Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 156: Advancement of Alloy

After transporting the bodies of the Super Origin Triceratops to the warehouse, Lin Shen and Uncle Lei discussed how to deal with the bodies, and then returned to their residence alone.

When he returned home, he found Wei Wufu in his yard, which made Lin Shen very happy. He happened to have many things to ask Wei Wufu.

"Weird?" Wei Wufu asked directly when he saw Lin Shen.

Lin Shen told Wei Wufu what happened and asked some questions.

Wei Wufu thought for a long time before expressing his own judgment.

Wei Wufu had no idea where that weirdo came from. He had never heard of such a person existing, and he didn't know whether the weirdo was a human or an alien creature.

Unable to figure out the origin of the weirdo, Wei Wufu made it very clear about some issues regarding ascended creatures.

To Lin Shen's disappointment, Wei Wufu said that under normal circumstances, genetic changes cannot use the Ascension Liquid because the energy contained in the Ascension Liquid is too terrifying. Even the body of a crystal-based creature cannot withstand the instantaneous release of the Ascension Liquid. energy, which will cause losses to the body.

The only good news is that Wei Wufu brought back an original egg to Lin Shen.

"Old Wei, can you tell the difference between these two original eggs, which one is of better quality?" Lin Shen showed Wei Wufu the original egg that Tu Xiaodao gave him.

"I don't know." Wei Wufu shook his head directly.

Seeing that Lin Shen was disappointed, Wei Wufu pointed to the original egg he brought back and said, "Original eggs are rare, try it."

"You said this original egg is rare?" Lin Shen was a little surprised. Wei Wufu said it was rare, so there must be something special about it.

After asking in detail for a while, Lin Shen finally figured out why Wei Wufu said that this original egg was rare.

Half a month ago, a tide of beasts emerged from an originally inconspicuous genetic transformation area below Tiancheng, and there were actually many ascended creatures among them.

After the Wei family repelled the beast tide, they went directly into the genetic transformation area, found the genetic transformation point, and got back the original egg.

I originally thought this was an ascension original seed egg, the kind that could allow a genetic changer to ascend.

After the test, it was found that it was still an ordinary original egg, not the kind of original egg that could allow the gene changer to ascend.

This is very strange. Creatures infected by ordinary original eggs are generally difficult to advance to the next level.

In this genetically modified area infected by the primary seed egg, so many ascended creatures can appear. It should be the kind of ascended primary seed egg, but it turned out not to be the case.

"Old Wei, what is the situation in Tiancheng? It has been more than two hundred years, and the genetically modified area there has not been cleaned up yet?" Lin Shen asked doubtfully.

"It's difficult to hold on," Wei Wufu said.

Lin Shen was shocked and quickly asked carefully. Only then did he know how bad the situation in Tiancheng was.

More than two hundred years ago, transport warehouses of original eggs were scattered around the world, forming many mutation zones.

What fell over Tiancheng was not just a few transport warehouses, but the damaged transport ship fell directly and crashed into the depths of the ground near Tiancheng.

By coincidence, the place where the transport ship crashed was originally a bottomless underground hole. The transport ship crashed directly into the depths of the ground and exploded in the underground space 10,000 meters below.

There are countless original eggs scattered in the underground space. For more than two hundred years, the Wei family has to fight off hundreds of waves of beasts rushing out of the cave every year.

The Wei family also rushed into the underground space many times, trying to completely clean out the original eggs inside.

It's a pity that the people of the Wei family are growing, and the genetically modified creatures in the underground space are also growing. Although hundreds of genetically modified areas in the underground space have been cleared, there are still only a lot more genetically modified creatures inside, and we don't even know that there are still more genetically modified creatures. How many original eggs are inside.

It can be said that if there were no Wei family and all the genetically modified creatures in the underground space rushed out, most of the human bases would probably be doomed.

The Wei family also paid a huge price for this. The Wei family originally had more than a thousand direct bloodlines, but now only thirteen direct bloodlines are left.

In order to guard the underground space, people from the Wei family almost never leave Tiancheng.

The ascended beings of the Wei family also sacrificed the opportunity to enter the universe and stayed in Tiancheng to suppress the underground space. They never stepped out of the Tiancheng in their lives, in order to suppress the terrifying existence that had appeared in the underground space.

The Amagi Wei family is known as the last line of defense of mankind and the hardest backbone. It was obtained with more than two hundred years of blood and tears, and it was also built with lives.

A city with a thousand people, a guard for a hundred years, these eight words are a legend forged with blood and bones.

In addition to the people of the Wei family, there are actually other people in Tiancheng. Some of them volunteer to help the Wei family guard the underground space, and some are genetic changes sent by the big families to support the Wei family.

Of course, they are not purely trying to help the Wei family, they mainly want the genetic resources in the underground space.

After Lin Shen understood the details, he understood why there were people like Wei Wufu. Perhaps only the Wei family could cultivate people like Wei Wufu.

"It is our duty to do so."

When Lin Shen heard Wei Wufu say these words, he thought Wei Wufu was a little too paranoid.

Thinking about it now, without the paranoia of the Wei family, humanity would not be in the current situation.

"Old Wei, do you have enough original eggs for your promotion?" Lin Shen asked with a sigh.

Wei Wufu didn't speak, he just used the power of genetic transformation, and the purple crystal carapace wrapped his whole body.

"Promoted to Jingji." Lin Shen was very happy.


After putting away the original eggs given by Lao Wei, Lin Shen returned to his room, planning to use the original eggs to promote the alloy today.

Even Wei Wufu said that Tiancheng didn't know how long it could be guarded. Once Tiancheng fell, even if he wanted to be a rich man who didn't care about the world, he would no longer be able to do it. He would have to upgrade his level as soon as possible.

After arranging everything, Lin Shen took out the original egg given to him by Wei Wufu and swallowed it directly.

The moment the original egg slipped into his belly, a coldness spread in Lin Shen's stomach, filling his whole body in an instant, making Lin Shen feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Instead of forming a cocoon like the first time, the genetically modified carapace emerged automatically and wrapped around Lin Shen's whole body.

It's just that the genetic carapace at this time is not solid, but squirming like a viscous liquid.

The theory of evolution started to work automatically, making the coldness penetrate even deeper into the bone marrow.

Slowly, the coldness disappeared, and the body became hotter and hotter. The carapace on his body also became hotter and hotter. The viscous liquid clung to Lin Shen's body like molten iron, twisting, squirming, and deforming. .

In a daze, Lin Shen seemed to see a light and shadow overlapping his body. The liquid squirmed along the light and shadow, and finally turned into the form of light and shadow, and began to slowly solidify.

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