Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1229: Give Lord Dragon a call

A forced march lasted more than six hours.

As Bian Hu raised his hand, everyone stopped.

Take a break, eat something and replenish your energy before moving on.

Bian Hu took out the march map and placed it on the ground.

After chewing a mouthful of compressed biscuits, he said to Zhang Jian: "We are at this position now.

We'll go east later, so go to the deep pool first.

It takes about three or four hours.

Then head north from Deep Pool to Skyhook Peak.

Take a detour here and go to the cliff behind.

It's five o'clock in the afternoon now. If everything goes well, we can make it to Wolong Valley under Yidao Cliff in the early morning! "

Bian Hu pointed at the mineral water bottle and took a big sip, and said in a deep voice: "Rest in Wolong Valley until dawn, and then we will climb the mountain!

After rescuing the person, return the same way! "

Zhang Jian's brows furrowed, he clicked on the map and said, "In this area, there is a stream from the deep pool to the foot of Tianhout Peak.

It is the place we must pass.

It is also a place where wild beasts gather.

So this road is not easy to walk, it is very dangerous!

It will definitely slow down our progress.

Our weapons and ammunition should be used as much as possible at this time, it may be a bloody battle! "

Everyone looked resolute and nodded.

Zhang Jian turned his head and glanced at Chen Xin'an, who was talking to Tang Qianqian, with a vague look in his eyes.

Tang Qianqian frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor Chen, please take a rest!

You already have enough stuff on you, why did you pick so many herbs?

Aren't you tired of carrying so much stuff with you? "

Chen Xin'an put the herbs into small bags, then put them into an empty backpack and pressed them tightly.

These bags and backpacks were all prepared before arriving, and now they are put to use.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to her: "Are you tired of this little thing?

I once carried three hundred kilograms of herbs all the way down the mountain and sold them to the local medicinal market, just to give Master money to buy wine!

How many pounds does this weigh now? "

Tang Qianqian pouted and said, "But I have brought a lot of trauma medicine and antidote. If you collect so much, it will be useless at all!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "It's useful!

The medicine is useful, so be prepared!

Don't worry, it won't slow me down. "

Seeing that he insisted on taking her, Tang Qianqian said nothing.

After checking the time, he said to Chen Xin'an: "It's going to be dark soon, you need to eat more.

Replenish your strength, we have to walk for a long time before we can rest. "

Chen Xin'an raised his head, but actually couldn't see the sky, and whispered to Tang Qianqian:

"It's going to rain! If you want to leave, hurry up!"

"Raining?" Tang Qianqian was stunned for a moment, then turned to Zhang Jian and said, "Captain, can you check the weather trends? Instructor Chen said it might rain!"

Zhang Jian took out the portable weather measuring instrument from the side of his backpack, took a look at it, smiled and said:

“It will be sunny for two hours, how can it rain?

The temperature is thirty-five degrees!

In this kind of weather, it’s a good thing if it really rains!

At least it’s cooler! "

Tang Qianqian turned her head and shrugged towards Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to her: "You'd better listen to me.

Your backpack is not a waterproof bag. You'd better put the medicine inside into my bag! "

Tang Qianqian quickly waved her hands and said, "How about that? You already have enough things, how can I have the nerve to trouble you!

It's okay, the captain has a weather measuring instrument, it's very accurate.

He said it won't rain within two hours, so don't worry. Maybe you were wrong. "

Chen Xin'an still wanted to persuade her, but Zhang Jian on the side said: "Doctor Tang, why don't you give our instructor Chen a chance!

If people don't say that, why would they have the nerve to be courteous to you?

Our instructor Chen is a compassionate person.

I don't want a beautiful woman like Dr. Tang to be affected and carry such heavy medicines.

So I just thought of a way to help you!

But you refused ruthlessly! "

Han Lei also smiled and said: "Maybe Instructor Chen is not trying to be attentive.

But he is really powerful, and his judgment is more accurate than the instrument!

Maybe the Dragon King is a relative of Instructor Chen?

Just make a phone call and you can make it rain from the Dragon King!

If you really have that ability, Instructor Chen can do it.

Let the Dragon King do more, it’s really going to be hot to death! "

Everyone burst into laughter.

Tang Qianqian also blushed, glared at everyone and cursed: "Don't talk nonsense, Instructor Chen is not that kind of person!"

Chen Xin'an originally wanted to say something, so she kept her mouth shut.

He curled his lips and smiled, then bent down to tighten his trouser legs and shoelaces again.

As the team continued to move forward, the forest became darker and darker, and everyone turned on their headlights.

His body was soaked with sweat and his clothes clung to his skin.

Han Lei wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Instructor Chen, has it been more than half an hour?

Why hasn't it rained yet?

You didn't call Lord Dragon?

Brothers are going to be so hot! "

Zhang Jian behind him laughed and said to him: "Instructor Chen may have forgotten Lord Dragon's phone number!"

Han Lei smiled and said: "That would be troublesome!

Going further, we reach the geomagnetic emission area.

By then the phone won’t be able to get through, and it won’t be raining anymore! "

Zhang Jian smiled and said: "It's okay, Instructor Chen can fly. When the time comes..."

Before they finished speaking, everyone suddenly felt their eyes light up, and then a thunder exploded above their heads!

The branches and leaves that were still still just now began to sway now.

Everyone looked at each other, was it really going to rain?

Before anyone could react, everyone heard a sound like sifting beans from above their heads!

Immediately afterwards, heavy rain fell from the sky, soaking everyone in the blink of an eye!

Chen Xin'an had already put on her hat in advance.

He walked up to Zhang Jian and Han Lei, who were stunned, and looked at them with contempt.

He curled his lips and cursed: "Idiot!"

Zhang Jian and Han Lei's faces were burning, as if they had been slapped.

Tang Qianqian also put on the hat and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor Chen, you are so amazing! You guessed it right!

The weather gauge didn't even detect rain. How did you guess it? "

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said calmly: "I said I can smell the moisture in the air and tell if it's raining. Do you believe it?"

"Of course I believe it!" Tang Qianqian nodded vigorously and said, "I will unconditionally believe in Mr. Chen's words from now on!"

Hearing Tang Qianqian praising Chen Xin'an, Zhang Jian felt very uncomfortable and said to her:

"Dr. Tang, don't say so much now.

Take out your raincoat quickly, don't get the medicine in your backpack wet! "

"Broken, why did I forget this!" Tang Qianqian's expression changed and she quickly took off her backpack.

Just as she was about to pull away, Chen Xin'an took her arm and said to her: "Actually, no need.

It's just a burst of rain, and it'll be over in a while! "

Tang Qianqian, who just said that she unconditionally believed in Chen Xin'an, said anxiously:

"How could it not be used?

It’s raining so hard, and it doesn’t look like I’m going to wake up anytime soon!

Instructor Chen, don't stop me, these medicines are very important and must not get wet! "

Han Lei also shouted to Chen Xin'an: "What are your intentions?

These medicines are life-saving medicine for trapped brothers!

If it gets wet in the rain, are you responsible? "

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone and let go of Tang Qianqian's arm.

Tang Qianqian immediately took off her backpack and unzipped it.

The raincoat was placed at the bottom of the backpack, held down by large and small medicine boxes.

Tang Qianqian spent a long time before she took it out. Others wanted to help, but she pushed them away.

The backpack is only so big, and the medicine inside is also very important.

She didn't dare let such a clumsy man touch her.

But before I could put on my raincoat, the rain had already stopped!

What made her even more devastated was that she insisted on unzipping her backpack to take out her raincoat, which caused rainwater to pour into her backpack.

Because many medicines are in bulk, they have been wetted by rain and cannot be used!


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