Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 159: Isn’t it worth risking your life for me?

The major bases were quarreling over who should be the commander-in-chief of this joint operation, and everyone was red-faced.

There were dozens of bases and nearly a hundred families involved in this operation, including more than a dozen families from the super base alone.

Coupled with some small families and lone rangers, there were nearly 10,000 genetic changers in this operation.

These many people definitely need unified command, but who will be the commander?

The small families and the lone rangers have no objections, as long as they can follow the big army, but the people from the big families don't think so, and they are all vying for the position of commander-in-chief.

Lin Shen saw many familiar faces, including Ouyang Yudu, Bai Shenfei, Mo Shengqi, Zuo Qinglong, Zuo Qingmeng and others.

Xu Tiange is also there, but with the strength of his family, let alone the main stage, even the position in the stands below is at the back.

The sharp-eyed Xu Tiange saw Wei Wufu and ran over quickly.

"Brother Wei, when did you come back?" Xu Tiange said as he looked at Lin Shen next to Wei Wufu, but he didn't recognize him. This carapace was so different from the previous Lin Shen that it was difficult to recognize him as the same person. personal.

"What was the situation just now?" Wei Wufu said.

"It's not just the people from the big families who want to be the commander-in-chief of this operation. The three most vocal ones right now are Zuo Qinglong from the Sword Alliance, Bai Shenfei from the Cape Base, and Huang Xiaohu from the Armed Base." Xu Tiange whispered. Let’s briefly talk about the current situation.

"Why is there no Ouyang Yudu?" Lin Shen felt a little strange. With Ouyang Yudu's strength and reputation, how could there be no Ouyang Yudu.

What Lin Shen said deliberately used the technique of changing his voice, which was similar to the technique he used when impersonating the fourth brother before, so Xu Tiange couldn't even recognize his voice.

"The Shenai Base supports the Haijiao Base. They are in the same group. They support Bai Shenfei." Xu Tiange said: "The three people with the highest voices now have the support of several big families. Otherwise, why would their voices be so loud? Highest."

"What do you call this friend?" After Xu Tiange finished speaking, he looked at Lin Shen and asked again.

"Just call me A Tian, ​​this is my brother." Lin Shen pointed at Wei Wufu and said.

Lin Shen still has respect for Tiancheng, and there is no shame in pretending to be Tiancheng.

"It turns out it's Brother Tian. My name is Xu Tiange. I'm from the Xu family in the Yashen base. I'm also Brother Wei's brother. From now on, we will be our own family." Xu Tiange said with a smile when he heard that Lin Shen was from the Wei family in Tiancheng.

The three of them stood behind and listened for a while. Each family still had their own opinions, and no one was convinced.

"It's just a mess." Lin Shen shook his head helplessly. If this continues, even if a commander-in-chief is forcibly selected, it may be difficult to unify the command after arriving at Kaiwang.

"Hey, what humans are best at is fighting among themselves. This is just a small scene." Xu Tiange said with a smile.

After a half-day meeting, no one was chosen as the commander-in-chief in the end. We are going to vote tomorrow and whoever gets more votes will be the commander-in-chief.

When the meeting was over, Wei Wufu took Lin Shen to go to Xun Jian, the director of Haijiao Base here, and explained his purpose.

"Brother Wei, come back to the camp with me. The day after tomorrow is the time when the realm king development device will be opened. Then you can go in with the concubine and the others." Xun Jian naturally welcomed Wei Wufu very much. The Wei family was famous for their combat prowess. Strong and popular wherever he goes.

Wei Wufu and Lin Shen had planned this, so naturally they would not refuse.

"Why didn't Lin Shen come?" Concubine Bai Shen, who was following Xun Jian, looked at Wei Wufu, then at Lin Shen next to him, and asked with a frown.

"Something's wrong." Wei Wufu replied.

Concubine Bai Shen didn't ask any more questions. Mo Shen looked at Lin Shen curiously and said, "Does anyone in the Tiancheng Wei family practice the theory of evolution?"

"Of course there is." Lin Shen said casually.

The reason why Mo Shengqi asked this question was because everyone in the big family knew that the Wei family practiced the "Phoenix Purple Qi Jue".

"Phoenix Purple Qi Jue" originated from the Phoenix Clan, a powerful family in the universe, and is one of the nine untold secrets of the Phoenix Clan.

The first generation of the Wei family walked on earth and gained it unexpectedly while wandering in the universe. Since then, the Wei family has practiced the "Phoenix Purple Qi Jue".

There is only one human walker in each generation of the Wei family. The human walker of this generation is Wei Wufu. All affairs between Tiancheng and the outside world must be completed by walking on the human world. Until Wei Wufu reaches the peak of ascending level, he needs to return to Tiancheng to advance to the next level. Level, after that, they can only stay in Tiancheng City to guard the underground space, and choose another person to walk in the world.

It can be seen from Wei Wufu's role as a human walker that there is really no one in the Wei family. Otherwise, Wei Wufu, who is not good at communicating with others, is not a suitable candidate for a human walker.

As long as there is another available person, they probably won't choose Wei Wufu.

"My surname is not Wei, just call me A Tian." Lin Shen had no choice but to explain.

He pretended to be from Tiancheng, not from the Wei family, because everyone who knew Tiancheng knew that there were only a few people in the Wei family, and it was impossible to suddenly give birth to a big living person.

"I see." Mo Shengqi thought that Lin Shen was one of those people who voluntarily went to Tiancheng to help the Wei family guard the underground space, so it was normal for Lin Shen to practice any genetic transformation techniques.

After saying goodbye to Xu Tiange, the two followed the people from Haijiao Base to their camp.

After dinner, Lin Shen walked alone by the lake. In fact, he was practicing walking in the fairy garden, but in the eyes of others, he was just walking.

After walking for a while, I suddenly saw Concubine Bai Shen walking this way.

Come here.

Lin Shen looked at the mosaic-clad Concubine Bai, feeling very upset, and he estimated that he would not have the chance to have this fire.

"Why don't you try again?" When the two met at the lake, Concubine Bai suddenly stared at Lin Shen and said

"Miss Bai, what are you talking about?" Lin Shen was slightly startled, knowing that Concubine Bai suspected his identity, but he still pretended to be stupid.

"Your disguise can deceive others, but not me." Concubine Bai said coldly: "Why don't you try to practice the "Talent Theory" again? Choosing the "Evolution Theory" means that your future can be seen at a glance, and there are no other possibilities."

Concubine Bai had said this, Lin Shen couldn't pretend anymore, so he had to sigh and said: "Some things can't be forced. My talent determines that I can't practice the "Talent Theory". What's the point of insisting?"

"As long as you work hard, there is still a possibility. The "Talent Theory" looks at talent, but also requires strong will and determination. If you can't practice it at the beginning, maybe it's just that your will and determination are not firm enough." Concubine Bai continued.

"It's just an evolution technique. I don't think it's necessary to fight for it." Lin Shen frowned slightly. He didn't know why Bai Shenfei insisted on asking him to practice "On Talent".

"Is it not worth fighting for me?" Bai Shenfei suddenly said this, which made Lin Shen stunned for a moment.

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