Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1392 A night of shock

A blind bear suddenly appeared in the habitat of the crowd!

Maybe Yin Xiangming moved while sleeping, which made the blind bear think that there was danger, so it poked his head.

Even if the claws of this thing poked twice, it was like an iron rake raking a person, leaving two deep grooves on Yin Xiangming's right face, with skin and flesh torn and blood flowing.

Yin Xiangming woke up suddenly in pain and shouted loudly.

This completely scared the blind bear.

It roared and slapped Yin Xiangming!

"Lie down!" Fang Kai shouted, flew over, and at the critical moment, he hugged Yin Xiangming and fell to the ground together!


A piece of Fang Kai's clothes on his back was torn off, and his body shook. After falling to the ground, he pushed Yin Xiangming and shouted: "Run!"

At this moment, everyone was awakened and looked at the huge blind bear in front of them, and they were all shocked!

Yin Xiangming glanced at Fang Kai's bloody back and screamed, "Deputy squad leader!"

Fang Kai yelled at him, "Don't worry about me, run!"

He stood up despite the severe pain in his back, pulled out the tiger-toothed knife on his body, and confronted the blind bear!

Lei Ming also rushed over with a tiger-toothed knife, and stood shoulder to shoulder with Fang Kai, facing the blind bear that was two meters tall and five heads, weighing almost four or five hundred kilograms.

The angry blind bear screamed and rushed towards Lei Ming and Fang Kai!

At the critical moment, Lei Ming pushed Fang Kai away and faced the huge blind bear alone!

But his strength was really vulnerable in front of the blind bear.

He was knocked three meters away by the other party with a wave of his arm!

His body hit the tree trunk heavily, and fell to the ground with a bang!


Lei Ming spit out a mouthful of blood, but in the shortest time, he stood up again!

"Mingzi!" Fang Kai was anxious, holding the tiger-toothed knife tightly and rushed forward.

He took the initiative to get into the bear's arms, raised the tiger-toothed knife, and stabbed it hard in the heart!

But it only stabbed the tip of the knife!

This guy has thick skin and flesh, and such strength can't hurt him at all!

Instead, it aroused his anger and roared at Fang Kai!

The camouflage hat on Fang Kai's head was blown away as if it had saluted a strong wind.

The strong wind even made Fang Kai unable to open his eyes. He could only cover his mouth and nose with force and cursed: "Damn, you have bad breath!"

The bear's two strong arms hugged Fang Kai hard and hugged him directly in his arms!

"Akai!" Lei Ming shouted and rushed up desperately!

With the strength of this bear, Fang Kai's bones would be broken in this hug!

What's more terrifying is that it has opened its mouth and bit Fang Kai's head fiercely!

With this bite, at least half of Fang Kai's head will be chewed up by it like a watermelon!

Lei Ming roared and rushed over. The tiger-toothed knife in his hand stabbed the tip of the blind bear's nose with a puff!

"Ah!" The blind bear immediately let go of Fang Kai and used his two claws to scratch his nose.

This place was exactly the blind bear's weakness.

Lei Ming was an accident, and only then did he free Fang Kai!

The blind bear screamed in pain, staggered back, and slapped his two claws in pain.

Everyone was so scared that they dodged, and a thick tree was broken by the blind bear's slap!

At this moment, the blind bear's eyes were red and bloodshot, and white mucus flowed from the corners of his mouth.

The claws finally pushed the tiger-toothed knife to the ground, and blood flowed from his nose, which aroused all his animal nature!

It kept roaring loudly and began to rush towards everyone.

At this moment, a black shadow fell from the sky!

Erganzi jumped onto the head of the blind bear accurately, holding its head, and scratched its left eye with one grab!

Hua Youlin in front of him was only an inch away from the blind bear's claws.

With this slap, Hua Youlin's head would be blown off halfway!

But at this moment, Erganzi appeared and saved his life!

At the same time, Chen Xinan ran over, and the tiger-toothed knife in his hand stabbed into the blind bear's chest with a puff!

The blind bear let out a painful howl and slapped Chen Xinan.

He bent over to avoid it, and another knife stabbed into the right rib of the blind bear!

Several consecutive injuries were serious, and the blind bear let out a painful howl and shook his head desperately.

Erganzi quickly jumped onto a branch, and Chen Xinan went around behind the blind bear, raised his toes, and kicked the blind bear's back door hard!

This is also one of its weaknesses!

The blind bear screamed and fell to the ground.

Then he rolled over, got up with a trembling body, and fled to another place quickly!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ground in fear.

Hua Youlin even cried out loud!

Xia Hongfeng and Long Sheng ran over, helped Lei Ming and Fang Kai up, and almost shouted at the same time:

"Squad leader, deputy squad leader, you are injured!"

"Hurry up and bring iodine to stop the bleeding for the squad leader and deputy squad leader!"

Li Nianbei's face was pale, and he shouted to Chen Xinan: "Where have you been?

If you had come out earlier, the squad leader and deputy squad leader would not have been injured!

Why are you not here every time we are in danger?

You only appear every time someone is injured!

Is it only in this way that you can show how important you are?

You are taking our lives lightly, right!"

Chen Xin'an took the iodine solution handed over by Shao Yang and said while cleaning Lei Ming and Fang Kai's wounds:

"There was something unusual in the woods just now, I went to check it out!

This blind bear didn't come here alone.

Many wild beasts in the forest seemed to be frightened and ran forward!

I think something dangerous is coming from behind, so we can't stay here any longer.

Everyone pack their backpacks immediately, we have to rush back overnight! "

Li Nianbei said fearfully: "We know clearly that many wild beasts have passed by, but we still follow them. Isn't this like throwing ourselves into a trap?

I think it’s better to stay here. Anyway, you are so powerful. As long as you protect us, nothing will happen. It won’t be too late to leave after dawn!

It's just that you can't run away anymore, disappearing at every turn, and putting us in danger! "

Zhang Jinlin looked at the time and cursed inexplicably: "It's only two o'clock, I should change my guard.

The monitor worked until twelve o'clock, more than three hours.

The second shift is for you, Li Nianbei, from twelve o'clock to two o'clock.

I'll take your call from two to four.

The shift deputy took over my duty from four o'clock until dawn.

In other words, it was Li Nianbei who was on duty just now! "

Everyone also reacted and glared at Li Nianbei.

Yin Xiangming cursed in a tearful voice: "How the hell did you get on the whistle?

The blind bear crawled onto my face! "

Li Nianbei's face suddenly turned pale, and he stammered: "I, I fell asleep just now..."

Xia Hongfeng rushed over and kicked Li Nianbei in the stomach, scolding him:

"We were all almost killed by you!

You fell asleep on guard duty, and the squad leader, deputy and Xiang Ming were both injured! "

Hua Youlin gritted his teeth and cursed at Li Nianbei: "You still blame the instructor for not protecting us?

It was you who neglected your duty!

You almost killed everyone!

It's you who don't take our lives seriously!

Every time something happened, the instructors, squad leader, and deputy tried their best to save us and rushed to the front.

And you?

Just hide behind and complain!

Do you want to kill everyone by yourself when you are still asleep on guard duty in a place like this? "

Li Nianbei burst into tears, shook his head vigorously and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!

I was so sleepy that I fell asleep without even realizing it!

I don’t want to kill everyone, I beg you to forgive me! "

Chen Xin'an shouted to everyone: "Okay, now is not the time to hold people accountable!

Pack your backpack and gear now and get out of here!

I feel danger is coming! "


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