Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1323 Are you plotting how to deal with me?

Looking at the new broken end of the tree, everyone had a question in their mind.

How did he do it?

Is this still a human?

The black bears in the forest don't have such great strength, okay?

Chen Xinan waved his hand and said to everyone: "Do you think I am being polite to you?

Actually, I am serious.

After you leave, I have no worries and can give full play to my abilities!

The forest is my home ground. I grew up in the mountains since I was a child.

So I know how to use all the terrain advantages to fight.

What I used to deal with were all beasts in the mountains, which were much more cruel than humans!

So you don't need to worry about me.

I won't stay too long. The other side has about twenty people. I need at most one day and one night.

No matter what the result is, I will appear in Moshan Park the day after tomorrow morning!"

"Sure?" Zhu Shanluo looked directly into Chen Xinan's eyes and asked.

Chen Xinan nodded and said, "Sure!"

Zhu Shanluo took a deep breath and said to everyone: "Everyone, form a team and set off immediately! The target is Guanbei Moshan Park!"

Everyone stopped talking nonsense and obeyed the order to form a team.

The injured comrades who couldn't walk were carried by everyone in turn.

There were also three gunmen from the Long Spear Club who wanted to escape, but when they saw Chen Xin'an kicking the tree, they had no other thoughts and followed the team obediently.

Bian Hu ran over and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, I know you are not used to using guns. Take these things!"

He took out four grenades from his body and hung them on Chen Xin'an himself.

Others also took off their grenades and wanted to give them to Chen Xin'an, but he refused.

"Okay, I only need five!

With grenades all over my body, I am a walking bomb.

One bullet can make me die without a hair left!

And too many ding-dongs affect my movement!"

When everyone heard this, they had to give up.

Chen Xinan waved to everyone, then nodded to Zhu Shanluo, patted his shoulder and said:

"Leave it to you, let's go!

The three wolf kings have started to meet, they will come back soon!

I still need to prepare here!"

Zhu Shanluo nodded and waved to everyone: "Let's go!"

Chen Xinan turned around and was about to leave when he suddenly heard Zhu Shanluo behind him shouting: "Boss!"

He turned around.

Everyone faced him, and then with a snap, they saluted him at the same time!

Chen Xinan also returned a standard salute to everyone, then nodded and watched everyone disappear into the dense forest.

Relieved, Chen Xinan completely solved a worry.

Now he is the only one left here, facing the three famous wolf kings on the border, and their twenty jungle wolf mercenaries.

One to twenty-three.

No, I just solved three more, it should be one to twenty.

There is no tension on Chen Xinan's face, but excitement.

I heard you were quite arrogant just now!

You chased my comrades to hunt alone?

Now I will show you what real hunting is!

You want to play jungle warfare with me?

It depends on whether you are qualified!

Lubinhan, who was squatting at Jiguan Peak, has entered Moshan and soon met up with Migolen.

Tugrev also found the two of them, and the three wolf kings finally gathered together.

"You are injured!" Lubinhan said to Tugrev with gloating:

"I said you are old, Xionglang, but you still don't admit it!

Just a few Chinese special forces injured you?"

"Shut up, Greedy Wolf!" Tugrev wiped the blood that kept flowing down his face, and then slapped himself in the face in annoyance.

Then he touched the wound with his hand, dug his fingernails into the flesh, and pulled out the needle tips of two sections of the steel needle.

It was just two needle-sized wounds, but he even dug out some of the flesh.

It turned into two small flesh holes, which looked scary!

He seemed to feel nothing, and grabbed a handful of grass from the tree next to him and stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed it for a few times, spit the grass residue on his hands, and then smeared it on his wound.

Then he said to everyone with a gloomy face: "I met a Chinese Kung Fu master! I was injured by him!"

Lu Binhan's mouth turned into an o, and he pressed Tuglev in disbelief and asked:

"You mean, it was not the Chinese special forces who injured you, but a person?"

Tuglev nodded with cold eyes.

Lubinhan wanted to laugh at him, but heard Migolen beside him say:

"It seems that we met the same person!

He is like a ghost, shuttling through the jungle.

Strong and erratic!

He was right in front of me and killed Jonathan!

He also killed three of my brothers and injured five people!

I have sworn to my brothers that I will catch him with my own hands!

I will cut off his limbs and see how he can turn into a ghost!"

Lubinhan showed a very interested look on his face, shook his head and smiled:

"I didn't expect that there is such a master in the Chinese military, who can make both of you suffer a great loss!

To be honest, I haven't seen Xionglang injured for many years!

Just for this reason, I want to make friends with that guy!


I think he should run away now, right?"

Tugref said with a gloomy face: "They have wounded and can't run far!

Since there is no news about Grev and Horton, the whereabouts of the raw stone should be with these Chinese people!

Don't let any of them escape!

We must find the raw stone as soon as possible and hand it over to Mr. Yu.

If we can't get these things, the experiment next month cannot be completed.

The loss will be too great, and we may lose funding for a whole year or even two or three years!"

Lu Binhan grinned, looked at his two companions with cold eyes and said: "Don't worry, the prey has been bitten, and they will not let them run away!

Leave that Chinese master to me, You just need to destroy that special forces team 5! "

"No, I will kill him with my own hands! Don't argue with me!" Tugrev showed a cruel look on his face, licked his lips, and said gloomily:

"No one can offend Xionglang!

I will let him know how much it costs to make me bleed!"

Migolen shook his head, looked at Tugrev and said: "I said I would torture him slowly.

So Xionglang, you can't let him die too easily!

Let's rely on our own abilities. Whoever can catch him can control his life!"

Tugrev and Lubinhan looked at each other and were about to speak, but a shrill scream came from not far away!

A mercenary was shot in the left eye, the arrow came out from the back of his head, and he fell on his back and died!

A man laughed loudly from the tree: "You three big rats, are you discussing how to deal with me?

You can't say a word, I can't understand you.

But I can guess that you are discussing who will die first, right?

Don't be polite, just go together!

I am famous for my good heart, I will send you to see God together!"

The faces of the three wolf kings changed!

Is this man really a ghost?

The first sentence was still from the left, and the second sentence ran to the right!

How did he move so fast?

The mercenaries around started shooting at the place where the sound came from.

The three wolf kings were shocked.

This guy can find them, and he took the initiative to find them!

Doesn't he know that he is facing the three wolf kings who are famous and feared by the military circles of various countries?

They are the kings of mercenaries!

They are super dangerous people who have been surrounded and suppressed by many countries with armies of hundreds of thousands of people, but they can still escape safely!


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