Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 206 The parting gift, and Orochimaru who is not satisfied and wants to seize Qingshui!

In a hut.

Qing Shui weaves a dream here, preparing to realize the dreams of worthy people.

Although in this time and space, Kabuto Yakushi is no longer the master who realizes his dreams. He has been a spy of Iwagakure at the root for his livelihood since he was a few years old...

At this moment, he was probably happily eating four dishes and one soup in the orphanage of the Roots, learning about his kindness to the leader Qing Shui, and was an ordinary and ordinary Konoha Roots reservist.

But there is still Qing Shui in the ninja world!

From Tsunade and Shisui, to Orochimaru, Hirohu and even the caged birds of the Hyuga clan, Qing Shui considered them all with tenderness.

No one can run away...


The outstanding employee Bei Liuhu is on the Tobirama space carrier, leading the explosive ninjas to work overtime to produce new ninja tools...

Suddenly the surprise came.

"Lord Qingshui, why are you here!"

Bei Liuhu greeted Qing Shui in surprise, and reported the ammunition reserve very professionally and fluently:

——At least it can carry out a covering strike on the battlefield of a very large battle.

Qing Shui nodded quite unexpectedly and praised sincerely:

"Thanks a lot…"

He was obviously a low-key and reserved scientist, but at this moment, Bei Liuhu, who was standing in front of Qing Shui, looked as tired as a worker on an assembly line. His long gray hair was wet with sweat and was even a little frizzy.

"It's not hard to work for the root, Lord Qingshui!" Bei Liuhu said firmly, then stared at Qingshui's white hair and asked curiously: "Lord Qingshui, what are you doing?"

Qing Shui smiled gently and said it was okay.

But this smile made Bei Liuhu recall some past events.

Bei Liuhu vividly remembered that when he was confused and inferior because of the talented Sannin of the same period, it was Qing Shui who recognized his path and techniques.

Not only did it provide him with abundant resources, but it also directly elevated this forbidden technique, which Beilihu was worried about being liquidated by Konoha, to a position recognized by the government, where it could shine in the war.

He himself also went from a little-known ordinary jounin to the deputy director of Konoha's scientific research department, a legendary war hero and a genius scientist...

All of this comes from Qing Shui.

And the thing that Bei Liuhu could never forget the most was the words Qing Shui once said to him in private——

"Dare to be extraordinary, you are a genius!"

"I, Qing Shui, was once a middle-aged man. I understand your desire to become stronger..."

Qing Shui eliminated Bei Liuhu's deepest inferiority complex and shared his secrets with him.

The unreserved trust of the strong is more precious than gold...

"Have you decided which ones to choose among the five blood inheritance limits required to reach the complete form of Kiyaro's art?"

Qing Shui said slowly:

"While the war is taking place, I specially authorize you to mobilize the elite teams at the root to collect them as soon as possible."

Beiliuhu lowered his head in gratitude and bowed fiercely:

"Thank you, Lord Qingshui!"

"You have Hashirama cells in your body, and Wood Escape is the best blood inheritance limit..."

Qing Shui took out a small tube, which contained this pair of eyeballs.

Bei Liuhu was startled, it seemed like a pair of three magatama sharingan...

Could it be that…?

"As for the explosive escape, it was transplanted by you to help the root and the village research weapons. It may not necessarily meet your wishes, right?"

Qing Shui handed the test tube to Bi Liuhu and said with a slight smile:

"There is a pair of three Magatama Sharingan in it, which can be regarded as my personal sponsorship for you to climb the road to perfection of Oni Meiluo's art."

Where does this three magatama sharingan come from?

Uchiha Setsuna’s…

Although the old thing was twisted into pieces by the angry Obito with his divine power, the unexpected pair of Sharingan eyes did not cause much damage.

When Qing Shui's shadow clone was patrolling the ninja world, he picked it up and repaired and refurbished it using earth resentment and medical ninjutsu!

This pair of old eyeballs, under Qing Shui's manipulation, can be called -

[High-quality three-magatama Sharingan, second-hand and new for Uchiha elders’ own use! 】

Anyway, there is no clue about Bei Liuhu, and there is indeed nothing wrong with it.

After all, not to mention the eyeballs, Hatake Sakumo's broken heart, after being rejuvenated by Qing Shui's wonderful hands, is still beating vigorously!

Although Uchiha Setsuna is dead, the considerate Qingshui still intends to burn out his last bit of value...

Qing Shui's loyal dog Beiliu Hu...

Will see the light of the ninja world for him!

"Sharingan, Three Magatama Sharingan? This...is this for me!"

Beiliuhu instantly became at a loss. He had never heard of foreigners being able to obtain such a pair of eyes!

Is it really possible?

Although Biliuhu wanted to take this pair of eyes, he was even more afraid of causing trouble to Qing Shui!

"Take it, maybe you can change your name to Uchiha Hirohu in the future?"

"That name sounds pretty good to me."

Qing Shui handed the test tube to Bei Liuhu, joked with him with a warm smile, and patted his shoulder with emotion:

"How far can you go with the help of others... I'm very much looking forward to it!"

"When that day comes, remember to tell me."

As if in a dream, Bei Liuhu accepted this extremely precious gift.

After Qing Shui left, he jumped up like a child, his heart filled with joy...

"Hey, do you know what my name is?"

Beiruhu got close to Akimichi Dingzao. He had been transplanted with explosive escape blood and had amazing Yang escape skills. He was the most capable person in the explosive escape bomb production line and a good friend of the foreman Beilihu.

"What else can you call? Hirohu..." Akimichi Dingzao glanced at him doubtfully, but his hands kept screwing (making explosive bombs), skillfully processing one after another.

"Wrong, I will change my name to Uchiha Hirohu from now on. This is the name given by Lord Qingshui!"

Bei Liuhu consciously joined in the process of screwing, while humming in a low voice:

"Although Akimichi is a wealthy clan, he feels inferior to our Uchiha clan..."

Akimichi Dingzao's face darkened, but he couldn't find any words to refute, so he could only inject chakra into the bomb harder, as if the bomb was not an enemy, but the same as his proud Beilihu...

"Lord Qingshui, when I have perfected the Oni Yaluo Technique, I will report all the details and data to you. In this case, your Oni Yaluo Technique will definitely be stronger than mine. !”

Bi Liuhu thought so in his heart, but he frowned and figured out something was wrong.

"When that day comes, remember to tell me..."

Combined with Qing Shui's white hair, why does it sound a little ominous?

Bei Liuhu shook his head violently and gave himself a powerful slap on the head.

What the hell are you thinking about!

On such an auspicious day, but thinking about all these things, I am really unlucky!

That white hair might mean that Master Qingshui has mastered the art of Oni Yaluo. Anyway, it’s definitely not a bad thing!

[Comes from the laning target Beilihu: You have obtained a special talent - Oni Maluo's favor]

[Onimaro's Grace]: The degree of blood fusion in your body increases explosively until it reaches the current limit.

Uchiha Setsuna's Sharingan.

This has made the last contribution to the future peace of the ninja world.

In this regard, Qing Shui commented: "Very good eyes, love comes from Uchiha."


In the camp, Orochimaru squinted at the war map in front of him. When he saw Qing Shui arriving, he put down the pen and paper in his hand and narrowed his eyes: "Qing Shui, are you in trouble?"

Different from others.

Orochimaru uses his own heart to judge Tobirama's belly, and he has long since determined that Senju Tobirama is a villain who wants to seize Qishui!

This white hair naturally reminded him of a certain evil second-generation Hokage.

"As expected of the Second Hokage, whom I admire, he moves so fast..." Orochimaru thought in his heart, with an inquiring light shining in his eyes.

Qing Shui's eyes moved to the battlefield map, and without answering directly, he asked softly: "Will there be another major outbreak in the battle?"

Orochimaru nodded: "Based on the current situation, that's it."

"Kumogakure, Iwagakure, Sunagakure, Amegakure, Takigakure and other enemy forces that still have effective strength are currently gathered together in one place. Although there is no offensive movement or intelligence, they are stationed in this vast plain. above."

Orochimaru analyzed professionally: "I guess they are about to launch a big battle. They will squeeze all the forces into a fist and try to break us up."

"As for why they didn't march immediately, they were still hesitating to give us a chance to set up a defensive line..."

Orochimaru said disdainfully: "It is estimated that the Ninja Alliance is debating the route of dispatching troops and the allocation of personnel."

"A bunch of rabble with the name Sora Yukage, and the fighter planes they miss will eventually turn into Tobirama series of bombs that will hit their heads."

Orochimaru made a sharp comment on the Kages of the ninja world.

"I understand, we still have to fight a war, an unprecedented war..."

Qing Shui sighed and handed a notebook to Orochimaru: "I thought that my performance on the Iwagakure battlefield was enough to make the ninja world quiet down for a while..."

"In that case, we don't have much time."

Orochimaru was stunned. After taking it, he found that it contained the classics of Ryūchi Cave Immortal Technique, as well as some of Qing Shui's summary of essence and experience.

Just a few cursory glances made Orochimaru feel itchy in his heart.

The reason why Orochimaru failed to successfully practice senjutsu was because his original body could not bear the huge amount of senjutsu chakra. This was the shackles brought to him by his genes and bloodline. Not everyone is born with the same hardware as Jiraiya. Excellent.

But with Qing Shui's improvements, the magic derived from beasts became more in line with the characteristics of the human body.

At least, for Orochimaru who had never crossed the threshold, after seeing several methods written by Qing Shui, his confidence in mastering immortal arts was once again ignited.

"What...what does this mean, Lord Qingshui?"

"I gained a lot from this trip to Ryūchi Cave, Orochimaru."

Qing Shui raised his arm, and the three small white snakes wrapped around it curled their mouths, helping Qing Shui absorb natural energy all the time while sleeping soundly, so as to adapt to the normal immortal mode.

"I remember I promised you a request to help you practice a secret technique..."

Qing Shui sighed and said a little apologetically: "I don't know if I will have the chance to cooperate with you after the war is over. Let's just treat it as the worst case scenario and I will make up for it in advance."

"These Ryūchi Cave sage techniques were modified by me based on your body. If Beiruhu helps you implant Hashirama cells, I believe you can master the sage mode better than Jiraiya."

Orochimaru's pupils stood up, staring at Qingshui's eyes, and said word by word: "Qingshui, do you need my help?"

"Or to put it another way, you can fulfill the request you promised me here, how about it?"

Orochimaru was a little anxious. As a smart and thoughtful person, he heard the parting meaning in Qingshui's words.

It is obvious that Qingshui has discovered that Senju Tobirama is in his body, but he doesn't want to resist...

So, Qingshui came in advance to resolve the promise between him and himself.

What a good memory and pedantic boy!

Orochimaru was even a little angry. In his opinion, Qingshui was a typical manifestation of being brainwashed by the Will of Fire.

How can I not resist? !

But thinking of Qingshui's admiration for the Will of Fire, Orochimaru vaguely felt that it was reasonable.

This thing is so weird!

Even when he, Orochimaru, was young, he was driven around by the Will of Fire?

It was only after seeing more and more things that I came to my senses...

But no matter how brilliant Qingshui was, he was just a teenager who had not yet reached adulthood.

Who was Senju Tobirama?

He was a ruthless man who could use political skills to drive Uchiha Madara out of the village, take Uchiha's genius Jing as his apprentice, split Uchiha into two factions, and use the Konoha Guard Department as a dog chain to tie up the Sharingan!

Senju Tobirama's achievements are here. Just thinking about it, you can know how powerful this brainwashing skill is...

Especially as a master of forbidden techniques.

With the title of the Will of Fire and the Hokage, and with the blessing of powerful forbidden techniques, it is no wonder that even Qingshui seemed to have given up resistance.

Even at this last moment, Qingshui was still thinking about how to resolve the war for the village, instead of considering himself...

"The strongest illusion beyond the Sharingan - Will of Fire..."

Orochimaru felt a chill towards Will of Fire, as well as respect and awe for his senior Senju Tobirama.

The world is so abnormal and helpless. Orochimaru originally wanted to find a secret and large research base with Qingshui alone after the war on a sunny day to help him consult about the matter of taking over the body...

But now it seems that tonight may be his only chance in his life!

If Senju Tobirama gets there first, will he still have a chance to get this perfect body?

Don't even think about it!

"Help you complete the research now? Orochimaru, how long will it take you?"

Qingshui said carefully: "If it's fast, I can cooperate, but if it takes longer, let's wait until the war is over..."

"Qingshui, very fast!"

Orochimaru flashed a trace of ecstasy: "It's just a small study on the soul!"

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