Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1393 The Terrifying Lin Miasma

Under the leadership of Chen Xin'an, everyone began to march towards the base.

At this time, everyone realized the meaning of what Chen Xin'an just said.

The forest seems to be very busy tonight. All kinds of wild animals are moving, all running in the same direction.

Chen Xin'an and Er Zhuangzi also investigated the situation just now.

After measurement, there are two directions for these beasts to escape.

One is the direction of the base, and the other is the direction of the deep pool.

It’s strange, what season is it now, and why is there still a great migration of animals?

And this is not related to species, it seems that all animals have left their original nests.

This abnormal phenomenon made Chen Xinan unable to figure out his head.

And these animals are full of aggression.

There were constant fighting along the way, with countless casualties!

Therefore, Chen Xin'an and the others did not dare to get too close to them and could only follow them from a distance.

This slowed them down a lot.

The thing that worried Chen Xinan the most finally happened.

Among these fleeing animals, more than half were poisoned!

The rest are just a matter of time.

This poison spreads too fast.

At this rate, if the antidote found by wild boars cannot be popularized, the ecological environment of Moshan will be subversively destroyed in a very short period of time!

Going in circles, avoiding the wild beasts, we marched all night.

There were animal carcasses everywhere, in extremely miserable conditions.

Even Chen Xin'an has never seen such a scene.

The entire Desert Mountain was like hell, filled with the stench of blood.

Even the herbs Chen Xin'an prepared in advance didn't work.

Everyone is now a little groggy from inhaling too much of the poisonous stench.

Many people have started to vomit.

Chen Xin'an frowned, there was something wrong with the poisonous gas!

Even the antidote grass, which has an amazing defense against poison gas, doesn't work anymore.

If everyone doesn't return to the base quickly and without wild beasts coming, the poison gas alone will be unbearable, and something big might happen!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an discovered something very bad, they were lost!

This should be impossible to happen, but now it has actually happened!

Even Chen Xin'an herself felt a little incredible.

Because not only was he unable to find the direction, but he also became dizzy with the second pole.

He looked very tired and fell asleep sitting on his shoulder.

This situation is not normal!

Chen Xin'an immediately asked everyone to stop, and they had to find a way to find the direction before they could continue.

He said to everyone: "Everyone rest where you are for the time being. I will go explore the road."

I found the largest tree nearby and climbed up, without stopping, until I reached the top of the tree.

Chen Xin'an found something strange that he actually felt a little tired!

The two poles on the shoulders almost fell off several times.

This abnormal behavior made Chen Xin'an guess that he and Er Pangzi were probably poisoned like everyone else!

But what kind of poison is this and why is it so powerful?

Even he fell into the trap without knowing it?

Hugging a branch as thick as an arm, Chen Xin'an tried his best to steady his body and looked into the distance.

It's the darkness before dawn, and you can't actually see too far.

Even if the strong light is turned on and there are taller trees blocking it, Chen Xin'an can't see far.

However, under the strong light, he saw some vague mist slowly rising on the branches.

The entire forest is like a huge cage, emitting a slight heat.

Fortunately, I could see the stars.

Coupled with the vague terrain around him, Chen Xin'an finally regained his direction.

Just as he was about to go down, the small paw of the second pole slipped, and his body slipped from Chen Xin'an's shoulders and fell straight down!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an suddenly made a move and grabbed its arm!

"What's going on?" Chen Xin'an patted Erpole's little face and found that it had closed its eyes, as if it was asleep.

He took out a handful of sophora and stuffed it into its mouth.

Erzhanzi, who usually jumped up and down in pain after taking one bite, was actually indifferent now!

Doesn't this seem like poisoning?

This guy's eyes were not red, his tongue coating was not black, his breath was stable, and he didn't look like he was poisoned.

He was so asleep!

Chen Xin'an took out a silver needle, pinched open Erpole's mouth, and stuck a needle on the tip of his tongue.

This guy immediately jumped up as if he had been electrocuted. Chen Xin'an didn't give it a chance to get angry, patted it on the back and said, "Go and see what's going on with the smoke up there!"

The second pole reluctantly jumped off his shoulder with a curse, climbed to the top of the tree, and then quickly jumped down and climbed to another tree!

After a while, it finally ran back and shouted loudly at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an's expression also changed, now he finally understood what those cigarettes were!

Miasma in the woods!

And it’s a very toxic miasma!

Now it is just starting to form and spread.

Once the sun comes out and the sunlight reacts with the moisture in the woods, the miasma will spread like wildfire.

At that time, the entire desert mountain forest will turn into a giant poisonous gas field!

No wonder those beasts escaped!

No wonder they ran to the base and the deep pool.

Because there are only these two places with large open air areas.

It is also the place where poisonous gas evaporates and dissipates the fastest.

Without enough time to observe, Chen Xin'an quickly slipped down from the tree with two poles and shouted to everyone:

"Don't rest, let's set off immediately! Head to the three o'clock direction!"

Everyone was a little depressed, especially the injured.

It was like he was sick, his face turned blue and he didn't want to move.

However, Chen Xin'an has given an order. No matter how tired everyone is, they must cheer up.

Everyone helped each other stand up, put on their backpacks, and started walking forward.

After walking a few steps, Shao Yang said in a trembling voice: "Instructor, instructor, look at that, what is that?"

Following the direction of his finger, Chen Xin'an turned around and saw a lot of blue light in the forest, floating in the air like will-o'-the-wisps.

Everyone was startled and all subconsciously moved closer.

Chen Xin'an raised her hand and said to everyone: "Don't be afraid! Try not to make any noise.

It’s the Desert Mountain Wolverine!

Never take the initiative to attack! "

According to the name of the Montenegrin tiger, this thing is also called the Moshan Flat-headed Brother.

Specializes in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction.

There is nothing it is afraid of. Even if it encounters a person, as long as it is provoked, it will fight you to death!

Between you and it, one of you must fall down and be unable to stand up again before the grudge is over.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to rely on its pursuit and entanglement for the rest of your life!

Fortunately, this group of wolverines just looked at everyone and left in a hurry!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Xin'an suddenly stopped everyone, then pointed in the direction and said: "Let's go this way!"

"Why?" Lei Ming was a little confused and said to Chen Xin'an, "Are you afraid of running into them again? In fact, we may not be able to catch up with them now!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to him: "Let's choose another road! Take a detour!"

Even under the illumination of a headlight, you can now clearly see that the surroundings seem to be shrouded in fog.

It’s just that the concentration has not yet reached the lethal level.

Chao Tongguang said anxiously: "If this is the case, then we can't go around randomly, right?

Instructor, I don’t think about anything right now. I just want to lie on the ground and have a good sleep.

I didn’t even know if I could walk back, so I just held on with one breath.

After a long time, I was really afraid that I would lose my breath.

By then, I won’t be able to walk at all! "

Chao Tongguang's words represent the current thoughts of most people.

Everyone felt very uncomfortable and exhausted, and could hardly walk!


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