Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1280 After doing this for a long time, you are just a flute player

Now, many of the doubts in Chen Xin'an's stomach have been solved.

Why does the Ten Thousand Wolf Tide appear?

It was this group of people who deliberately attracted it in order to escape from the northern border.

At that time, in order to deal with this huge wolf tide, the Snow Mountain Wolf will definitely not be able to worry about them, so that they can leave the country smoothly.

I just didn't expect to be dragged down by one of Chuanyunlong's combat squads.

As a result, they did not arrive at the northern border on time.

It also caused the wolf tide to get out of control, and it went all the way south and rushed into the Desert Mountain!

This group of people lost this opportunity and were unfortunately trapped in the desert forest.

Fortunately, the group of people who reached Guanbei first saw that their companions behind them did not follow, and they also knew that they were trapped in the desert forest.

Immediately notify the arranged escort to send people to Moshan to meet these mercenaries.

These people have power in Guanbei and can get guns. They are definitely a fatal blow to the five pursuers who have run out of ammunition and food.

Therefore, the addition of the Spear Club instantly turned the victorious Tianping towards the group of mercenaries.

Three people were injured and captured. Hao Jiayong and Wu Zhenjun have been fighting guerrillas.

They were running out of ammunition and food, unable to rescue their teammates, but they didn't dare to leave, otherwise the four captured people would be lost!

And they couldn’t leave even if they wanted to.

I haven't found a way out yet, I've been wandering around here, like walking through a maze.

If they hadn't met Chen Xin'an, it is estimated that these two people would have been captured, or died here directly!

Chen Xin'an would not get lost here because Zhang Jian and Bian Hu had already taught him the unique claw marks of the Montenegrin tiger when he entered the forest for the first time.

He was originally an extremely smart person and could learn everything at once.

Moreover, I have grown up in the deep mountains and old forests since I was a child, so I am very familiar with this environment, and I naturally understand it much faster than others.

At this moment, a wolf howl suddenly sounded in the forest!

In fact, desert wolves are not a rare thing in the forest, and it is normal for wolves to howl.

But the wolf howl now is very strange, as if it is very frequent, it will howl every ten seconds, the sound is long and short, like a secret signal!

Hao Jiayong's expression changed, he pushed Chen Xin'an and said: "It's the Inca in camouflage uniform!

He will imitate the cry of wolves, attract other wolves, and then direct those wolves to surround us!

The previous injury was caused by this! "

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, glanced at Hao Jiayong in disbelief and said, "Are you sure it was the Inca in camouflage uniform who called you?"

Hao Jiayong nodded vigorously and said, "That's him! I called him in person!"

"Haha!" Chen felt happy!

Could it be that the Inca is the Inca animal expert Wolf King who is the main culprit of the wolf tide?

But why didn't he control the wolves in the north instead of running to the back of the team?

Hao Jiayong even doubted whether this guy had any mental problems.

It’s okay for you to challenge a dozen opponents alone.

Now I meet a terrifying opponent who can attract wolves, and I actually laugh out loud...

Do you think this is fun?

Montenegro Tiger, this fighting instructor, is really good, but he has a flaw in his brain!

He took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor Chen, leave quickly!

Those wolves have very sharp noses, they can find you even if you are hiding in a tree!

If the opponent has a gun, it's useless no matter how high you climb! "

Chen Xin'an grinned, patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, as long as it's not a wolf tide, there's no need to be afraid!

I've been looking for this person for a long time!

Unexpectedly, he delivered it to the door himself.

Okay, now that you're here, don't leave! "

The howling of wolves in the jungle began to intensify, as if more and more wolves were attracted by the howling just now and responded.

A pair of blue eyes lit up in the dark night, and Hao Jiayong said nervously: "Instructor Chen, don't be careless! You go first, don't worry about me!"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "You don't need to be nervous anymore. Isn't it just a wolf howling? It's like no one can do it!"

Hao Jiayong watched helplessly as Chen Xin'an used a branch to swing to another tree, squatted on the branch, put his hands to his mouth, and looked up to the sky and howled!


Hao Jiayong was a little confused.

Is this a monkey or a wolf?

The key is that his howl is similar to that of a wolf, and the wolves that appear actually flinch.

He was wandering in the forest with a pair of blue eyes, not daring to come forward!

The Incas wearing camouflage uniforms did not expect that they could meet people who understood the language of beasts in the jungles of China.

He has been dealing with wolves all his life, and now that he meets his opponent, he will naturally not give in easily!

Chen Xin'an shouted, and he also shouted.

Both of them wanted the wolves to obey their command, so the wolves surrounding them didn't even dare to bark, but just ran back and forth, seemingly in a dilemma.

Fight with me?

The Inca became angry and took out a bamboo flute from his body.

Do you think I can only drive away wolves?

All the animals in this forest are my slaves!

He opened his mouth and put the bamboo flute into his mouth.

Just as he was about to blow the whistle, there was a sudden sharp pain on his face, and his left eye was instantly pierced by a steel needle!


The Inca threw away his bamboo flute and screamed.

Chen Xin'an didn't know when she had arrived on top of his head and threw several steel needles at him!

After a successful blow, Chen Xin'an jumped down from the tree, slipped on his feet, and stepped on the bamboo flute.


Chen Xin'an stepped on the bamboo flute and crushed it to pieces, then scolded with a cold scoff: "It took me a long time to do this, it's just a flute player!"

Just as he was about to grab the Inca's shoulder, his eyes instantly shrank and his body violently twisted to the side.


The big tree behind him was hit by bullets and splattered with sawdust.

Chen Xin'an ran quickly, and the bullets were like a rainstorm, chasing after him!

Several gunmen from the Lancers held rifles and fired wildly at Chen Xin'an.

One person opened his mouth wide and screamed loudly: "Come out! I will beat you to death! You are not very..."

Before he could finish his words, he felt as if he had been kicked hard in the face. He shook his shoulders violently, took two steps back, and lowered his head to look at his chest.

Blood seeped out of his clothes. The bullet did not penetrate his body, but it was enough to kill him!


The gunman fell to the ground heavily!

"There is a sniper! Be careful!" The gunman next to him was startled and quickly dispersed.

As soon as a person hid behind a tree, a spear whizzed over, stabbed him through with a thud, and nailed him to the tree behind him!

He could feel his life passing by quickly, and in his drowsiness, a black shadow appeared silently in front of him.

The opponent grabbed the barrel of the gun with one hand, and then shook it.

With a pop, the spear was pulled away, and he instantly fell into endless nothingness and darkness.

On the tree branch, Hao Jiayong almost threw his gun away in anger!

The Incas copied everything, but this performance is really not good!

The single shot stuck even when connected, the rifle was made like a toy, and the recoil was ridiculously large!

With his accuracy of ten shots and ninety-eight rounds at 100 meters, the shot just now was originally aimed at the heart and penetrated the soul.

Unexpectedly, it missed the target!

If it were a hit on the head, it would probably miss the target!

Who the hell dares to believe this?

Fortunately, his adaptability is also super strong, and he still has bullets, so he can adjust slowly.

After firing several shots and killing another gunman, he gradually mastered the gun's ballistics and became accurate.

In the woods below, Chen Xin'an had already killed five people!

With a bang, sparks flew everywhere!

Chen Xin'an exchanged a shot with a gunman from the spear club in front of him, who was also a master of spear skills.

With a flick of the gun, the opponent's spear moved out like a poisonous snake and stabbed Chen Xin'an in the throat!

At the same time, two members of the Spear Club nearby also attacked from the left and right, and the spear heads went straight to Chen Xin'an's ribs!


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