Because the street is very narrow, carriages or other wheeled vehicles are not allowed to pass through like this while there are pedestrians.

Therefore, Yang Pra's judgment was correct.

Moreover, experienced water friends in the live broadcast room also immediately said

"The Indians did not know how to use wheels. They only learned how to use wheels after the colonists invaded and were captured as slaves.……"

"The Indians were so miserable that they were massacred and enslaved by the colonists"

"Yeah, so now calling them Indians is considered an insult."

"Then they don't just use their feet to walk"

"Couldn't the wheel be invented?"


Water friends also feel strange.

Although they don't know when China had the wheel, it must have been much earlier than the Indians.

It still needs teaching from Western colonists.

It's just embarrassing.

Suddenly, a strong sense of civilizational superiority arose.

Yang Chan also feels that this is something to be proud of.

Chinese civilization is indeed very powerful.

If it’s awesome, why shouldn’t it be something to be proud of?

Afterwards, Yang Chan directly entered the largest temple.

Yang Chan was convinced that this was a temple and not a palace.

Because there are many stone statues outside, with a strong Indian style.

And there are many statues of gods inside!

They are all images of gods imagined by the Indians, such as the human-like sun god, the earth goddess, etc.

These stone statues are very tall and look similar to the Buddha statues in Buddhism, with the same majesty.

Moreover, in order to make the statues look divine and aloof, the Indians did not carve their faces.

Not as fat as the Buddha statue.

It’s like saying that God has no face and cannot be seen by mortals!

This also made the water friends in the live broadcast room think of a sentence

"Do not look directly at God."

Of course, the real reason is that the ancient Indians have never seen God at all, and everything is their own guess.

"These stone statues are of high value."

Yang Chan said this.

He was ready to take all these away.

"These stone statues can be used as exhibits"

"Yes, I saw the Eastern Dragon again……"

"There is also a big bird"

"Do you feel like this is a black bird?"

"What the hell is a black bird?"


Yang Chan didn't take action yet, but continued to walk inside.

There is a long corridor inside, leading to the depths.

Yang Yan turned on the flashlight and walked inside.

You can see that there are torches hanging on the walls of the corridor.

Some areas are even a plate

"Isn't this a luminous pearl?"

Yang Chan had a look of pity on his face.

All these night-light pearls had been snatched away.

He came inside and found that the things preserved here were the same as those he had seen in the caves of primitive tribes.

They were murals...

Yang Chan became interested.

He knew There could be no good things here, but the murals were also of high value.

Moreover, the attackers did not destroy these murals.

Yang Yan took a flashlight and turned on the light of the entire corridor. It lit up.

There were dozens of paintings, and the first few showed signs of damage.

Maybe the intruders thought it was too much to destroy, so they finally gave up.

"Are these murals?"

"The Indians are from Dunhuang, right? There are so many murals……"

"I thought there would be something good"

"There were good things but they were gone a long time ago. It can’t be the host’s turn."

"Yes, although this place is hidden, someone must have been here"

"Let’s take a closer look at what the mural is about."

"I have a hunch that this might be left by aliens!"

"You have a premonition of a hammer……"


Yang Pra naturally walked over.

He is still very curious about ancient Indian culture.

After all, there was such an interesting civilization as the Mayan civilization.

The first few murals were destroyed and looked out of place, which made Yang Chan feel helpless.

I could only barely see a few images that seemed to be human beings.

Then doing something there.

Perhaps it records the origin of civilization?

Therefore, Yang Chan started looking directly from the intact place.

When he looked at this thing, he felt as if he was watching animation when he was a child...

The first relatively complete painting records the sudden migration of ancient Indians.

And then until the next dozen or so... it records that the ancient Indians relied on their hands and feet and went through countless hardships to cross the glacier, cross the ocean, and come to another land.

That is what is now the American continent.

Then countless ancient Indians began to scatter in various parts of the continent.

Their branch was considered a large branch at that time.

This is the migration history of ancient Indians.

Yang Chan continued to look back, and the water friends in the live broadcast room also became calm.

I saw a mural at the back recording images of... oracle bones.

Much like Oracle.

But there is a big difference.

For example, it is not as simple as Oracle, but much more complicated than Oracle.

But some words are exactly the same as oracle bone inscriptions.

You know, oracle bone inscriptions are unique to Chinese civilization.

Later, Yang Chan tried to translate these words.

Probably the ancient Indians came to this new continent and started a new life.

The Indians in the north, the ancient Indians found in that area of the United States, were a farming civilization.

As they went further down, they discovered a different living environment.

So each part of the ancient Indians was different again.

What follows are some strange things, and the ancient Indians recorded them.

And some of their beliefs.

For example, how to offer sacrifices to gods and so on.

At this time, Yang Chan and many people in the live broadcast room felt huge waves in their hearts.

The ancient Indian ruins discovered by Yang Pra seem to have a lot of information.


"That statement can't be true, right?"

There is a water friend typing weakly

"What statement?"

Other water friends in the live broadcast room were suddenly surprised.

"Indians are descendants of traders……"

"Are you kidding me?"

"merchant? Which businessman?"

"Some scholars believe that the Shang of the Yin and Shang dynasties are equal to the Yin Di'an. They believe that the Indians are the descendants of the Yin and Shang dynasties, who migrated to the American continent after the Battle of Muye where King Wu defeated Zhou."

"Damn it! Are you kidding me?"

"I used to think it was a joke, but now, don’t these murals mean anything?"

"This may be reality!

Tuoba Goudan:"Fuck!""

Emperor Ziwei:" Damn +2!"


Indian equals Yin Di'an?

Many friends in the live broadcast room said they were a little confused.

But the outside world has long been turned upside down.

Even some scholars were frowning at this time.

They didn't believe it, and they always thought it was wrong.

What rubbish and backward civilization of the Indians can have anything to do with China?

Don’t have any ABC numbers in mind?

But what is going on with this mural?

Could it be that the ancient Indians made it up just to ride on the popularity of Chinese civilization?

All the scholars were confused.

I was thinking too much at once, but I couldn't figure it out. _Please download the novel without underlining

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