Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1222 It’s tonight, it’s now

Why did you say you provoked him?

Everyone looked at Zhang Jian with a resentful look.

Zhang Jian was dizzy and felt like he was going to have a nervous breakdown!

He was too lazy to explain so much to Chen Xin'an, and said angrily: "Don't forget that I am the leader of the instructor team!

Whatever I say is what I say!

You are violating discipline by blowing the whistle and giving orders randomly!

I think you are a first offender, so I won’t argue with you!

Okay, everyone, disperse and go back to sleep! "

Everyone responded and dispersed to go upstairs.

Chen Xin'an said with an unconvinced look: "What about the welcome party?

Are you still going to do it?

Aren’t there other games you haven’t played yet?

Don’t you still want to swim?

Instructor Zhang, don’t leave!

I haven't had enough fun yet! "

Zhang Jian ignored him, pretended not to hear, and walked upstairs angrily.

Before reaching the second floor, another piercing whistle came from below!

This bastard!

Zhang Jian shouted to everyone stopped on the stairs: "You continue to go upstairs and go back to your respective dormitories!"

Everyone started moving again. Zhang Jian walked downstairs angrily and cursed at Chen Xin'an who was blowing the whistle:

"Stop bragging!

What's wrong with you?

Do you know the consequences of doing this?

If there is an emergency in the future, if you blow the whistle again, no one will react!

Are you responsible for delaying important things? "

Chen Xin'an said with an unconvinced look: "Who told you to insult me!"

Cai Yinfo and Gu Jinchao next to them almost laughed out loud. They looked at Zhang Jian suspiciously and asked, "Team leader, have you ever done this before?"

"When did it happen? Team leader, you are injured, but you can still play so crazy?"

Zhang Jian glanced at them with a dark face.

The two of them stopped smiling and coughed twice in a serious manner.

Zhang Ji'an scolded Chen Xin'an: "Don't talk nonsense here! When did I insult you?"

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "The biggest insult to me is that you haven't finished the game you prepared for me!

Aren't you just afraid of affecting everyone's rest?

Wouldn't it be okay if everyone is not allowed to participate?

Just the few of us, go through all the programs you ordered before.

Let me see how powerful the Black Mountain Tiger instructor is.

Is that okay? "

Upon hearing this, Cai Yinfo and Gu Jinchao's faces changed color.


So what, I won’t participate.

It's all figured out by the team leader.

I'm just making up the numbers, so I won't get involved.

I go first. "

"Team leader, it's not me, Lao Cai, who is blaming you!

At first glance, Instructor Chen is a capable person.

Otherwise, the chief would not have personally sent us by name!

Why do you need to add superfluous temptations?

Now that Instructor Chen is angry, you should apologize to him yourself!

I'm still injured, so I won't be with you! "

The two instructors winked at each other, and then ran away hand in hand!

Get off your grandma's legs!

Zhang Jian almost cursed.

These two bastards are really unreliable, and things can get away faster than rabbits!

He also wanted to escape, but Chen Xin'an stopped in front of him.

He said with a smile: "Since it's Instructor Zhang's decision, it's easy to handle!

Instructor Zhang is right, I can't delay everyone's rest.

However, Instructor Zhang is also the leader of the instructor team, and for the sake of the entire Black Mountain Tigers, he prevents me from being a fake person.

So be it, just let Instructor Zhang finish the rest of the program by himself!

You can add programs if you want, and I will definitely cooperate with the team leader’s inspection! "

After saying that, he simply grabbed Zhang Jian's arm, pulled him and ran out!

Zhang Jian wanted to stab him twice!

Damn you, I have to be careful when I walk now, and you actually pulled me away!

Feeling that his lower body was about to fall off due to wear and tear, Zhang Jian struggled hard and kept shouting:

"Let go!

Damn it, I order you to let me go!

Why are you running faster and faster?

Chen Xin'an, don't do this!

If you have something to say, say it properly. Don't go back and forth like this. It can easily cause misunderstandings...

Ouch, I even fell down and you still dragged me away!

Stop it you bastard!

What do you think I am?

Are you dragging the dog to death here? "

Chen Xin'an took Zhang Jian's arm and dragged him alive from the barracks area to the playground!

Zhang Jian's pants were torn and there were two holes in his butt.

The good thing is that it's right side up.

If he was dragged over lying on his stomach, it would be another question whether the injured area would still be intact!

Chen Xin'an threw Zhang Jian into the empty playground and shouted twice, feeling in a good mood.

Zhang Jian was sitting on the ground with a dull expression, and he couldn't even feel the pain from the scratch on his butt.

He really feels a little bit worse than dead right now.

He hated Chen Xin'an so much that he gritted his teeth.

He knew clearly that this guy was torturing him, but there was nothing he could do!

After all, he was the one who started this matter!

If he had known that this guy was so difficult, Zhang Jian would never have been so hasty.

Of course, it would definitely not work to just give up causing trouble for him.

His uncle raised him since he was a child and spent a lot of money on him in order to let him practice his job.

He really was raised as his biological son.

Having lost his parents since childhood, he has never been bullied once.

Even in order to pave the way for him to enter the Montenegrin Tiger, he went to great lengths and begged many people.

In all these years, his uncle has never made a request to him.

This was the only time he opened his mouth, because it was too easy for Chen Xin'an to get into trouble here.

There are not so many eyes staring at you, and there will be big leaders to suppress you afterwards, so you can be considered as unnoticed.

So Zhang Jian readily agreed.

On the first day, I just wanted to give him a showdown, but I didn't want him to get into trouble right away.

When the right opportunity comes, let him follow him on the mission.

Then you can let this kid stay in this mountain forever casually.

It's just that this guy's difficulty is beyond Zhang Jian's expectation.

Therefore, he now puts the opportunity to deal with this kid on the mission.

At the moment, I don’t want to put any more obstacles on this kid.

But he let the other party go temporarily, but they didn't let him go!

Looking at the dark playground, Zhang Jian looked at Chen Xin'an with a look of sorrow and anger and shouted:

"Chen, what do you want to do?"

Chen Xin'an grinned, lowered her head and looked at him and said, "Whatever you want to do, I will do.

I'm just cooperating with you!

Zhang Jian!

Instructor Zhang!

Team Leader Zhang!

I'm going to make you think hard about how to deal with me. Why don't I be more generous and give you a chance to deal with me face to face!

There is no one here, it is so far away from the camp, and no one else knows what you are doing!

What I hate the most is people stabbing me in the back.

Therefore, it is better for me to be betrayed at critical moments in the future.

It’s better for me to remove this hidden danger now!

Do you think what I said is right? "

Zhang Ji'an's heart trembled, how could this guy know my inner thoughts?

Looking at Chen Xin'an's fierce eyes in the darkness, Zhang Jian felt a sense of fear for no reason.

He coughed twice and said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, I don't understand what you are talking about.

Every newcomer who comes to Montenegro Tigers will undergo such a test. You are not special! "

"Hey!" Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, looked at him sideways and asked:

“Everyone goes through it?

Is this a test?

Who stipulated it?


Who do you think you are, testing your colleagues on behalf of the Montenegrin Tiger?

Do you really think that if you are called team leader, you will really become a leading cadre?

If you want to test others, do you have the ability and qualifications?

Come on, there's no one here now, and you don't have to be afraid of embarrassment.

Get up and let me test you.

Again, you decide the question.

But I’ve set a time, it’s tonight, it’s now! "

Zhang Jian sat on the ground, raised his head, and looked at Chen Xin'an for a long time in the darkness.

Finally, he lowered his head and said, "Instructor Chen, I was wrong!"

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