Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1281 With a gun in my hand, I own the world

Surrounded by three spears, this battle is impossible to fight!

Chen Xin'an put away the spear in her hand, turned around and ran away.

The gunman who was confronting him sneered coldly.

I just knew you would run!

Play with guns with me?

I learned to shoot when I was three years old, who do you think I am?

Still want to run in front of me?

Can you run?

He raised his gun and stabbed forward. He took two steps to catch up and stopped suddenly.

Chen Xin'an, who had turned around to run, suddenly shook his arm, and the spear suddenly came in front of him from back to front.

Before he could react, it stabbed into his throat with a pop!

Back carbine!

At this moment, the two auxiliary gunmen on the left and right also stabbed Chen Xin'an through with their spears!

The two were overjoyed.

Although the companion was stabbed to death with a single shot, if the enemy was also stabbed to death, then it would not be a loss!

But the man who had obviously been pierced and should not be able to move anymore suddenly flicked his wrist and pulled back the spear that penetrated his companion's throat, bringing out a large cloud of blood mist!

The two gunmen instantly felt that something was wrong!

Before they could react, the opponent suddenly swiped his gun from left to right!

The two of them were in front of each other, and were hit hard in the chest by the gun barrel!


The two of them opened their mouths and spat out a mouthful of blood. Their bodies flew out and fell heavily to the ground!

Chen Xin'an raised his hands, and two long spears, one on the left and one on the right, pierced the clothes under his armpits and even scratched his skin.

But compared to these three opponents, this injury is simply negligible!

A gunman on the ground put his hand behind his back and raised his rifle.

Before he could pull the trigger, Chen Xin'an used the spear as a javelin and threw it hard!

With a pop, he stabbed him through the whole body and nailed him to the ground!

The other man got up and turned around to run away. Chen Xin'an raised a spear from the ground with a tip of his toes, then rushed over and stabbed him in the front!

The tip of the spear penetrated the man's back and chest.

Chen Xin'an lifted up the man with a strong movement of both hands and lifted him up in front of him!

boom! boom! boom!

The gunfire rang out, and the gunman who was pierced by the spear trembled, his mouth bled, and he died on the spot!

The butcher and Powell came out from behind the tree with pistols in their hands. They fired while roaring with red eyes:

"You must have taken it! Where did you hide it? Take it back and give it to me!"

A corpse cannot stop bullets from both directions.

Chen Xin'an swung the spear to the side, turned around and threw himself behind a big tree.

Powell was shocked!

Seeing a dead man with seven holes bleeding flying toward him, he screamed strangely and turned around to avoid it.

But while the butcher was shooting, he wanted Chen Xin'an to chase after him!

He's like crazy now!

He killed the man who was loading the goods with his own hands.

He has been injured and his physical condition has become very bad.

If you take him with you, you won't be able to avoid the pursuit of those Chinese soldiers.

So he cut his companion's neck without hesitation and without any psychological burden.

This was meant to relieve him!

What I did was a good thing!

After so much effort, so many people died.

Blackstone has never made such a costly move in the past.

But as long as these goods are taken out, everything will be worth it.

Unexpectedly, the goods disappeared!

I finally found the big stone and dug out the body where the goods were hidden, but all the original stones in my stomach were missing!

The body had been reburied, the belly had been opened and not sutured, and all the stones inside were missing.

There is only this guy here whose origin is unknown, and he is the most suspicious. He must have taken it away!

Without these goods, this mission would be a total loss!

The most important thing is that even the boss will not let them go!

Even if you go back, it will be a dead end!

Chen Xin'an ran like a ghost in the woods, hiding from the butcher's bullets under the cover of night and trees.

Compared to the gunmen of the Spear Club, these two mercenaries are much more difficult to deal with!

Chen Xin'an is not afraid of anyone in close combat, but these two guys won't give you a chance to get close at all!

Only when a gun is in their hands can it be considered a real killer weapon.

Compared with them, the gunmen from the Spear Club are like kindergarten kids when it comes to playing with guns!

Whether it's speed or accuracy, there's no difference!

Therefore, the only way to avoid their shooting is to move quickly and constantly change your position.

Then look for opportunities to fight head-to-head with them!


There was another gunshot above the head, and a gunman who was standing in the dark and wanted to sneak attack Chen Xin'an tilted his head and fell to the ground!

The next second, Powell pointed his gun at the tree and shot!

boom! boom!

Two gunshots rang out almost simultaneously, and Powell swayed and took two steps back.

His right arm hung down, and blood flowed down the sleeve to his hand, and then dripped to the ground.

With a pop, a man fell from the tree.

Chen Xin'an felt nervous when he heard Hao Jiayong's weak voice coming from behind the big tree: "I'm fine!"

Chen Xin'an felt relieved and shouted: "Want the rough stone? Then come to me!"

Lao Jin, a man with glasses, hid behind a tree and shouted in a foreign language: "The things are on him! Mr. Butcher, he admitted that he took those goods!"

The butcher put on a new magazine, stared at the direction where Chen Xin'an was speaking, and said to everyone:

"Everyone concentrates their firepower to deal with this person first, but let him breathe!"

Chen Xin'an shouted loudly: "Come on, come on! I have a gun in my hand, and I have the world! I'm afraid of you!"

The butcher fired twice at the place where he was speaking.

The other side's provocative voice came from over there: "I can't hit you! I just can't hit you! I'll make you so angry!"

The butcher roared like a beast, yelling and rushing over!

He also saw that the other party didn't seem to know how to use a gun.

Regardless of whether it is a rifle or a pistol, even if it falls in front of you, the opponent will not pick it up.

Instead, he was very interested in these cold weapons.

Stupid Chinese warrior!

No matter how good you are at sword and kung fu, it can't compare to guns!

As long as I don't get close to you, your life will always be within the range of my bullets!

He gritted his teeth and rushed towards the man!

Qu Tianlin and Lao Jin looked at each other, and with a cruel heart, they asked the gunmen from the Spear Club to follow closely and form a circle around Chen Xin'an!

To be honest, Qu Tianlin wants to back down now!

Who is that guy?

It can howl like a wolf and jump like a monkey.


King of the forest, right?

What’s even more terrifying is that his kung fu is so terrifying!

Fighting at close quarters is like being invincible!

In just a short time, seven or eight people on my side died!

There are not many people who can fight anymore!

But he also knew that these foreigners were all mercenaries.

All of them are cruel and ruthless.

After collecting the money and failing to accomplish anything, you abandoned them and ran away. Then you will be waiting to be retaliated by these people in the future!

The spear knows how to recognize money but not people, and there is no such thing as loyalty or credit.

But if it can bring disaster to themselves, they still won't do it.

The black market company is something they can't afford to offend. If they dare to offend these people, all the members of their spear guild will be killed in seconds!

There is no way, even if you know that the opponent is terrifyingly powerful, you still have to rush forward.

The worst thing you can do is be more alert, don't rush to the front, and hide when you see something is not going well!

The gunmen left, and shouts and curses resounded in the forest, getting farther and farther away.

Hao Jiayong gritted his teeth and clenched the gun in his hand.

He knew that Instructor Chen deliberately lured the enemy away to protect his safety!

We are strangers just because we are all soldiers.

This instructor, whom I just met today, bears all the risks on his own.

Leave more chances of survival to him!

Hao Jiayong has already remembered this kindness in his heart!

He tried to stand up despite his injuries, but his body suddenly stiffened.

Someone is nearby, watching him, and his murderous intent is revealed!


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