"Grandpa, are the Indians really descendants of the Yin and Shang Dynasties?"

Shen Mengjie asked Mr. Shen curiously.

Mr. Shen is an archaeologist and is very knowledgeable in this area.

Although, his archeology is not this

"It should, right?"

Mr. Shen is not sure either.

If Shen Mengjie had asked him this question before, then he would have said no without hesitation.

In his opinion, the theory of migration during the Battle of Muye is totally unreasonable.

But What is recorded in this mural is indeed true.

Seeing is believing, and hearing is believing. Human beings are still willing to believe their own eyes, so even Mr. Shen is confused. Especially when the water friends in the live broadcast room are having heated discussions and most people believe it. See how reasonable they are?

"Aren’t those statues of gods outside proof of this? Like the Eastern Dragon, the feathered serpent, and the destiny black bird"

"The mysterious bird of destiny comes down to give birth to Shang? Boss 6666"

"Even Oracle appeared, how could it not be related?"

"And the more I think about Yin Di'an, the more likely it seems to me. After all, I care about my ancestral land."

"I used to wonder why Indians are yellow race……"

Scholar Li Qing:"There are still big differences between Indians and East Asians!"

Expert Chen Fei:"This little thing cannot prove anything!"


All of a sudden, all kinds of monsters and monsters appeared in the live broadcast room.

And not only China, but also many foreign scholars were shocked.

In the archaeological circle, this incident was like an earthquake, spreading very quickly.

The number of people in the live broadcast room of Yang Chan on the Mouse Platform began to soar, and it couldn't stop.

Both views were agreed upon, and a lively debate ensued.

Yang Yan looked at the mural carefully.

He thinks more.

He was also very excited to be able to explore such a historical issue.

But while he was excited, his curiosity came.

For an explorer, the desire for knowledge is also very important.

Explorers are eager to know the truth, so they go on adventures again and again.

Unfortunately, the mural at the back has nothing to do with this incident.

The murals in front were destroyed.

This made Yang Pra feel very sorry.

The murals before the migration are likely to record how they survived on the Asian continent.

Maybe he really is a descendant of the Yin Shang Dynasty?

"《In the book"Chinese Ancestors Pioneered the Americas", it is mentioned that 100,000 elite soldiers and 150,000 slaves eventually fled to the Americas."

At this time, a scholar finally found the evidence

"What the hell, wasn’t it also written by someone else?"

"《It is recorded in"Zuo Zhuan, the Sixteenth Year of Duke Xi" that"the six birds retreated and flew over the capital of Song Dynasty"""

"What does it mean?"

"The only bird that can stop and retreat in flight is the American hummingbird!"

"Could it be true?"

Many people began to waver and decided to betray their own views.

Tuoba Goudan:"It's useless to say so much. I only believe in the anchor.

Emperor Ziwei:"Yes, I also believe in the anchor.""

"Anchor, what do you think?"


A group of scholars and experts are about to vomit blood.

After analyzing so much for a long time, these people don't believe in themselves?

Isn't their authority comparable to that of an adventure anchor?

In fact, in the hearts of water friends, it is really inferior.

This is At this time, Yang Chan also had an idea, so he spoke.

"I think this view is either correct or incorrect."

His mind gradually cleared up his thoughts.

"First of all, we can no longer see the first few murals, but what we can be sure of is that the ancient Indians and the Yin Shang may really be connected, but the connection is not deep enough."

"First of all, merchants always call themselves Dayi merchants and never call themselves Yin people."

"Moreover, the civilization of the ancient Indians was hundreds of years earlier than the Battle of Makino!"

"Of course, the most important thing is that Indians are just a wrong name for Columbus."

After Yang Chan finished speaking, the water friends in the live broadcast room all figured it out.

It seemed to make sense.

They didn't have firm beliefs to begin with, but they still couldn't understand.

"Wouldn't it be wrong to say that the Indians are Yin Di'an?"

Some water friends asked

"Yes, I am certain that the civilization of the ancient Indians was much worse than that of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, just like the gap between Chinese civilization and nomadic civilization."

Yang Chan paused here and then presented his evidence.

"First of all, China had bronze wares during the Yin and Shang Dynasties. Among them, the famous Simuwu Ding and others represented the peak of bronze wares."

"What about the ancient Indians? At least I can't see even a single fragment of bronze here, all are stone tools."

Yang Chan said, raising a finger, which made all the water friends who watched the live broadcast nodded.

Well, the ancient Indians are far from the Chinese civilization.

We all use bronze tools, but the Indians are still in the Stone Age!

It's just not Many scholars agree that the gap between civilizations is still huge.

"Second, there were already two-horse chariots in the Shang Dynasty, and there are records of driving and hunting in oracle bone inscriptions."

"The Indians don't even have carts, not to mention carriages. Their wheels are only at the level of toys!"

"This can be seen from the street design outside."

The water friends all nodded.

The ancient city design outside, the streets are really too narrow.

Let alone carriages, it is not easy for people to walk.

The shock absorption of wheels has been discovered in the Shang Dynasty, and the Indians But it was not invented until the colonists showed up and taught them how to use it.

"It can be said that the Indians did not put technology into practice."

Yang Chan smiled.

"What do these oracle bones say?"

"And don’t these murals also illustrate the migration of Indians?"

Some water friends still don't understand.

Although what Yang Chan said is very reasonable.

However, these murals can also prove something.

"Yes, these murals and oracle bones can at least show that the Indians migrated from the Asian continent"

"But I think they are neighbors of the Yin Shang and have a less in-depth understanding of the culture of the Yin Shang. They are like ancient nomads, rather than descendants of the Yin Shang."

Yang Pray said, making all the water friends in the live broadcast room fall into deep thought.

Yes, the Indians look like they were beaten away.

Just like the Hun Empire.

They were beaten by the Han Dynasty and fled to the European continent. By the way, it also insulted European countries.

Soon, the audience in the live broadcast room got involved, and this statement also won the recognition of the mainstream.

After all, the evidence is indisputable, and every piece of evidence is here. They can all be used.

Basically, the ancient Indians were neighbors of the Chinese civilization, and they also learned some things, such as oracle bone inscriptions.

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection.

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