Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1452 I am a wealthy family

Neither of them was lying down anymore, they were just sitting on the bed facing each other.

Chen Xin'an looked at Ning Xiruo with a straight face and said, "I told you, you can definitely get pregnant.

It can also give us healthy babies.

Why don't you believe me?

To put it bluntly, if you really can't give birth, I won't abandon you just because of this.

At worst, if we adopt one, we can treat him as our own and love him!

Stop worrying about this all day, okay? "

Ning Xiruo shook her head, took Chen Xin'an's hand and said, "Husband, listen to what I have to say.

In fact, the reason why I have this idea is not related to whether I can have children.

This idea has been in my mind for a long time. I also discussed it with Sister Qing, and she let me make my own decision..."

"Ning Xiruo, what on earth do you want to do!" Chen Xin'an glared at Ning Xiruo and cursed at her:

"After so many years of marriage, you don't know how I treat you?"

Ning Xiruo said with red eyes: "I know my husband is good to me.

I also know that there is no other man in the world who can treat me like my husband! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly: "I treat you well and you divorce me?

Do you treat marriage like a child's play, get married whenever you want, and divorce whenever you want?

Ning Xiruo, I originally thought you had matured in the past two years.

Now it seems that she still has such a willful temper! "

With tears in her eyes, Ning Xiruo said to Chen Xin'an with a smile: "Husband, don't be angry, I just think it's inappropriate for us to look like this..."

"You think it's inappropriate now. You didn't have to agree to marry me at the beginning!" Chen Xin'an said angrily:

"We've been married for three years, and you're telling me it's inappropriate?

What do you mean, Ning Xiruo, do you think I'm still not worthy of you?

How can a poor boy who came down from the mountains have you, the goddess of the Eastern Mountains? "

Ning Xiruo shook her head and cried to Chen Xin'an: "It's not my husband, it's me who is not worthy of you!"

Chen Xin'an said irritably: "Don't say such useless things!

I am a poor boy who came down from the mountains and have never seen much of the world.

But I think when two people are together, as long as they have feelings, everything else is not a problem!

It doesn’t matter what status you have! "

Ning Xiruo wiped her tears and said, "But I mind!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned and looked at Ning Xiruo in disbelief.

This sentence really hurt his heart!

But before he could get angry, Ning Xiruo continued to cry and said, "I mind that you will be laughed at by others no matter where you go.

No matter what achievements you achieve, you will always be looked down upon by others.

Say you are just a son-in-law of the Ning family!

Say you are just a freeloader!

The more successful you are, the louder others will laugh! "

Chen Xin'an was stunned. She didn't expect that this was what she cared about.

He said with a bit of laughter and tears: "So you want to divorce me so that you can get rid of this identity?"

Ning Xiruo wiped her tears and said, "I asked Sister Qing, and she said that in Guanbei, being a door-to-door son-in-law is the most looked down upon.

Even if this person is successful, no one will praise him.

Live your whole life in the judgment of others.

It was because of something like this that she wasted her whole life!

This time when you came back from the army, this thought became even deeper.

Because you are carrying Venus!

You are the chief instructor of the entire army!

If others laugh at you, it is equivalent to laughing at all our Chinese troops!

How could such an identity be the son-in-law of the Ning family! "

This silly girl divorced him for this reason!

Only then did Chen Xin'an realize that he had wrongly blamed her.

This is not the willfulness of a rich lady.

On the contrary, I made the decision to sacrifice because I loved him to the extreme!

The anger in Chen Xin'an's stomach dissipated instantly, he held her in his arms and said distressedly:


The mouth is on other people's bodies, so you can say whatever you want, as long as you don't let me hear it!

As for the Ning family's adopted son-in-law, I didn't take it to heart from the day I got married.

I won't divorce you because of this kind of thing.

Don’t have such thoughts anymore! "

Ning Xiruo shook her head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said seriously: "In the past, I could lie to myself and not take this seriously.

But not anymore!

Husband, actually you can remarry me right after you divorce me!

But then you have to seriously propose to me.

It takes eight years to carry a sedan chair to marry me!

In this way, I will become the daughter-in-law of the Chen family.

You can also enter the ancestral graves of the Chen family after death..."

"Pull him down!" Chen Xin'an got a headache just thinking about it. He hugged Ning Xiruo, lay on the bed and shook his head and said:

"Stop messing around! Divorce and marriage are not a game, you can't play like this!"

Ning Xiruo pouted and wanted to object.

Chen Xin'an quickly interrupted her and said, "I know you are not playing a game.

Divorcing first and then getting married was not a joke, but a change in my identity.

But I really don't need it.

The reason why I don't mind the identity of my adopted son-in-law is because from the beginning, I never regarded myself as my adopted son-in-law.

I, Chen Xin'an, am your Ning Xiruo's man. It is my responsibility to protect you and love you.

This has nothing to do with whether I am my adopted son-in-law or not.

As for the ridicule and ridicule of others, as long as I am strong enough, I can stop everyone's mouth.

Of course, I didn't even bother to shut their mouths.

Let’s live our own lives and why bother paying attention to what others say?

If you find it unpleasant, just crush it to death with one finger!

The most important thing is that I promised the old lady that our first child, regardless of gender, will be named Ning.

I am now the son-in-law of the Ning family. It is natural that I have a child named Ning.

When I really go through it all over again, when the child’s surname is Ning, people will say that I, Chen Xin’an, am afraid of my wife! "


Ning Xiruo, who was still crying, couldn't help laughing. She punched Chen Xin'an on the shoulder and said dissatisfied:

"Oh my god, I only came up with a good idea after worrying for so many days, and you're still making fun of me!

No respect for others at all, so irritating!

In fact, there is a more important reason why I want to do this! "

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment and asked her, "What's the reason?"

Ning Xiruo wiped her tears and said solemnly: "The Chen family must exist in Kyoto City.

I want to make you a new wealthy family in Kyoto! "

Chen Xin'an grinned, pinched the tip of Ning Xiruo's cute nose, and said with a smile:

“Let’s not say whether I care about this title or not.

Now in front of everyone in Kyoto, I say that I belong to a wealthy family!

Who do you think dares to object? "

This is true.

How angry is Chen Xinan now?

His wife's winery is nothing to him anymore.

You can give the shares to your daughter-in-law for free, but of course she won't accept them.

Just talk about his own industry.

Ningruo Anhao Group is headquartered in Xialong Office Building.

As soon as it was established, it had the strength to compete with Junhao Group.

Just look at its subsidiaries.

The 46-story Xialong Office Building is located in a prime location in Kyoto.

Dream Media has merged with Huihuang Film and Television.

60% control over the Pangxingzhuang Film and Television City project.

Anhao Real Estate.

Keep security safe.

Sunshine Charity.

Among them, the main project of Anhao Real Estate is the development of Maoping New District!

This does not include Greentown Real Estate, which has already joined, but does not need to invest and only collects money!

It can be said that among all the wealthy families in Kyoto, none is more wealthy than Chen Xin'an!

If he is not from a wealthy family, who is?

Of course, Ning Xiruo's idea is also very simple.

Just establish Wan'er directly and let the name Chen Xin'an become a brand name in Kyoto!

It's just obvious that Chen Xin'an doesn't care about such a reputation at all!


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