Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1230 The Slaughterhouse in the Forest

Fortunately, most medications are individually packaged.

What got wet and discarded were some anti-inflammatory drugs in paper bags.

Because the dosage is relatively large, it takes up too much space to carry boxes one by one, so paper bags are used to package them uniformly.

But now, everything has been soaked into medicinal soup.

Tang Qianqian's distressed eyes were red.

Chen Xin'an looked at her and Zhang Ji'an and Han Lei, who looked embarrassed, expressionlessly.

He curled his lips, took off his hat, and cursed disdainfully: "A bunch of idiots!"

Tang Qianqian finally burst into tears, half ashamed and half distressed.

Han Lei yelled at Chen Xin'an angrily: "If you hadn't stopped Doctor Tang from getting the raincoat and wasted time, this wouldn't have happened! You still have the nerve to curse..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly turned around and kicked him sideways, knocking him and his backpack two meters away!

Zhang Jian glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Chen Xin'an, what are you doing! He is not your enemy!"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and cursed with disdain: "My enemies? Are you worthy?

Donate your brains when they are no longer needed and give them to those in need.

If you say these retarded words to me again and do some idiotic things in the future, don’t blame me for being rude to you! "

Zhang Jian's face was ashen and he stared at Chen Xin'an, but did not dare to say anything more.

Now he vaguely feels that if he and Chen Xin'an completely break up, there won't be as many people on his side as he expected!

Han Lei was so shocked that he couldn't even speak!

That kick was so powerful, how did he do it?

As a master of climbing, his foot plate stability is top-notch among the entire Black Mountain Tigers.

But he couldn't get out with such a kick!

What's even more frightening is that even he can feel that Instructor Chen did not use his full strength in this kick, but he restrained his strength!

No wonder people come to Montenegro Tiger to be a fighting and fighting instructor.

This skill is really powerful!

Han Lei was already in awe of Chen Xin'an at this moment.

The original provocative mentality is gone!

The procession continued.

The weather in such deep mountains and old forests actually has no regularity at all.

The sun was shining brightly one second, and it might be pouring rain the next.

Moreover, the rain was pouring lightly on the left side of a big tree, but there was a light breeze and nothing on the right side.

This climate phenomenon is really common in Moshan.

The ground is covered with thick leaves, and if there is not enough rain, it will quickly seep into the ground beneath the leaves.

It won't have much impact on road conditions.

Tang Qianqian wiped her tears and followed the team.

His eyes looked at Chen Xin'an from time to time.

She has made up her mind that she will never have any objection to Chen Xin'an's words in the future.

This is a person worthy of 100% trust!

I don’t know if it was affected by the previous episode, or if everyone was already feeling tired.

The march now seemed a bit dull, and no one spoke.

Han Lei and Bian Hu are still at the front, with Zhang Jian and Tang Qianqian in the middle.

The others divided into two teams and followed each other closely. Chen Xin'an was carrying two large backpacks and wandered outside the team.

Bian Hu rolled up his sleeves, glanced at the watch on his wrist, and shook his head at Han Lei beside him.

"We have entered the geomagnetic radiation zone, and the compass has failed! Everyone, be careful!"

All the navigation instruments failed, and everyone could only rely on the things around them to locate themselves to prevent getting lost or wandering in circles in the woods.

In this way, the traveling speed will definitely drop a lot.

An hour later, Bian Hu slowed down and said to Han Lei beside him:

"I think it's a bit off. At this time, we should be near the deep pool.

But it doesn't look like there is a pool here. "

Han Lei nodded.

Everyone from Black Mountain Tigers has been to Deep Water Pool, which is also a must-visit place for training.

This is a pool formed by mountain springs.

The mountain spring falling from a high place will form a not too big waterfall.

But the sound of the waterfall can be heard from a distance of a hundred meters.

But now, there is nothing around except the cry of the night owl.

Therefore, the heavy rain just now may have caused everyone to deviate from the original direction.

Han Lei put down his backpack and said to Zhang Jian: "Captain, let me go up and take a look!"

Zhang Jian nodded and said, "Okay, be careful!"

"Yes!" Han Lei responded, turned around and ran to a big tree.

Immediately afterwards, he held the tiger-tooth knife in his mouth, used his hands and feet together, and began to climb the tree quickly, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

Five minutes later, Han Lei slid down from above and said to Zhang Jian: "The North Star is at three o'clock. We are a little off. Now go in this direction!"

He raised his right arm and pointed forward to the left. Zhang Jian nodded and said, "Okay, keep going!"

Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice: "Wait a moment!"

Bian Hu immediately stopped.

Han Lei took a deep breath and said cautiously: "Instructor Chen, do you think I pointed in the wrong direction?"

He doesn't dare to be as cool as before now.

So even asking questions is cautious.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to him: "The direction should be correct?

But can we go around it?

I'm afraid it will be dangerous to go there directly! "

"Danger?" Tang Qianqian looked at Chen Xin'an strangely and said, "Instructor Chen, what did you find?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and whispered: "I smell a rotten smell and the smell of blood!"

Everyone shrugged their noses and looked confused. Why didn't I smell it?

Zhang Jian chuckled and said: "Instructor Chen should rarely stay in this kind of primitive forest, right?

In fact, this smell is quite normal.

The smell of dead animals and rotting branches and leaves, that's it.

So we need to go to an open area or a place with water before dawn.

Otherwise, the miasma in the forest can poison people to death! "

Chen Xin'an stopped talking, Zhang Ji'an waved his hands to everyone, and the team continued to move forward.

After walking for about thirty minutes, Bian Hu and Han Lei stopped at the same time.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Jian asked them.

Han Lei turned around, looked at him with a horrified expression and said, "It smells like this!"

Everyone smelled an unpleasant smell, which became stronger the further they walked!

It was the smell of rotting and fermented animal carcasses, which made people feel nauseous and dizzy after smelling it!

Zhang Ji'an was horrified in his heart. Is this the smell Chen Xin'an mentioned before?

But he smelled it half an hour earlier than everyone else!

Does this guy have a dog nose?

"Wear a gas mask!" Zhang Jian ordered.

Luckily it was well equipped.

But this kind of weather is already extremely hot.

You can imagine how uncomfortable it would be if you had to wear a gas mask!

But there is no way, if you don’t wear it, everyone will stop moving forward!

After walking for another twenty minutes, Bian Hu and Han Lei stopped.

Under the headlights, everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

The woods were full of dead beasts.

Most were wolves, and some were from other animals.

They all died in extremely miserable ways, some even had their heads smashed, but most of them were killed by bullets!

Blood and brains were scattered all over the ground and tree trunks, turning the place into a disgusting slaughterhouse, with almost no room to stand!

In such weather, the body would have bloated or rotted.

Even wearing a gas mask, the stench could not be completely concealed and penetrated everyone's noses.

Chen Xin'an's lips moved, as if she was eating.

Zhang Jian glanced at him and gave him a thumbs up.

Now I am afraid that I will spit it out when I open my mouth.

Fortunately, this master still has the appetite to eat!

Just based on this, I can’t accept it!


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