Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1223 This word is so funny when you say it

A man can bend and stretch.

My current physical condition is not suitable for a head-on confrontation with this boy.

Temporary forbearance is only for better revenge in the future.

Let this kid be proud for a few days, and then settle the score slowly.

Three months, no rush.

Chen Xin'an lowered her head, looked at Zhang Jian sitting on the ground, sneered coldly, and said with disdain: "The Zhang family in Kyoto? Haha, that's all!"

Clapping his hands, Chen Xin'an put his hands in his pockets, whistled and turned around to leave.

Zhang Jian limped back to his dormitory and lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face.

Looking at his embarrassed self in the bathroom mirror, he punched the mirror hard.

He gritted his teeth and shouted, "Chen Xin'an!"

"Tsk! Tsk!"

There was a sudden sound from behind. Zhang Jian was startled and turned around suddenly.

Then he saw Chen Xin'an sitting on the chair with a majestic look, looking at him and curling his lips.

“I didn’t expect Officer Zhang to be such a person.

I like calling my name in front of the mirror in the bathroom!

I'm getting goosebumps, okay?

You pervert, if you dare to secretly call me my name again, I will pull out your tongue! "

Zhang Jian looked horrified, glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "How did you get in?

Who let you in?

What do you want to do in my room?

Get out of here! "

Chen Xin'an scolded him with disdain: "Don't talk to me like this.

You are not a pretty girl!

You can let people into my room but I can't come to yours?

Let me tell you, even if you have a combination lock on your door, it can't stop me.

I can enter this room whenever I want. Can you stop me?

Be careful, maybe one day I am idle and bored, and while you are asleep in the middle of the night, the cat will come in, pull the quilt over you, and beat you up! "

If that scene really happened, it would be terrifying to think about it!

Who is not afraid of this kind of thing?

In the middle of the night, someone suddenly stood next to the bed. Without saying a word, he put the quilt over the head of the person on the bed. Before he woke up, he received a violent beating!

When the abuser left, he didn't know who had beaten him.

If he was stabbed again, he would die in a daze!

The key is that Chen Xin'an, a bitch, can do such a thing!

Zhang Jian's face turned pale, he looked at Chen Xin'an in fear and cursed: "What on earth do you want to do?!"

Chen Xin'an shrugged, looked at him and said, "You said I can't disturb everyone's rest.

I listen to the team leader and only disturb your rest.

It's okay, just come over and see if you're asleep?

Ready to wake you up to pee!

By the way, I want to ask you something. How many unconscionable things have you done for Zhang Jihai? "

Zhang Jian's expression changed, he glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "What do you mean?

Don't think that just because you were sent by the chief, you can have no military discipline!

This is the Montenegrin Tiger Special Forces, not a place for you to bend the law for personal gain! "

"Haha!" Chen Xin'an smiled contemptuously, looked at him sideways and said:

"Zhang Jian, the word "selfish and perverting the law for personal gain" comes out of your mouth. It's so ridiculous!"

He stood up from the chair, walked slowly to Zhang Jian, looked at him and said:

"You'd better answer me honestly.

As a person, I have never been someone who just laughs and writes it off when someone targets me.

If people respect me a foot, I will give them a foot in return!

If anyone bullies me, I will send him to his grave!

Zhang Jian, don’t think that because you are the instructor of the Black Mountain Tiger, no one dares to touch you.

Since you found me, Chen Xin'an, I will check you out.

If the Zhang family dares to extend its claws here, you will do a lot of shameful things behind your back.

Even if you are the team leader, I can make you die like a coward and ruin your reputation! "

Zhang Jian looked at Chen Xin'an with a livid face, gritted his teeth and said:

"I, Zhang Jian, have been with the Montenegrin Tigers for so many years, and I have a clear conscience!

I admit that I targeted you because of the Zhang family.

But you cannot question my sense of mission and honor as a soldier.

And the sense of responsibility as a Black Mountain Tiger instructor! "

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said calmly: "It's best to do what you said.

If I find out that you are bending the law for personal gain, the consequences will never be what you imagined! "

Yawning, Chen Xin'an patted his mouth, turned around and said:

"I'm going to bed!

Zhang Jian, I know you are not convinced and want to kill me now.

Don't worry, I'll give you a chance.

Because that's my chance too! "

He turned around, glanced at Zhang Jian with a half-smile, then slammed the door and walked away!

Zhang Jian was still standing at the door of the bathroom, his face turning blue and white.

For the first time in his life, he felt afraid of someone!

This night, I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to!

He was lying on the bed tossing and turning. He was obviously exhausted to the extreme, but he just couldn't fall asleep!

It wasn't until early in the morning, when the sky was dark, that he fell into a drowsy sleep.

But just after squinting for a while, there was a bang-dong-dong sound coming from the door!

What the hell...

Zhang Jian, who was suddenly awakened, even had the intention of killing people.

He stared at a pair of red eyes and shouted at the door: "Chen, are you done yet?"

Cai Yinfo's panicked shouts came from the door, shouting: "Team leader, get up quickly, something big happened to the new training team!"

New training team?

Zhang Jian's mind hadn't turned around yet, and he looked confused.

But the next second, he suddenly sat up from the bed.

He stumbled to the door, unlocked the latch, and let Cai Yinfo in.

"What did you say?" Zhang Jian looked at the other party with wide eyes.

Cai Yinfo's face turned pale, and he gasped and said to Zhang Jian: "The night shift sentry brought Xu Ning back from outside the camp.

Xu Ning was seriously injured and said that the new training team encountered a wave of wolves in Moshan and was trapped in Tianhou Peak! "

Zhang Jian's eyes darkened and he almost fell to the ground.

Cai Yinfo quickly stepped forward to support him.

Zhang Jian gritted his teeth and asked, "Where is Xu Ning?"

Cai Yinfo quickly said: "It has been sent to the team doctor!"

"Wait while I change clothes and come together!" Zhang Jian turned around, walked quickly to the bed, opened the bedside table and took out a set of camouflage uniforms.

In the special team clinic, Tang Qianqian threw the tampon soaked in blood into the trash can and said to Tang Peng and political commissar Meng Jianjun who came after hearing the news:

“I can only help him stop the bleeding now, but there is no way to remove the snake venom.

We don't have antidote serum here.

So we can only send him to the Military General Hospital by helicopter!


Tang Peng asked anxiously: "But what?"

Tang Qianqian said helplessly: "But he can't hold on anymore!

The poison attacks his heart, and his life is hanging by a thread now.

Moving it back and forth would hasten his death! "


Tang Peng punched the wall and cursed with red eyes: "Our children are all good soldiers, how could they die under the claws of these beasts and poisonous insects!"

Meng Jianjun said in a deep voice: "Old Tang, don't be anxious! Qianqian, is there no other way?"

Tang Qianqian shook her head, sighed and said, "Unless we detoxify him first!

But the conditions are restrictive and there is nothing I can do!

As long as he can protect his heartbeat and prevent his heart from being poisoned, he can survive!


Tang Qianqian was originally feeling very guilty and disappointed.

But suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she said with a look of surprise: "Oh, I was just worried, how could I forget him?"

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun looked at each other, looked at her strangely and asked, "Who have you forgotten? Who are you talking about?"

Tang Qianqian said excitedly: "Chen Xin'an! Only he can save Xu Ning's life!"


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