Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1324 I want him to never dare to come to me in his next life

Feeling the mercenaries chasing after them like mad dogs, Chen Xin'an on the tree showed a sneer.

Using the metal wire in the cloth bag, he made a simple bow.

I took the time to sharpen twenty arrows. I just tried it out and found that the strength was okay, but the accuracy was a bit off.

It was originally meant to be shot directly in the heart, but I didn't expect to shoot someone in the eyeball!

There is no other way. I won't be able to find any materials to make arrow feathers for a while.

Therefore, it is impossible to grasp the flight path of the arrow and control the accuracy.

This means that within a distance of twenty meters, he can only guarantee to hit someone.

As for where to hit, that's up to chance.

A distance of twenty meters is enough in the jungle!

It seemed that he had really angered these three wolf kings.

Chen Xin'an could feel that the enemies were already out in force, chasing him closely behind him!

It was Tugreev who reacted first and shouted to everyone: "Don't waste bullets, he is deliberately consuming our ammunition!"

They all know how difficult it is to bring these firearms into China.

Fortunately, Mr. Yu helped, otherwise, no matter how powerful they were, they would have no guns to use!

The Wolf King without a gun is just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and cannot compete with any special forces team in China!

So their guns and ammunition are limited.

You can't use bullets to create an airtight line of defense like foreign countries, leaving the enemy nowhere to hide!

If the firearm on your body runs out of bullets, it will become a fire stick, and it will be cumbersome to hold it!

Chen Xin'an sneered when he heard that the gunshots were getting thinner, but the pursuers did not decrease.

Not stupid at all.

Just a mercenary who doesn't dare to shoot, isn't that a target?

You don’t need to practice archery skills. I’m sorry that I wasted more than a dozen branches to make a bow that I was satisfied with this material!


From the dense branches and leaves, an arrow suddenly shot out,

Before a mercenary could react, the tip of the arrow smashed through his front teeth, forcefully entered his mouth, and then penetrated the back of his neck with a splat!

"Damn!" Chen Xin'an shook his head. The arrow was still aimed at the heart, but it actually hit the person's mouth!

The mysterious flight path is impossible to control.

Therefore, you can only shoot the enemy at close range. If it is more than twenty meters away, you may not even be able to touch their hair.

After shooting an arrow, Chen Xin'an quickly left his position.

Sure enough, as if in retaliation, more intensive gunshots were fired than before.

Bullets rained down, covering a large area, and the gunshots were mixed with the roars of countless people!

Chen Xin'an huddled up behind a thick branch. He felt that the bullet was right in front of him, and it penetrated into the trunk of the tree!

Splashing sawdust hit his face, and even wooden thorns stabbed his face and neck directly, causing blood to flow out.

But Chen Xin'an didn't care about this at all. He closed his eyes and listened to the trajectory of the bullets, then found the shooting gap and evacuated quickly!

"Damn!" Rubingham held the rifle, emptied all the magazines, and cursed through gritted teeth: "I'm going to kill him! I'm going to tear him into pieces!"

The mercenary who was killed by an arrow was one of the five people he brought with him, and was not far away from him.

He even sensed the danger before he was hit by the arrow.

It's just that the other party was too fast and launched the attack without waiting for him to give a warning!

If this arrow was aimed at him, he would most likely be able to dodge it.

But the mercenary beside him was not so lucky, and his throat was immediately blocked by an arrow!

Now he also began to realize how Tugreev and Migolun felt about the Chinese master.

A master indeed!

It is indeed hateful!

The guy's location has been determined. If so many people shoot at the same time, he will be killed by bullets even if he is a fly, right?

As soon as the gunfire stopped, Lu Binhan shouted to the mercenaries beside him: "Find him for me!"

A group of people quickly ran around, looking for places where the enemy might be hiding.

Even if he wasn't killed, he must have been injured, right?

Since he was injured, there would definitely be blood stains.

As long as you can find traces of blood, you can track that guy down.

Then he will be unable to fly!

But everyone looked around and couldn't find a drop of blood.

The fight just now was quite lively, but it was just a farewell shot and a burst of firecrackers set off to listen to the sound?

Is that guy a human or a ghost?

How could he escape unscathed when shot by twenty rifles?

In fact, Chen Xin'an was not uninjured.

But he wasn't seriously injured.

The bullet scratched the flesh, and the blood that flowed out soaked into the clothes, but did not reach the point of dripping.

Even if you hide behind a tree branch to avoid bullets, you can't just find a big tree branch and sit back and relax.

After an attack, regardless of whether you succeed or not, the first thing to do is to leave the attacking position.

And be sure to keep distance.

It's terrible when bullets are concentrated together.

Even waist-thick branches can be broken!

So climb high, run far away, and spread the bullets.

The power is limited and it will not cover the entire area.

Coupled with Chen Xin'an's super keen sense and reaction as a master of internal energy, he was able to avoid serious injuries again and again.

But just the slightest negligence can bring unpredictable serious consequences to him, and he may even lose his life!

"I don't believe it, you are really a ghost!" Lu Binhan gritted his teeth and spat, and quickly climbed up the big tree next to him.

Like Chen Xin'an, he ran and jumped between the branches like a civet cat.

But after all, he is not Chen Xin'an. If he is a little further away, he will not use the branches to jump from one tree to another.

He could only carefully find the landing point and climb to another tree within his own jumping distance.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked under a branch that was almost broken.

At the intersection of branches, there is a trace of bright red blood!

This should be where that guy stayed just now!

Turns out he's not really a ghost, he's still hurt!

Lu Binhan showed a sinister smile and shouted to the crowd below: "Chase in that direction! He is injured and can't run too far!"

The mercenaries responded, all dispersed, and rushed forward.

Rubingham stood up on the branch and continued running forward.

There was a sudden bang, as if a huge bow was suddenly fired.

The surrounding trees trembled greatly, and Lu Binhan almost fell down when his feet slipped. Fortunately, he hugged the branches with his hands and lay on the branches again to stabilize his body.

"What's going on?" Migoron asked loudly.

A mercenary exclaimed from the front: "There is a mechanism!

Glenn and Pavel were knocked out by a small tree!

Two other brothers were stabbed in the feet by wooden sticks! "

The eyes of the three wolf kings almost popped out!

Where did that guy find the time to arrange all this?

Wasn't he injured?

Or... in fact, he had already prepared the trap and deliberately found his group.

Then provoke them and lure them here?

In this kind of forest, if you walk through a place, if you don't look carefully, you won't be able to recognize the original path and it's easy to get lost.

How did this guy lead the way accurately?

Is this big mountain forest his home?

"I'm going to kill him!

I'm going to chop him up and feed him to the wolves!

I want to peel off his skin completely!

I want him to die the most miserable death and never dare to come to me again in the next life! "

Rubingham stood on the branch, yelling angrily.

In the excitement, I accidentally slipped and fell from the top!

This fall was so heavy that I couldn't get up for a long time!

But Tugrev shouted with a gloomy face: "Gather everyone together, don't scatter! Otherwise, he will defeat them one by one!"


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