want the war to break out quickly in the near future and let the ninja coalition with relatively low morale attack Konoha again..."

Uchiha Izuna analyzed:

"No matter what Senju Tobirama's purpose is, he will not sit back and watch the village be destroyed. As long as the pressure on the battlefield is great, then Uchiha Qingsui will naturally show up."

"With my Senki, Obito's divine power, and my brother's Rinnegan, it shouldn't be difficult to control Uchiha Qingsui."

Uchiha Izuna also made a joke:

"Unless he can have the pupil power of several kaleidoscopes stacked together, as well as powerful space pupil skills, just like several of us stacked together, but how is this possible?"

Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito nodded slowly.

What they were worried about was that after Senju Tobirama obtained Qing Shui's body, Qing Shui's hardware and Flying Thunder God's high mobility would create an extremely difficult enemy to deal with...

But just like the first sight of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Uchiha Izuna's Senyiki, Uchiha Obito's Kamui, and the various eye techniques of the Rinnegan combined together will not let Qing Shui escape.

Unless something unexpected happens.

But no one among the three people present would think that an accident happened, except for the silent Hei Jue...

Qing Shui…

But he stole Obito’s twin divine powers!

Especially that despicable pupil technique...

Once locked by Qing Shui, it would be fine as long as he keeps pressing him. If there is a vibration in the mind, the power will be extracted by him...

In other words, if you can't kill Qing Shui instantly, after fighting him once, you will only become a human flesh battery that is squeezed out!


Hei Jue lowered his head and thought, then who has the absolute power to suppress Qing Shui?

It seems that there are only six immortals...

When Hei Jue was having random thoughts.

Uchiha Izuna began to make arrangements:

"Black Zetsu, according to the White Zetsu network you have mastered, do the Ninja Alliance still have plans to attack Konoha?"

Hei Jue was stunned and responded:

"Although Uchiha Qingsui's combat power is a bit too high, the Third Tsuchikage and the Third Raikage believe that they can no longer give him room to grow. Although they are still hesitant, there is a high probability that they will try the final battle in the end..."

Uchiha Izuna nodded:

"Hesitation is not a good thing, give them confidence."

"Obito, your abilities are the most difficult to fathom. Come with me and tell those so-called Kage that Uchiha does not want to see a clan member like Senju Tobirama become the leader..."

"If you forget the hatred of the past, you are not qualified to bear the name of glory. We will help them deal with Qing Shui."

Uchiha Izuna looked at Uchiha Obito, who frowned, and changed the subject:

"Of course, after we rescue Qing Shui, it's time to deal with them..."

"And complete the Eye of the Moon project."

Uchiha Izuna was not in a hurry to describe the problem of the Uchiha Monument...

After catching Qing Shui, we can get more information from him and deduce the final truth.

Now he just needs to use his brain.

If you let the elder brother get involved, maybe things will change again, and this Obito doesn't have a high IQ at first glance...

Uchiha Obito nodded: "Okay...it's a good method."

Uchiha Madara, who was on the side, looked at his brother with some relief.

He always has such ideas...


[It is sensed that Uchiha Izuna has a strong desire to explore the host, and has been bound as a laning target! 】

While Qing Shui, Zhi Shui and others were chatting, a rather familiar name rang in his ears and joined his laning sequence...

How come this is really alive?

Qing Shui suppressed the smile in his heart. Although he didn't expect this, it was still quite fun...

One more person can give you gold coins!

Qing Shui really wanted to see Senju Tobirama use a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan to fight Uchiha Izuna after his resurrection...

"Shisui, this sword is my early birthday gift to you."

Qing Shui handed Muramasa to Shisui, then turned to Matt Dai, patted his shoulder, and injected a stream of medical chakra into it:

"Uncle Dai, please take good care of them. The next war will be cruel."

Matt Dai seemed to notice something, but didn't think about it. His two thick eyebrows instantly became serious, which was in sharp contrast to the happy Shisui beside him:

"Don't worry, Lord Qingshui!"

Qing Shui nodded happily, gave some instructions to Metkai, Asuma, Nohara Lin and others, checked their bodies that were somewhat damaged in the war, told them to take care of themselves, and then left with a smile.

"The war is about to end, and I can't wait to return home and let my brother cook us a table of hot pot!"

Shisui said happily, and so did Asuma and others beside him. Qing Shui's arrival made everyone feel good.

Only Matt Dai, although smiling on his face, always felt that a mission belonging to him might be coming soon...

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