Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 136 Dilemma

The screaming people were all those who had a relatively low level of transformation and whose carapaces could not completely cover their bodies.

The robes on the outside of the bodies of the people were quickly corroded in the liquid.

Some places where the carapaces were not protected were corroded by the liquid, and the skin and flesh suddenly felt like they were in contact with strong sulfuric acid.

People with a high level of transformation and covered with carapaces were better, but they were limited to the crystal level.

The alloy-level carapaces were soaked in the liquid, and bubbles appeared on the surface, showing signs of corrosion.

The carapace on Lin Shen was only steel-level, and it was almost the same as the alloy carapace in the liquid, but there were some slight signs of corrosion, and it would not be corroded for a while.

Fortunately, among the transformers who came this time, only Lin Shen was steel-level.

Zuo Qinglong and other crystal-level ones lifted up those who had a low level of transformation and whose carapaces could not protect their whole bodies, so that their bodies could be out of the liquid, which was more or less better.

Tu Xiaodao wanted to lift Lin Shen up, but Lin Shen shook his head to stop him.

The theory of evolution in his body has begun to operate, penetrating into his shell, and is strengthening and mutating his shell.

"The theory of evolution is really a magical skill!" Lin Shen sighed in his heart. Even if he could practice the theory of talent now, he would not be willing to change it.

The liquid did not fill the entire space. When it reached more than half, no more liquid came in, and the hole was closed.

Everyone was soaking in the liquid, and their mood was very complicated.

After soaking for three days, most of the people here are estimated to die here. Even if they are crystal-based, it is difficult to maintain the state of base mutation for three days at a time.

Besides, they can't hold on for three days. If they can't supply oxygen, they will soon be suffocated.

"It's really unlucky. Are we in the stomach of a giant base-mutated creature?" After the space stopped shaking, Xu Tiange emerged from the liquid and said depressedly.

"Now it seems that this possibility is very high." Lin Shen groaned.

Everyone talked one after another, but there was nothing they could do for a while. No one expected that they would be teleported to such a place.

"If it is really in the stomach of a giant creature, then there should be a digestive tract to get out. Let's look for it separately." Zuo Qinglong said it very elegantly, but everyone understood what he was talking about.

Although everyone felt that it was disgusting to get out of that place, they couldn't care less now. As long as they could get out alive, who would care whether it was disgusting or not.

Some people looked up, and a few crystal-based people directly dived into the liquid and looked for possible exits below.

But after searching for a long time, except for the place where the liquid poured in, no other possible exits were found.

"Could this giant creature be a Pixiu, who only eats and doesn't poop?" Xu Tiange said this, making everyone who was already in a bad mood even more uncomfortable.

"As far as I know, the human stomach has two entrances and exits, but some animals are not like this. For example, cows have four stomachs, and some stomachs have only one entrance." Someone followed up.

"If this is really in the stomach of a giant creature, we can only get out of that hole now." Someone else said.

"Why do we have to go out? Just cut open its belly." Tu Xiaodao said with a cold face.

His words immediately made everyone react.

Yes, they didn't dare to force it before because they thought they were trapped in the glacier cave and were afraid that the glacier would collapse and bury them alive.

Now they know that this is not a glacier cave, it is very likely that they are in the body of a giant creature, so what is there to worry about? Just break out of the belly, and kill this giant creature, it is simply killing two birds with one stone.

Just now, they were too nervous and inertial thinking, so they didn't react for a while.

Now that Tu Xiaodao reminded them, everyone reacted immediately, and someone immediately took a knife to chop at the ice crystal wall.

When they first came in, the ice crystal wall was still hard, but now it seemed like chopping on rubber. The blade sank into it, but it couldn't cut through, and then it bounced up again.

"I'll do it." A crystal base raised his topaz-like mountain-splitting axe, concentrated all his strength on the axe, and chopped it fiercely at the ice wall.

The power of the crystal base combined with the weapon made of crystal base material, this chopping force can directly chop a big hole even in a thick steel wall.

But the mountain-splitting axe chopped on the ice crystal wall, and the entire axe sank into it, and then bounced out.

The rebound force was too great, and the crystal base couldn't hold the axe, and it fell out of his hand.

Everyone was shocked to see this situation, and the place where the axe chopped was left without any trace.

"This thing is unusually tough, it can't be broken by hard force, try with a sharp object." Zuo Qinglong said, summoning his alloy drill dragon again, wanting to use the drill dragon's drilling ability to open a gap.

The drill dragon used its cone-like head to drill into the tough ice crystal wall.

The next second, Lin Shen saw the drill dragon's head, which actually spun wildly like a real drill.

Soon, the head of the burrowing dragon sank in, and its body slowly moved forward.

Everyone was delighted, thinking there was hope, but the speed of the burrowing dragon slowed down, and finally stopped moving.

The next second, the body of the burrowing dragon suddenly rotated counterclockwise, and the whole body was ejected in the rotation.

, his body was twisted into a knot.

The ice crystal wall returned to its original state again, without any trace at all.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt cold again.

Unwilling to wait, everyone showed their magical powers. Some took out particularly sharp crystal-based weapons, and some summoned powerful crystal-based pets, all trying to break the crystal wall.

Tu Xiaodao also tried with his short knife, but it was all in vain, and no one could leave a scratch on the ice crystal wall.

On the contrary, their tossing caused many vibrations, and the liquid inside was shaken into turbulence. Several of the lifted base changers fell in again, screaming one after another.

"This is not a solution. It seems that we can only go out from that opening." Zuo Qinglong stopped everyone and said.

Everyone knew that there was only one way to go, but this road was very dangerous.

Not to mention whether they could get out from this opening, even if they could, it should lead to the mouth of the giant creature. Who could bear to be bitten a few times at that time?

Taking another step back, they were lucky enough to rush out of the giant creature's mouth. Would the giant creature let them go?

Even the power of the crystal base couldn't hurt it at all. Could they be the opponent of the giant creature?

Although they were worried, there seemed to be no other way, so they had to take the risk and give it a try.

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